High-yielding carrot variety Romos with strong immunity
Romosa is a mid-season carrot variety characterized by high yield and strong immunity. Produces even and smooth roots with a slightly pointed tip. Compliance with the basic rules of vegetable agricultural technology is the key to a rich and tasty harvest.
Description of the Romos carrot variety
The Romos variety is a representative of the Berlikom variety. Popular due to its high yield and resistance to major diseases of the Apiaceae family. Regardless of the type of soil, up to 65 tons of carrots can be harvested from 1 hectare.
Large root vegetables, distinguished by their rich orange color, have a pointed tip. They are easily pulled out of the soil, so the risk of damage during harvest is greatly reduced.
Carrots can be stored without losing their shape or taste for 8 months.
Origin and development
Romos is an achievement of Dutch breeders from Bejo Zaden B.V. The work of specialists was aimed at developing not only a vegetable crop that is high-yielding and resistant to diseases and pests, but also has remarkable commercial and taste characteristics.
Reference. Romosa is one of the best professional varieties of well-known foreign seed producers, recognized as leaders in world selection.
Chemical composition, trace elements and vitamins, beneficial properties
Romos carrots are low in calories. 100 g of raw product contains only 35 kcal (88% of the weight is water).
Thanks to its rich chemical composition, orange vegetables bring multifaceted benefits to the human body. It is rich in vitamins (A, E, C, PP, H, K, group B) and minerals (potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and others).
Benefits of eating Romos carrots:
- blood purification;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- strengthening the immune system;
- improved vision;
- removal of stones and sand and kidneys;
- liver cleansing;
- vasodilation, beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- normalization of digestion, solving the problem of constipation;
- used to treat sore throat when consumed together with honey;
- relieves inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis).
Ripening period
The variety is characterized by an average ripening period. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to harvest, it takes from 120 to 127 days.
Romos has a high yield. From 1 m² you can harvest 4–6.5 kg of large root vegetables of the same size. The marketability rate is 97%.
The variety is grown on an industrial scale. At the same time, up to 47 t/ha are collected from the field.
Reference. The maximum harvest of Romos carrots was obtained in the Vladimir region. There, it was possible to collect 59 t/ha from industrial fields.
Disease resistance
The variety has strong immunity. With proper care, the vegetable crop is resistant to diseases, in particular fungal infections.
Characteristics, description of appearance, taste
Romos carrots growing in beds are characterized by a semi-spreading rosette with green leaves that have a medium degree of dissection. The leaves of the variety are strong and upright. This makes harvesting easier.
Root crops have a marketable appearance. They differ:
- cylindrical shape, pointed towards the tip;
- smooth surface of bright orange color, not prone to cracking;
- orange juicy and sweet pulp;
- large in size (length is 25 cm, diameter is 3 cm);
- weighing from 100 to 200 g.
Carrots are consumed fresh. Used for making juices, purees, soups, salads, vegetable stews and other culinary masterpieces.
For which regions is it best suited and what are the climate requirements?
Romosa is in the Russian state register of vegetable crops. Experts recommend the variety for cultivation in the following regions:
- Central;
- Volgo-Vyatka;
- Nizhnevolzhsky;
- Ural;
- Far Eastern.
The plant is not demanding on climatic conditions. It tolerates heat and frost well down to -3°C.
Main advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Romos carrots have no significant drawbacks other than the need for additional protection against fungus during rainy summers.
The advantages include:
- unpretentiousness to climatic conditions and care;
- high productivity;
- resistance to cracking and damage;
- attractive appearance and sweet taste;
- ease of harvesting;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- good shelf life without loss of marketability and taste.
What is the difference from others
Difference from other varieties of carrots, in addition to high yield:
- increased content of beta-carotene - 100 g of root vegetables contain 18.5 mg of the substance (the average for a vegetable crop is 12 mg);
- a higher percentage of sugar content (8.1%) provides a sweet taste to the fruit.
Table. Comparison of popular carrot varieties by yield indicators
Name | Ripening period | Productivity, kg/m² | Weight of root vegetables, g | Carrot length, cm |
Romos | mid-season | 6,5 | 100-200 | 25 |
Vita longa | mid-season | 5 | 150-300 | 20-24 |
Dayana | mid-season | 4,5 | 110-180 | 12-15 |
Topaz | mid-early | 4 | 100 | 13–15 |
Cascade | late | 3,9 | 110–200 | 8–12 |
Malika | mid-late | 4,5 | 60–90 | 10–14 |
Features of planting and growing
To get a rich harvest, follow the basic rules of carrot farming. Violation of them threatens weakening of crops and vulnerability of seedlings to diseases and pests.
Preparing for landing
A well-lit area is best suited for planting the Romos variety. Carrots don't like shade.
The preparatory stage for sowing seed material includes:
- cleaning the soil from weeds;
- soil enrichment with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers;
- deep digging up to 30 cm deep.
Important. Seeds of the Romos variety do not require soaking or germination. Branded seed material is treated with fungicides.
