The most popular types of wheat cereals with photos and names
If bread is the head of everything, then wheat is the neck on which this head rests. But the golden grain crop is included in the human diet not only as part of flour products. A large number of cereals are made from it. Many of them are popular, but some have been undeservedly forgotten.
What cereals are made from wheat: types and names
Wheat cereal has been consumed as an independent dish for a long time. Tender and nutritious porridges were eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then they began to be used as a side dish for meat and fish. Since then, little has changed, except that the range of cereals has increased significantly.
The photo shows wheat groats.
Benefits of wheat cereals:
- regulate the digestion process due to the high fiber content, which stimulates intestinal motility;
- when consumed regularly, due to its rich chemical composition, it stimulates and strengthens the immune system;
- replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals;
- have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and bones;
- Well suited for dietary nutrition, easy to digest.
Artek wheat groats in Russia are produced according to GOST 276-60 from durum wheat (durum). These are finely crushed grains wheat, which completely free from the embryo and partially from the seed and fruit membranes. After this, the grains are ground. Cereals have subspecies that depend on the size of the particles and their shape. They are all characterized by a yellow color and a wheat aroma without notes of mustiness or mold.The taste is mild, without bitter or sour overtones.
How to make cereal from wheat:
- Using separators, wheat grains are cleaned. A 3-step cleaning process removes all mineral impurities.
- After this, the wheat is slightly moistened and kept in this state for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
- Then, the films and the embryo are removed using beakers.
- Perform grinding.
- Next, the grain is crushed and sifted. At this stage, the resulting particles are sorted by size.
- If the particle diameter exceeds the norm, they are additionally polished.
- At the last stage, the cereal is checked for metal-magnetic impurities.
Energy and nutritional value per 100 g of dry product:
- proteins – 11-11.5 g;
- fats – 1.2-1.3 g;
- carbohydrates – 68-68.5 g;
- calorie content – 330 kcal.
The indicators are the same for both Artek and Poltavskaya (No. 1-4), since they are produced from the same raw materials. The differences are only in the degree of grinding.
Poltava groats are also produced from durum wheat and varies in particle size:
- No. 1. The species' embryo has been completely removed and the seed and fruit membranes have been partially removed. The grain is polished, elongated with rounded ends. This grain is well suited for making side dishes and soups.
- No. 2. Medium-sized particles, free of germ, oval in shape with rounded edges. Used when cooking soups and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.
- No. 3. Smaller particle size than No. 2, with polished edges, yellow or gray-yellow. Cereals No. 3 and No. 4 are used exclusively for cooking porridge.
- No. 4. The smallest grains remaining during the sorting process. They are also sanded. The particles are yellowish, with gray inclusions.
This cereal also has another name - arnivka. It is made from durum wheat (spring vitreous wheat is used) by crushing the grains, cleared of the germ and shells, and then grinding them. In appearance, the cereal is yellowish or translucent, with a barely noticeable shine. Has a characteristic wheat smell. Arnautka is used in preparing porridges and first courses.
Energy and nutritional value of Arnautka:
- proteins – 13.8 g;
- fats – 1.2;
- carbohydrates – 68.5 g;
- calorie content – 318 kcal.
Bulgur grain (or bulgor) is very popular in Eastern countries. It is made from durum wheat. The grains are steamed, dried and cleared of bran, and then crushed.
There are several varieties of bulgur depending on the size of the ground grains. The largest varieties (coarse) are used for preparing soups and hot dishes, medium (medium) - for salads and cold dishes, small (fine) - for baking.
The groats have a beautiful golden hue, with a delicate nutty taste (reminiscent of hazelnuts). When cooking, it practically does not boil down and remains crumbly. Adherents of a healthy diet highly value bulgur for its beneficial properties:
- relieves inflammation in the body;
- reduces the risk of cancer;
- serves as a source of minerals;
- reduces the risk of asthma in children;
- normalizes intestinal function.
Thanks to steaming, bulgur does not need to be washed. To maximize the taste of the cereal, it is slightly heated in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of butter until a nutty aroma appears.
This type of crushed wheat is widely used in cooking. Bulgur is used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, it is used to stuff vegetables and complement salads.
Energy and nutritional value of bulgur:
- proteins – 15 g;
- fats – 1.5 g;
- carbohydrates – 75 g;
- calorie content – 340-360 kcal.
Wheat flakes
Wheat flakes are a cereal product made from premium quality durum wheat. During production, raw materials go through several stages of preparation:
- Whole grains are cleaned of dust and husks.
