How can you use carrot tops for hemorrhoids and how effective is it?

Carrot tops are not only a food product, but also an excellent medicine. It fights vascular diseases and strengthens the heart. In many ways, the tops are known for their medicinal properties against hemorrhoids, because they help reduce pain, itching, remove swelling, and also improve blood circulation. We will tell you in the article how tops are useful in the fight against hemorrhoids and whether you can drink carrot juice with this disease.

Do carrot tops help with hemorrhoids?

How can you use carrot tops for hemorrhoids and how effective is it?

Hemorrhoids are a very unpleasant disease that is accompanied by pain and itching in the anus. In difficult cases, patients develop hemorrhoidal cones and bleeding from the anal canal. These painful sensations affect the person’s psychological state: sleep is disturbed and depression develops.

In such cases, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment and possibly refer you for surgery. But experts do not deny the benefits of folk remedies in the form of various herbal infusions, decoctions and enemas, including carrot tops.

Reference. Carrot tops - These are the leaves of the root vegetable. It is not usually eaten and is therefore considered a by-product.

Medicinal properties and benefits

Carrot leaves contain 6 times more vitamin C than the root vegetable. Tops serve as a source of many useful substances: calcium, potassium and chlorophyll, the benefits of which are to cleanse the blood of toxins, as well as strengthen muscles and bones.

Carrot leaves also contain amino acids, furocoumaric acid, phytoncides and fiber.

They have the following effects:

  • laxative;
  • painkillers;
  • regenerating;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Carrot tops tones blood vessels, cleanses them of atherosclerotic plaques, reduces blood pressure, helps normalize metabolism, and is used to prevent heart disease.

Oral use

For medicinal purposes, the tops are used both internally and externally. Tea is made from carrot leaves and added to food.

How can you use carrot tops for hemorrhoids and how effective is it?


To prepare medicinal tea you will need 50 g of dried carrot leaves and 3 liters of boiling water. Steam the tops for 20-30 minutes.

You should drink an average of 3-5 cups of tea per day. The course lasts until the symptoms completely disappear (1-3 months).


To prepare the infusion you will need 400 ml of boiling water and 2 tbsp. l. chopped tops. This whole mixture is mixed well and left overnight, and the next morning you get a ready-made herbal infusion. Take it 20 minutes before meals. Before breakfast and dinner - 100 ml of infusion, and before lunch - 200 ml.

If you follow the dosage, the course of treatment will last no longer than 4 weeks.

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External use

Carrot tops for hemorrhoids are also used externally in the form of various baths, lotions and compresses.

Bath with carrot tops

5-7 liters of boiling water is poured into a small basin, a tied bunch of carrot tops is placed in it and covered with a thick cloth. The water must cool down before use.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening.Treatment should take no more than 14 days.

Lotions made from infusion of carrot tops

To do this, gauze or bandage is folded in several layers, then the fabric is moistened with infusion of carrot tops. The lotion is applied to the anus for 20-25 minutes.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day, and stop the course when the symptoms begin to go away.

Compress of crushed carrot leaves

To make a compress, finely chop the leaves, after washing them well. Wrap with gauze and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Then apply a compress to the anus. The product stops bleeding and reduces pain.

Suppositories and enemas for hemorrhoids made from carrots

How can you use carrot tops for hemorrhoids and how effective is it?

Rectal carrot suppositories and microenemas based on carrot juice have good effectiveness against hemorrhoids.

Important! For enemas and suppositories, it is not the tops that are used, but the root vegetable itself, which also has medicinal properties.

Making a microenema is simple. 1/4 tbsp. juice in the form of an enema for a week can relieve pain, remove spasms and stop bleeding.

To make a candle, carrots are cut so that they are no more than 2-3 cm in length, and the diameter does not exceed 1 cm. The use of such a candle is similar to a pharmacy one: it is inserted into the anus, preferably at night, so that it can come out naturally in the morning.

Precautionary measures

Exceeding the amount specified in prescriptions can aggravate the disease. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and Before use, consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment and give prescription recommendations.


Traditional methods of treatment have always been safer than medications, but there are also contraindications in which categorically It is prohibited to use all of the above recipes.

Medicines made from carrots and carrot tops are contraindicated:

  • people who are allergic to these vegetables;
  • with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children.


Carrot tops are actively used for prevention purposes. Since it is a natural product, it can be consumed occasionally in the form of tea. This way you will strengthen blood vessels, prevent the development of hemorrhoids, and protect yourself from unnecessary trips to the doctor.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, it is worth adjusting your lifestyle. Stop drinking alcohol, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and exercise, because hemorrhoids most often appear in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


Treatment of hemorrhoids with carrot tops has long been practiced in the world. Let's consider the reviews of people who had to treat the disease in this way.

Elena, 45 years old: “I suffered from hemorrhoids for many years, doctors prescribed medications, but they gave only a short-term effect. I found an article on the Internet about the benefits of carrots and carrot tops, and, surprisingly, after 2 months of drinking tea from the tops and using lotions, the pain almost went away. I recommend trying it. There are plenty of carrot tops in everyone’s garden; in extreme cases, it won’t do any harm.”

Sergey, 57 years old: “I have chronic hemorrhoids. I try to use everything: baths, compresses, my wife often makes tea from carrot tops. During an exacerbation, this helps a lot, since the effect occurs within 10-15 minutes. I also sometimes make candles from carrots.”

Evgeniy, 41 years old: “It just so happens that I have a sedentary job, so I’ve been bothered by hemorrhoids for several years now. Hemorrhoidal cones often began to fall out, and then he consulted a doctor.He recommended candles to me, good, expensive ones, but they didn’t help me. Then my wife read about the benefits of carrot tops. Literally 2 months after regularly drinking tea and using baths, my stool improved, and the pain was no longer so severe.”

Read also:

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Carrot tops are a universal folk remedy for many diseases. It restores and strengthens blood vessels, and also reduces the risk of thrombosis and hemorrhoids. Therefore, when growing carrots, do not throw away their tops, but use them for preventive purposes.

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