Can an allergy to rice occur and how does it manifest itself?
Food allergy is a condition characterized by increased sensitivity to foods. The allergen is often the protein contained in fish, cow's milk, eggs, as well as cereals, nuts, citrus fruits, and chocolate. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs after eating rice, even though the protein composition of the product is poor.
The article explains whether there is an allergy to rice, the reasons for its occurrence in adults and children, symptoms, which doctor to see, how to diagnose and how to treat.
Is there an allergy to rice?
Is rice an allergenic product or not? The answer is unequivocal - yes. Based on its chemical composition, rice is considered a hypoallergenic product, but more than 10 types of proteins were found in it, and therefore rice can cause food allergies.
The likelihood of such a condition is influenced by the type of product, the content of provoking substances in the composition, the amount of allergen that has entered the body, the method of culinary processing, genetic factors, and characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract.
Are white, brown and other types of rice allergenic?
Cereals have a low degree of allergenicity. Due to the absence of gluten, it is recommended as an alternative to oats and wheat for people with hypersensitivity to gluten. However, any product, including rice, can acquire allergenic properties.It contains amino acids - the main provocateurs of an allergic reaction. Their number varies depending on the type of cereal.
There are 18 types of rice, each of which combines many varieties that differ in nutritional and taste qualities, external characteristics (color, size, shape). The most popular options for preparing everyday meals are white rice, parboiled rice grits and brown unpolished rice. All varieties of cereal contain protein components to a greater or lesser extent, and therefore can provoke an allergic reaction in people sensitive to them.
Raw rice is more allergenic than cooked rice. However, most proteins are heat stable, so even after cooking, the allergenic potential remains.
For reference. Based on its benefits to the body, the healthiest product is steamed white and brown unpolished rice. Due to the factory processing technology used, they retain vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds.
Causes of rice allergy
The appearance of allergies is often associated with increased sensitivity of the body to protein compounds. Upon first contact with an allergen, immune cells mistakenly identify the protein as harmful and cause the formation of immunoglobulin E (IgE). Antibodies are adsorbed on the surface of tissue basophils and remain there for a long time.
When reintroduced into the body, the inciting antigen binds to IgE basophils, activating mast cells and histamine production. The latter plays an important role in the development a number of painful conditions, causes spasm of smooth muscles and bronchi, dilation of capillaries, tissue swelling, inflammation.
The occurrence of food intolerance to rice is facilitated by the hereditary and genetic properties of the body, manifested by abnormal activity of the immune system and an increased level of reactivity.
Features of the gastrointestinal tract facilitate the contact of the allergen with IgE and increase the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction: low acidity of gastric juice, the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, and increased intestinal permeability syndrome.
Important! The reaction can be initiated not by the grain itself, but by the products used to treat the fields where the grain was grown (pesticides, fertilizers, pest control products). To give the product an attractive presentation and increase shelf life, modern manufacturers subject rice to chemical treatment.
In children
In children, rice allergy most often appears before the age of 12 years. This condition is explained by contacts with new antigens for the child’s body and increased reactivity.
Subsequently, immunological tolerance to rice is developed, and the severity of the disease decreases. In some cases, rice intolerance can last a lifetime and be complicated by other allergic diseases.
The allergen can enter the child's body through the placenta or through the breast milk of a mother who has cereal intolerance. For this reason, a woman during pregnancy and lactation should control her diet.
Otherwise, the likelihood of an allergic reaction in the child in the future increases.
How does a rice allergy manifest?
Clinical signs of an allergic condition are varied and include skin symptoms, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, and sometimes the development of anaphylactic shock.
The inflammatory response to the allergen can manifest itself as headache, hearing loss, redness and pain in the conjunctiva, and lacrimation.
Skin reactions
Skin symptoms often occur between 30 minutes and 2-3 hours after consuming the allergen. When nerve endings are irritated, skin itching, rashes of various types and localizations, swelling, and the formation of blisters on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes appear. Children experience redness of the skin in the anus and genitals.
Depending on the severity of the allergy and the amount of allergen entering the body, symptoms last from several hours to several days. Provided there is no contact with the provocateur of the allergic reaction, skin manifestations completely disappear within 72 hours.
If the dangerous product has not been eliminated from the diet, the allergic reaction persists, with each new episode characterized by more pronounced and severe symptoms.
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
In the first hours after eating rice, digestive disorders may occur. Patients complain of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and heartburn. In some cases, the condition is complicated by swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, and lips. In newborns, an allergic reaction can occur with increased gas formation, intestinal colic, loss of appetite, regurgitation, and constipation.
Respiratory symptoms
Sometimes the allergic process leads to nasal congestion, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and sore throat, which makes it difficult to find the source of the problem.
Hidden allergy to rice
It is characterized by late development of the clinical picture, usually 3 days after the first contact with the allergen. In contrast to the phase of the early immune response, the symptoms are less pronounced and increase gradually, provided that the allergen periodically enters the body.
Typical are general and local signs of allergies from the skin, digestive and respiratory systems.
Other nonspecific symptoms of hidden rice allergy:
- decreased endurance and performance;
- general weakness, malaise;
- headache;
- frequent urination;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- muscle pain;
- tendency to catch colds.
Diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions and pathologies of the immune system is carried out by an allergist-immunologist. Given the variety of clinical manifestations, the patient may need consultation with other highly specialized specialists: pulmonologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, dermatologist.
Examination of a patient with suspected allergies begins with an external examination and examination of medical history. The doctor assesses the condition of the skin, the nature and location of the rash. To limit the range of possible allergens, he finds out what foods and in what quantities the patient has consumed over the past 3 days. Using a biochemical blood test, the level of immunoglobulins E and G is assessed.
The most informative diagnostic methods are allergy skin tests and immunological tests.. Differential diagnosis of food allergies must be carried out with other allergic pathologies and skin diseases. If symptoms from the digestive system occur, it is important to exclude gastrointestinal diseases with a similar clinical picture: acute gastritis, acute intestinal infections, gastroenteritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.
Therapeutic measures include several stages: alleviating the severity of clinical manifestations, removing the allergen from the body, and preventing subsequent contacts with it. If concomitant pathologies or cross-allergic reactions are detected, they are simultaneously treated.
Elimination of symptoms and the absence of new episodes of allergies is ensured by pharmacological methods, adherence to a hypoallergenic diet, and with the help of homeopathic remedies. To enhance the effect, conservative therapy is supplemented with traditional medicine recipes.
To relieve the symptoms of food allergies or their complete disappearance, antihistamines are prescribed in various forms - spray, drops, tablets, injections, ointments. The dosage form is selected taking into account the patient’s age, general health, and the severity of clinical manifestations.
If no more than a few hours have passed since the allergen entered the body, enterosorbents are taken. If rice was consumed several days ago, you can speed up the removal of the allergen using diuretics and infusion therapy.
Antihistamines have a symptomatic effect and alleviate the severity of symptoms, but do not affect the causes of the disease. Therefore, homeopathic medicines are increasingly being used to treat food allergies.They are absolutely safe for the body, well tolerated by patients, and rarely cause side effects.
The drugs do not have a direct effect on the functions of the body, but strengthen specific and nonspecific immunity, modify protein structures, reduce sensitivity to the allergen and reduce the likelihood of relapses. Homeopathic medicines promote healing of the entire body.
For reference. It is necessary to take homeopathic remedies over a long course (on average 2 months).
Traditional methods
Traditional recipes in combination with conservative therapy methods shorten the duration of treatment and reduce the drug burden.
Fresh mint relieves itching, soothes irritated skin, and accelerates the healing process of the outer skin. Apply mint leaves to the affected area and secure with a few turns of a bandage.
Advice. Hard-to-reach places on the skin can be treated with aloe juice. The plant has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal properties.
Green tea is used as an antioxidant. Several cups a day inhibit the oxidation of free radicals, restrain the activity of inflammation, prevent the progression of allergic reactions, remove waste and toxins, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Another effective remedy in the fight against food allergies is mumiyo. The product has a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. To prepare the medicine, 1 g of mountain resin must be diluted in 1 liter of purified warm water. Take 100 ml solution once a day in the morning for adults and children over 7 years old.A solution prepared from 1 g of mumiyo and 100 ml of warm water can be used externally on areas of irritation and rash.
Preventive measures
The most significant measures to prevent food allergies are lifestyle changes, giving up bad habits, proper and balanced nutrition, and timely treatment of diseases of the digestive system.
Infants begin to introduce rice into their diet in small doses. In the absence of an allergic reaction, the dose of the product is gradually increased. If your baby has an allergy to cereal, you need to exclude it from the menu for a while. You can introduce a new product no earlier than after 2 weeks.
Limiting rice in the diet of a mother with increased sensitivity to the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding will help reduce the likelihood of a child being allergic to rice.
The risk of food allergies increases due to intestinal dysfunction. Due to frequent and prolonged constipation, waste and toxins accumulate in the body, which causes negative effects on the skin and digestive organs. In order for stool to be regular and of normal consistency, you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs.
Read also:
How to recognize a beet allergy.
The most delicious recipes for cucumbers with citric acid for the winter.
Reaction to eating Chinese plastic rice
You can find counterfeit rice from China on the shelves. Outwardly, it does not differ from natural grain, but its taste and nutritional value are much lower. The worst thing is that such a product threatens health and is toxic to the human body.To protect yourself from purchasing plastic rice, it is better to buy premium quality cereal from trusted foreign or domestic producers.
Eating such rice increases the likelihood of an allergic reaction due to the presence of potato starch in the composition. To produce cereals, polyethylene is used, which is passed through a meat grinder, and potato starch. The output is smooth and even grains. Then they are mixed with natural rice grains, reducing the cost of the product.
Advice. To check the quality of rice grains, just dip a few grains into water. The natural product will sink to the bottom because it is heavy and absorbs water, while the plastic substitute will float to the surface.
Rice is a low allergenic product. But with excessive consumption or the presence of provoking factors (age-related features of the gastrointestinal tract, hereditary predisposition), the risk of an allergic reaction exists.
If you identify the allergen in time and limit contact with it, you can hope for a favorable outcome and forget about the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.