How and what to feed corn: the best compositions and rules for their application to obtain a rich harvest
Corn is a heat-loving crop, so many gardeners believe that it is worth growing only in the southern regions of our country. But that's not true. Thanks to proper care and timely feeding, the plant can be grown even at a dacha in central Russia.
How to feed corn to grow in the country, what fertilizers to use to get a rich harvest - we’ll figure it out in the article.
The Importance of Fertilizing Corn
To ensure intensive growth and fruiting for corn, it is necessary to take care of timely and high-quality feeding.
Since corn is a demanding heat-loving plant, the gardener will have to ensure that the temperature, acidity and moisture of the soil correspond to the parameters necessary for the full growth and development of the plant.
Why do you need fertilizing?
The amount of nutrients in the fertilizer depends on the phase of crop development.
Basic elements required for corn growth:
- nitrogen;
- potassium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- zinc;
- boron;
- copper.
Nitrogen affects corn yield. Potassium increases drought resistance and has a positive effect on the grain that is formed on the cob. Phosphorus is involved in the formation of the root system, photosynthesis and plant respiration.
With a lack of calcium, productivity decreases. If corn lacks boron, it will not bloom as well. Zinc is involved in the growth process and increases the frost resistance of the plant.
That's why it is important to choose the right fertilizer, which would provide the plant with all the substances and microelements it needs.
The best fertilizer for corn
For feeding corn It is recommended to use different types of fertilizers: mineral and organic.
Organic fertilizers
If organic matter in the soil is deficient, the corn stalk becomes thin and light-colored, and crusting can be seen on the ground around it.
The best organic fertilizer for corn is manure.. Root feeding is carried out with this organic substance when the shoots have already sprouted. Most often, gardeners use liquid manure for fertilizer - it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:50 and watered at the rate of 10 liters of water per 1 m².
Another option for preparing fertilizer: 10 kg of manure is dissolved in 50 liters of water and infused in a dark place for 5 days. Afterwards, the solution is diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio and the plant is watered.
Reference. Application of manure in the amount of 30 kg can increase the yield by up to 10 quintals per hectare.
Chicken manure contains microelements necessary for corn: phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium. For 10 m², 5 buckets of chicken manure are used. After application, the yield increases by one and a half times.
Mineral supplements
Mineral fertilizers affect productivity and help the plant adapt to cold weather conditions.
They are divided into 2 types: complex and single-component (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus).
Potash fertilizers
Potash fertilizer affects the distribution of water in the plant. With a deficiency of this substance, corn loses its ability to withstand drought, the stems sink to the ground.
Thanks to potassium, yields increase and taste improves, and stress caused by bad weather is reduced.
The period for applying potassium fertilizers depends on the type of soil: Sandy soil needs fertilizing in the spring, and clay soil in the fall.
Attention! A good fertilizer option is potassium salt. It is added when the corn has 6-7 leaves. For 1 hectare of land, 0.5 kg of the substance is used.
Nitrogen fertilizers
The volume and raw material properties of the crop depend on the nitrogen content in the soil.
Ammonium nitrate is one of the best nitrogen fertilizers. It is applied to the soil 2 times. Half of the norm - in the spring for plowing, the second half - in the summer as plant nutrition.
In summer, fertilizing is carried out when the first 5 leaves appear on the plant, then when the ears have formed on the corn. With nitrogen deficiency, the leaves become yellow and pale, and thin out. Foliar feeding is also carried out with an ammonia solution - the leaves are sprayed.
Important! Do not overuse nitrogen fertilizers. Its excess can negatively affect the plant - the amount of nitrates will increase and the dry matter content in the grains will decrease.
Phosphorus fertilizers
Phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil before sowing. Phosphorus increases the cold resistance of the plant and accelerates the ripening process of the cobs.
Superphosphate and ammophos are used: 8-12 kg of substance are applied per 1 ha.
It can be useful:
How to deal with the most dangerous pests and diseases of corn
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What fertilizer is best to apply when planting?
What fertilizer is best to apply when sowing? Beginner gardeners are often interested in this question.
Corn does not like soil with a high concentration of minerals. Therefore, before planting, preference is given to organic substances.In autumn or spring, add compost: 0.5 buckets per 1 m².
To increase the amount of harvest, you can add urea to the soil in the spring (100 g per 10 m²).
For corn for grain
Corn feeding for grain is carried out several times per season. When planting grains, only mineral fertilizers are applied.
First of all, corn needs phosphorus. Superphosphate is applied in small doses: 10 kg per 1 ha to a depth of 3 cm.
For table corn
The first root feeding is carried out after 5-6 sheets appeared. It is better at this stage to use complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.
The second time the corn is fertilized before the initial phase of flower panicle growth. You can use mineral and organic fertilizers (manure, herbal infusion).
Foliar feeding in the form of spraying is also used, when the plant has 5-6 leaves, the second - after 10 days. Spraying can be done with a solution of magnesium sulfate. Plants are sprayed no more than 4 times during the growing season with an interval of 1-2 weeks.
Feeding corn by month
In June, fertilize with fertilizers containing nitrogen., since this time is characterized by active plant growth. You can use nitrophoska, ammonia water.
In July, nitrogen fertilizing of corn with urea is repeated.. Additionally, root and foliar feeding is used depending on the condition of the plant.
Special attention must be paid to feeding corn in August., since this month the cobs ripen. Fertilizing will affect the taste and juiciness of the fruit. During this period, mineral and organic fertilizers are used.
Tips and recommendations from experienced summer residents
To get a rich harvest, follow simple rules:
- Apply mineral fertilizer evenly to the soil by irrigation. The substances do not spread in the soil, but it is necessary that all roots receive uniform nutrition.
- Before fertilizing, it is necessary to water the soil well.
- Monitor the dosage of corn fertilizer. It is better to apply less fertilizer than more. With an excess of nutrients, there will be an intensive increase in green mass, but there will be fewer ears.
- Do not use several types of fertilizer at once. Some substances are incompatible with each other.
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Tasty and sweet variety of corn "Bonduelle"
Corn is a demanding and capricious plant. Before planting, study the properties of the soil and use only those substances that are lacking.
Do not apply too much mineral fertilizer. Corn does not like it when they are contained in excess in the soil.