When is it time to collect carrot seeds and how to do it correctly
Many gardeners prefer to harvest carrot seeds themselves rather than buy material in stores. The reasons are different: the desire to get an environmentally friendly harvest, to grow a certain variety or distrust of manufacturers. Purchased seed does not always guarantee the desired result. Therefore, many summer residents prefer to collect seeds themselves.
Obtaining seeds for sowing at home is a simple process, but requires some preparation. We will tell you how to do this correctly in the article.
How to grow carrots for seeds at home
Carrots are a biennial plant. In the first year, root vegetables are suitable for preparing various dishes and preserving them, and you can obtain seeds for further cultivation only in the second year.
For these purposes, varietal rather than hybrid carrots are used. The crop should not be resistant to premature flowering.
Choose large root vegetables. Pay attention to the color characteristic of the variety and the correct shape. Root vegetables must be clean, without mechanical damage.
Carrots are kept in boxes with sand, inspected regularly throughout the storage period.
Planting a garden
At home, gardening is grown in containers. 1-2 days before planting, root crops are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. They are planted in containers and placed close to each other, since the plant definitely needs to be pollinated.Root crops are planted in the soil to their full length, leaving a tail of greenery on the surface. Carrots are taken strictly of one variety.
Important! The soil in the container should contain sand.
Carrots are usually planted in open ground at the end of April. But it's better to wait until the frosts end. Cold soil is not suitable for seed carrots.
Holes are prepared in the garden bed, the depth of which should correspond to the size of the root crops. Root crops are planted vertically, so that the head is not above the soil level. The distance between carrots in a row should be at least 40 cm, and the distance between rows should be at least 70 cm. It is better that the planting site is sunny.
Attention! Umbrella crops and wild carrots should not be planted next to seed carrots.
At the time of planting, it is recommended to add a little ash or compost into the hole, then the soil will be filled with nutrients. While the tops are growing, the carrots are fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen.
During carrot budding, potassium fertilizers are suitable.
While the seed carrots are growing, the soil is regularly mulched, weeded and watered without over-wetting or drying out the soil.
Important! The main pest of root crops is the carrot fly. They escape from it by adding a soap solution to the soil, which kills the larvae.
How carrots bloom, how and where seeds grow
In mid-summer, the first carrot inflorescences appear. Carrots bloom with white umbrellas, similar in shape to dill umbrellas. Carrot seeds ripen in these flower stalks. In August, the umbrellas ripen and are almost ready for collection.
The photo shows carrot flowers.
When to collect carrot seeds
Carrot seeds are harvested at the optimal stage of maturity. In unripe ones, as in overripe ones, the ability to germinate is reduced.Overripe ones may fall off, and then there will be no way to collect them.
Collection time
Harvesting time depends on weather, climatic conditions and carrot variety. The material is mainly collected in July - early August. To determine the period, the condition of the plant is regularly checked.
Signs that seeds are ready to harvest
The first sign of ripening is a change in the color of the inflorescences. They begin to darken, acquire a dark beige, sometimes brown color.
When the inflorescence is completely dry, it is ready for harvesting.
How to assemble correctly
At first glance, there are a lot of seeds in the inflorescences. But not all of them are suitable for planting.
Large inflorescences are selected, small branches are removed, and the stem and main shoots are left. If the summer is wet, the inflorescences are cut off and stored in a dry room to ripen. The room must have good ventilation.
You can check the final readiness of the umbrellas by rubbing them with your hands - the seeds will easily fall off.
It is better to shake off the seeds into prepared containers. These can be plastic cups or small containers. A fabric bag will also work.
How to select unsuitable seeds
The highest quality seeds for planting are located at the edges of the inflorescences. It is recommended to pour them into a separate container.
Carrot seeds are strewn with small fibers, so various debris sticks to them. When poured into a container, it will end up on the surface. It is collected and thrown away.
To check the suitability of the seeds, they are soaked for 2 hours in water at room temperature. Low-quality ones float to the surface, and high-quality ones settle to the bottom. The quality seeds are then filtered and dried.
Where and how to store carrot seeds
For 2-3 years, carrot seed does not lose its germination power if it is stored correctly.
Dried seeds are stored in linen bags or small cardboard boxes in a cool, dark place. Plastic containers and plastic bags are not suitable for storage, as they do not allow air to pass through. It is important that no moisture gets into the container. Direct sunlight should be avoided.
During the storage period, the condition of the material is periodically checked; if spoiled seeds appear, they are thrown away.
At high humidity, the seeds are dried again at room temperature.
Advice from experienced summer residents
Advice from gardeners will help beginners achieve the desired result:
- Before planting, clean carrot seeds from essential oils and tannins - they interfere with germination. To clean, dry seeds in gauze bags are spilled with hot water (not higher than 50°C), and then kept in cold water for 10-15 minutes.
- Give preference to organic fertilizers - manure, humus, chicken droppings. If you use manure as fertilizer, add it to carrot beds 1-2 years before sowing. Freshly applied manure spoils the taste and shape of root crops.
Summer residents with experience in seed production recommend choosing varieties that produce good seed material:
- early varieties - Touchon, Dutch, Amsterdam, Lady;
- medium varieties - Nantes, Karotel, Chantane Royal;
- late varieties - Red Giant, Vita Longa, Bayadera.
Read also:
High-yielding variety of Romos carrots with strong immunity.
A sweet variety of carrots, Shantané Royal, is bright orange in color.
It is not difficult to obtain and collect your own high-quality carrot seeds by following the basic rules. The basis for an excellent result is the choice of a suitable variety of carrots, caring for the plant and timely collection of seeds, as well as compliance with the storage conditions of the seed.