Soil requirements
The soil for planting should be:
- loose and fertile;
- sandy loam or light loamy;
- with low acidity;
- well aerated;
- without stagnant water.
The best predecessors are: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, legumes. It is not advisable to plant where carrots, beets, turnips, dill and parsley previously grew.
Dates, scheme and rules of planting
Seed material is sown on ridges or beds. This happens in the last days of April - the first days of May. The seeding depth is 1.5-2 cm. The distance between the rows is 20 cm. The seeds are planted, keeping a distance between them in the row of 5–7 cm. The planting depth is 2 cm.
Pre-winter sowing is carried out in late October - early November, when the temperature reaches + 5°C
Sowing occurs as follows:
- Make furrows of the required length and depth, maintaining the distance between them.
- The recesses are sprinkled with sand.
- The furrows are watered.
- After the moisture has been absorbed, the seeds are laid out maintaining the required distance.
- Cover the planting with soil, slightly compacting it.
Features of cultivation
In spring, the bed should be covered with peat (1 cm). In autumn, a layer of mulch (2-3 cm) will be required.
Nuances of care
Caring activities include:
- thinning;
- watering;
- fertilizer.
The variety does not require additional care.
Watering mode
The Romos carrot variety does not require frequent watering. During dry periods, water the garden bed more often. The water should be warm and settled.
On average, young seedlings are watered once every 7 days with 5 liters of water per 1 m², and adult plants - once every 14 days with 6-8 liters.
The last time is watered 14 days before harvest (2 buckets per 1 m²).
Thinning and weed control
Weeding is carried out as necessary so that weeds do not choke the growth of carrots.
Thinning is necessary if the seeds were sown too densely. When the seedlings have 2 leaves, perform the first thinning, removing weak seedlings and maintaining a distance of 2-3 cm between plants. During the last thinning, 5-7 cm are left between root crops.
Top dressing
20-25 days after the emergence of seedlings, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and after 15-20 days - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
Reference. It is impossible to overfeed with nitrogen fertilizers, so as not to slow down the development of the root crop.
Carrots don't like organic matter.
Disease and pest control
The Romos variety is resistant to diseases and pests. However, violation of the rules of agricultural technology provokes a number of problems.
Attention. As a preventative measure, carrots can be treated with fungicides. But do this no later than 30 days before harvest.
The main enemy of carrots is the carrot fly.To combat it, pesticides Intavir, Actellik and others are used.
Most often, problems appear due to Alternaria or Phoma. Treatment of plantings with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (concentration 1%) will help reduce the risk of disease development.
Harvest and storage
Timely harvesting and proper preparation for storage ensure long-term shelf life without loss of presentation.
How and when to collect
Selective collection of ripened root crops can be carried out as early as July. The main harvesting takes place at the end of August and September, in dry weather.
Storage features and shelf life
The vegetable is stored for 8 - 10 months. Keeping quality is above 90%.
Carrots are stored in wooden boxes with sand. The temperature in the cellar should not be higher than +2°C, humidity – 85-95%.
What difficulties may there be when growing
Due to violations of cultivation technology, the variety can be affected by fungal diseases. Fungal infection is observed with potassium deficiency. It is also triggered by cold, damp weather. Sick vegetables are destroyed so that they do not contaminate the soil.
Sometimes the roots become deformed. The problem is provoked by the introduction of fresh manure, drought, and heavy rocky soil.
Carrot plantings can be attacked by carrot flies, which are difficult to control. Pesticides have little effect on the pest.
Reference. Most often, the carrot fly affects the Nantes, Karotel, and Chanson varieties.
Advice from experienced gardeners
Experienced gardeners recommend:
- sow seeds in furrows where urea and superphosphate granules are laid out;
- carry out deep plowing in the fall, and in the spring loosen the soil to a depth of 3 cm - this will improve germination;
- Plant garlic or onions next to the carrot bed to repel the carrot fly.
Reviews about the Romos carrot variety
Reviews about the Romos variety are mostly positive.
Marina, Rostov-on-Don: “I have been growing the Romos carrot variety on my plot for several years now. I'm always satisfied with the harvest. When planting seeds, I make holes for carrots, sprinkle the grooves with sand, water them well and plant the seed. I don’t sow thickly so that I don’t have to thin out. Seed germination is good. The plant itself is easy to care for. However, during the first stage of growth it requires abundant watering.”
Anton, Tver: “I liked the Romos variety. Now I only plant it. Carrots are long and have a sweet taste. For more sweetness, I feed the plantings with potassium and magnesium. The main thing is not to apply organic fertilizers. Then the root crop grows pale and unsweetened.”
Read also:
Can you be allergic to carrots?
Romos carrots are an excellent choice for a summer cottage. To get a crop with excellent marketability and taste, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.
The variety successfully resists major crop diseases and produces smooth, spindle-shaped and long marketable fruits. Romosa is suitable for both personal cultivation and commercial use.