- After this, the raw materials are washed and dried several times.
- The grain is put under a press and flattened until thin flakes form.
The resulting golden flakes are treated with steam. Some types are made not from whole grains, but from wheat cereals. Depending on the raw materials and the degree of steam treatment, wheat flakes are divided into 2 subspecies: those that require heat treatment and those that do not require cooking.
Just pour hot water or milk over the latter and let it brew. This is an excellent breakfast option that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and provides energy for the whole day thanks to its high carbohydrate content.
Energy and nutritional value of wheat flakes:
- proteins – 16 g;
- fats – 1 g;
- carbohydrates – 70 g;
- calorie content – 335 kcal.
The basis of modern couscous is semolina, made from wheat. It is sprinkled with salt water and rolled into tiny balls, which are then sprinkled with flour or semolina and passed through a sieve for sorting. The size of the grains varies from 0.5 to 2 mm. The resulting particles are pale yellow in color, with a slightly salty taste.
Couscous differs from other wheat grains not only in the way it is produced. It must be cooked exclusively by steaming. After this, the couscous is poured with boiling water or hot broth and infused under a hot lid.
Nutritional and energy value:
- proteins – 12.8 g;
- fats – 0.6 g;
- carbohydrates – 77.5 g;
- calorie content – 376 kcal.
Spelled is a grain product obtained from a special type of wheat - emmer, or emmer. Making cereal is simple: the grains are washed, removed as much as possible from films and either crushed or immediately sorted into bags.
Attention! In stores you can most often find crushed spelt, but whole grain cereals are of greatest value to the human body.
Spelled became widespread in Russia in the 19th century, but over time its beneficial properties were forgotten. Nowadays, this cereal can be found mainly only in health food stores. It is ideal for breakfast - spelled porridge is delicate in taste and very filling. The high fiber content regulates intestinal function and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
Nutritional and energy value of spelled:
- proteins – 14.5 g;
- fats – 2.4 g;
- carbohydrates – 70 g;
- calorie content – 338 kcal.
What other products are made from wheat?
Not only cereals, but also other valuable products are obtained from wheat grains.
Everyone's least favorite (or favorite) semolina since childhood is made simultaneously with the grinding of wheat into flour. These are large particles of crushed endosperm. In Russia, the production of semolina is controlled by GOST 7022-97. According to him, cereals are divided into the following types:
- M - soft wheat, cream or white, without transparency of particles;
- MT – from soft wheat (with the addition of durum in an amount of up to 20% of the total weight), translucent;
- T – exclusively made from durum, yellowish and translucent.
In addition to preparing porridges, semolina is used in casseroles and baked goods.
Reference. Durum is a variety of durum wheat with a high fiber and gluten content.
Flour is considered the most valuable wheat product. Bread and similar products are baked from it, and added to various dishes and sauces. Bread flour is made from soft wheat, which has a high gluten content. Durum flour is used to make pasta or for home use.
Stages of flour production:
- The grain is checked for quality.
- If necessary, dry and then clean from organic debris.
- The raw materials are moistened in 3 stages and ground to a powdery state, and then sent to an industrial sieve. Sorting by size takes place here. The finest particles obtained from the core are packed like fine flour. Grade 1 – larger particles. Grade 2 is flour made from material close to the grain shell.
Pasta is present in the human diet as a side dish for main courses, as an additive to soup or casserole. They are made from durum wheat flour. To do this, sift the flour, mix it with purified water and roll the resulting dough into a thin layer. After this, special knives cut the dough and send it to shape. In this way, many different types of this product are obtained: vermicelli, cones, spirals, spaghetti, etc.
A clear liquid with a pungent odor is used in many areas. Alcohol is used in the production of alcoholic and cosmetic products, medicines and household chemicals.
The grain is sorted by size and cleaned of dust and various impurities. After this, the raw materials are boiled, thus releasing the starch for further stages of production.The resulting homogeneous mass is saccharified and subjected to the process of fermentation and distillation, after which the alcohol is purified and sorted into containers.
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Fertilizers for winter wheat: what to feed in the fall
The variety of cereals produced from wheat grains makes it possible to enrich the daily human diet. The usual wheat flakes, semolina, arnautka, etc. are made from this grain crop. We should not forget about the cereals that came to us from other countries - bulgur and couscous. These products are ideal for a healthy diet and have a beneficial effect on the body.