How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

Used in many cuisines around the world onion – an affordable product with a sharp, original taste. However, this vegetable, which is found in every home, is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In this article we will tell you how onions are useful, what harm they can cause and how to use them correctly.

How to eat onions correctly

The healthiest thing is to eat onions raw and baked form. Boiled, and even more so fried vegetables lose a lot of vitamin C and other vitamins during the cooking process.

100 g per day is enough to get the right dose vitamins and microelements, which are contained in this vegetable.

Important. If you have contraindications to eating onions, the norm of 100 g per day is not suitable for you. Consult your doctor about the possibility and amount of its use in your case.

How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

Composition and properties of onions

Onions contain vitamins and microelements beneficial for the human body:

  1. Vitamin C. Promotes the production of collagen, with its help blood vessels, bone tissue and skin are renewed. Vitamin C supports the immune system, so the body is less susceptible to seasonal diseases.
  2. Vitamin B1 normalizes metabolism in the body. Supports the nervous system and helps fight depression and stress. Participates in the transfer of genetic information between cells of the body during their reproduction.
  3. Vitamin B2 takes part in the synthesis of cells of the nervous system. Ensures the formation of red blood cells during the process of hematopoiesis. Helps the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  4. Vitamin B9, or folic acid, helps protein digest properly. This vitamin is considered a women's vitamin because it increases fertility. Without this vitamin, human DNA cannot be formed.
  5. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the immune system, supports the nervous system and visual organs. Participates in the formation of bone tissue and the production of hormones, renewal of the skin.
  6. Vitamin E protects the body from harmful external influences. Helps in the absorption of fats and proteins, the formation of the retina. Normalizes brain function. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the level of sex hormones; it is recommended to take it as a preventive measure against infertility.
  7. Vitamin PP normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is often prescribed to people suffering from diabetes.

Onions contain a large number of microelements: zinc, iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

Onions are 86% water. 100 g contains 41 kcal, carbohydrates - 10.4 g, proteins - 1.4 g, and there is practically no fat in the composition.

Interesting fact. When a child or adult gets a cold, the first thing they advise is to eat more onions. The reason is that it contains a special substance - phytoncide, which helps the body increase immunity during illness.

Benefits and harms

How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

What are the benefits and harms of onions? It has a lot of useful properties:

  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • has a diuretic effect, promotes the outflow of excess fluid from the body;
  • has an anthelmintic effect;
  • enhances the production of digestive juices;
  • Regular consumption helps increase sexual desire.

The main effect of regular consumption of onions for men is increased potency. However, this vegetable does not treat the underlying disease, but helps when taking medications.

Women the vegetable is useful for two reasons:

  • folic acid is indispensable when planning pregnancy;
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

For pregnant and lactating women, there are pros and cons of consuming this vegetable.


  1. Onions fight vitamin deficiency and seasonal decreased immunity. If your pregnancy occurs during the cold season, include a small amount of onions several times a week in your diet.
  2. Folic acid influences the formation of the fetal neural tube, a vital stage in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Fight constipation. Pregnant women at different stages often suffer from this problem; periodic consumption of onions will help cope with it.

Harm of onions for pregnant and lactating women:

  1. Excessive consumption may cause inflammation of the stomach lining. This will provoke gastritis, exacerbation of ulcers or heartburn.
  2. Young mothers should remove onions from their diet while breastfeeding. strong taste affects the taste of milk, and the child may refuse it. If you love onions and can’t deny yourself, try eating a small piece and see how your baby reacts within 2-3 days. If there are no changes in the child's behavior, add the vegetable to your favorite dishes.

Benefits and harms for children

Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to consume fresh onions.The reason is that the gastric mucosa in young children is immature, and when consuming onions, the risk of gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system increases.

Important. Heat-treated onions can be introduced into a child’s diet from 8 months of age.

For children over 3 years of age, consuming this vegetable is especially beneficial during the cold season.

Benefits for weight loss

How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

Many dietary salads, main and first courses contain onions. It is healthy and adds a bright taste - this is important when you have to adhere to a strict, monotonous diet. However, its excess during a diet can stop the weight loss process due to the large amount of carbohydrates.

Advice. Consume this vegetable in the first half of the day, then you will benefit your body and not harm your figure.

Effect on organs and systems of the body

Onions can have a hypnotic effect, have a positive effect on the circulatory system, help metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body. But there is a property in it that can be both beneficial and harmful - it is the fight against microorganisms. On the one hand, it helps fight harmful bacteria, on the other, it can disrupt the intestinal microflora.

Interesting fact. It is thanks to vitamin A, which is contained in onions, that they have such a specific, pungent odor.

This vegetable helps brain activity. With its regular use, the functioning of the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions and memory improves. The aging process of brain cells slows down.

How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

Medicinal properties of onions for various diseases:

  1. B vitamins and potassium help the cardiovascular system - include it in your diet if you suffer from hypertension.
  2. With its help, the liver is cleansed, waste and toxins accumulated by the body are removed. If you suffer from liver problems, drink plenty of fluids and eat fresh vegetables.
  3. When treating osteoporosis, doctors recommend consuming it regularly due to its calcium content, which is easily absorbed.
  4. For gout and for its prevention, doctors recommend including onions in the diet. It helps remove uric acid from the body, preventing its deposition in the joints.
  5. People suffering from diabetes should increase their consumption of onions. It is able to lower blood sugar - this occurs due to vitamin PP. It is especially important to use it for people who struggle with high sugar with the help of insulin.


How to eat onions correctly: daily consumption rates, benefits and harms, contraindications

In some cases, onions can be harmful to the body, so you should not use them:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases - onions irritate the gastric mucosa, which leads to exacerbation or acquisition of gastritis and ulcers;
  • pancreatitis - in the acute form of the disease, eating onions can lead to colic, diarrhea and severe bloating.


Onions are a healthy vegetable that contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. It helps fight diseases and improves immunity during cold season in adults and children. If you have no contraindications, include it in your diet, because another plus is its availability for any wallet.

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