Features of treating hemorrhoids with onions
Hemorrhoids are a common disease that occurs due to the enlargement of hemorrhoids located in the anus due to venous insufficiency. Accompanied by discomfort, a burning sensation, heaviness, and a feeling of a foreign body in the anus. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, mostly complex and includes the prescription of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and microcirculation correctors.
In combination with traditional methods, baked onions are often used for hemorrhoids.
Useful properties of onions
Onion - a source of useful microelements, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, amino acids, flavonoids. Thanks to the combined effects of its components, onions have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, supporting the functions of internal organs and systems. It has been proven that the vegetable strengthens the immune system, protects against flu, colds, and helps in the fight against genitourinary infections.
Onions prevent the development of diabetes, as they have the ability to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, remove excess sugar, and to a certain extent provide the body with magnesium and potassium.
B vitamins have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system - they support proper heart function, increase the strength and elasticity of small capillaries, stabilize blood pressure, remove excess fluid from the body, and neutralize swelling.
Thanks to the presence of dietary fiber, metabolism accelerates, digestion processes improve, the intestines are cleansed of waste and toxins, which helps to quickly lose excess weight. With a low calorie content, 41 kcal per 100 g, onions provide quick and long-term saturation of the body, increase endurance and performance.
Systematic consumption of onions can restore not only physical health, but also increase mental performance. The vegetable puts the nervous system in order, activates thinking processes, improves memory, attention, and relieves stress.
Onions are a popular cosmetic product. Onion masks prevent the appearance of wrinkles, tone, moisturize the skin, and reduce pigmentation. Onion juice is used to treat the scalp for seborrhea and baldness to strengthen the hair roots. The hair becomes soft, shiny, silky, and dandruff does not appear.
How onions affect hemorrhoids
Onions are used to treat different types of hemorrhoids - internal (only internal hemorrhoids are enlarged), external and combined. It affects the symptoms of the disease and has almost no effect on the causes that provoked it.
Onion effectively relieves pain, burning, itching around the anus associated with inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids and surrounding tissues. In addition, it performs a number of important functions:
- improves the tone of venous vessels;
- inhibits inflammation;
- reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing blood clots;
- suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, stops their growth and reproduction, and causes death;
- stimulates blood circulation processes;
- has a laxative effect, normalizes stool and stool consistency, thereby facilitating the process of bowel movement;
- eliminates tissue swelling.
Since one of the reasons for the development of hemorrhoids is obesity, following the onion diet will help you get rid of unnecessary pounds, which in turn will reduce the likelihood of inflammation of the hemorrhoids.
Is it possible to eat onions during exacerbation of hemorrhoids?
A special diet and diet for regular bowel movements will help slow down the progression of the disease. It is necessary to exclude hot, spicy, fatty foods from the diet. Onions are allowed to be eaten in limited quantities and preferably after heat treatment. The bulbs are boiled, baked, stewed.
Advice. When preparing any onion-based dish, try to make it less high in calories, do not use oil, animal fats, high-calorie sauces, or seasonings.
Treating hemorrhoids with onions
In combination with traditional methods, treatment of hemorrhoids with onions enhances the therapeutic effect and increases the duration of the asymptomatic period. As an independent remedy, the vegetable can be recommended in the early stages of hemorrhoids or for the purpose of its prevention in the presence of provoking factors.
Depending on the severity of the symptoms, stage and form of the disease, onions are used internally or externally in the form of compresses, lotions, for heat and steam baths.
The most popular recipes and schemes for curing hemorrhoids with onions:
- Milk and onion baths. Peel about 3-4 medium-sized onions, wash, put in a saucepan, pour in 2 liters of milk. After boiling, cook over low heat for another 10-15 minutes.Cool under the lid to a temperature of 60-70°C. Warm the anus over a container with a decoction once a day every 5-6 days until the severity of the symptoms alleviates. The average duration of one procedure varies between 10-15 minutes.
- Onion juice. Grind the peeled onions using a blender, grater or meat grinder. Place the pulp in gauze, folded in several layers, squeeze out the juice. Take 1 tbsp orally. l. three times a day, with plenty of water. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, onion juice is mixed with natural honey in equal proportions.
- Onion candles. To prepare suppositories, it is better to use sevok. Peel the bulbs, pour honey, leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Use onion rectally at night every other day.
- Baked onions for hemorrhoids. Cut the pre-peeled onion in half. Place cut side down on a hot frying pan and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Apply warm onion peel to external hemorrhoids. Leave until completely cool, then replace with a new one.
- Ointment for external use. Grate a fresh onion without peel on a fine grater, squeeze out the mass using gauze. Add distilled water to the onion pulp in a 1:1 ratio, a little Vaseline, so that the resulting mass is similar in consistency to an ointment.
Possible harm and contraindications
Treating hemorrhoids with onions can be harmful to health if there are contraindications. Onions are strictly contraindicated for people allergic to them. External use limits the patient's bleeding from the anus, paraproctitis, anal eczema and dermatitis.
Doctors strongly recommend limiting onions in the diet for people suffering from erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with high acidity, severe urolithiasis, kidney or liver failure.
For reference. Onions are not recommended for consumption by women who are breastfeeding, as they can affect the taste of milk and cause the baby to wean off the breast.
Reviews about the application
The results of such treatment are individual and depend on the stage and form of the disease, the severity of symptoms, and the body’s response to the treatment. Therefore, there are different reviews:
Marina K., 59 years old: “I have chronic hemorrhoids. For 5 years there has not been a single exacerbation, I do not experience pain during bowel movements, there is no sensation of a foreign body. And all thanks to the fact that once every six months I take a two-week course of onion juice with honey. This miracle remedy is recommended to everyone who suffers from hemorrhoids.”
Lyubov T., 28 years old: “After childbirth, hemorrhoids formed. It caused terrible discomfort and pain, but she could not take medicine because she was breastfeeding the child. I decided to turn to traditional methods of treatment. On the Internet I found a lot of positive reviews that baked onions are good for hemorrhoids. I decided to try it on myself. After just three days of use, pain, itching decreased, and irritation went away. After 10 days, I completely forgot what hemorrhoids were.”
Lyudmila N., 46 years old: “I want to say that onions are an ineffective remedy against hemorrhoids. I tried everything in hopes of the miraculous properties of the vegetable: a compress, an ointment, and took onion juice orally. Not a single remedy brought a positive result. As a result, I cured hemorrhoids with Levomekol and Detralex.”
Read also:
Potatoes in the fight against hemorrhoids: how to make suppositories and compresses for treatment.
How to prepare baked onions to draw out pus and use them correctly.
Treating hemorrhoids with onions is an effective, simple and inexpensive way. When used correctly, it alleviates the severity of symptoms, relieves itching, irritation, reduces swelling, normalizes bowel movements, and when consumed as food, improves digestion and promotes regular bowel cleansing.
Despite all the positive properties, onions have certain contraindications. The question of how to treat hemorrhoids with baked onions should be discussed in advance with a specialist, since self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences.