Reasons why carrots are soft in the ground and what to do about it
The opinion that carrots are unpretentious in care and are not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks is erroneous. Often gardeners are faced with a problem when root crops lose their hardness and rot right in the ground. Its elimination is possible only after identifying the causes and providing conditions suitable for the culture. You will learn from the article what to do if the carrots have wilted, whether it is possible to return the roots to firmness and how to refresh them.
Why do carrots become soft in the ground?
Carrots become flabby due to waterlogging of the soil, excess nitrogen, the use of contaminated planting material, and violation of crop rotation rules.
Poor planting material
The quality of seeds prepared for planting determines the future harvest.
To prevent its loss, the following is recommended:
- Immediately before sowing, disinfect the seeds using a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Rovral fungicide, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 g per 1 liter. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the carrots will develop cercospora blight, bacteriosis or black rot.
- Choose planting material taking into account its shelf life, otherwise the chance of full germination and development will decrease.
Medium-sized carrot varieties ripen much faster than large ones.
Improper watering
Most often, carrots wither due to non-compliance with the regime. glaze. Excess moisture contributes to the appearance of cracks in root crops, in which the fungus multiplies.
Growing this crop in an area with close groundwater is also undesirable, since the plant will lag in growth.
In dry weather at a temperature of +18...+23°C, carrots are watered 2 times a month.
The amount of water used depends on the phase of the growing season:
- 6 liters per 1 m² – before the first thinning;
- 10 liters per 1 m² – up to the second;
- 12-15 liters per 1 m² – during the period of active development.
In conditions of high humidity and rain, the frequency of watering is reduced, and film tunnels are created to avoid waterlogging of the soil.
On hot days with temperatures above +28°C, the soil is moistened more often, but the amount of water is not increased. In this case, the need for watering is usually indicated by a dry crust formed on the surface. On average, the procedure is carried out every 2-3 days, after which the root crops are hilled.
Important! Watering is stopped 20 days before harvest.
Errors in crop rotation
Correct crop rotation plays an important role in growing carrots. Failure to comply with it leads to soil depletion and a significant decrease in crop yields. It is allowed to grow this vegetable on one plot no earlier than after 5 years.
Carrots are recommended for planting near the following crops:
- onion;
- legumes;
- tomato.
It is undesirable to do this in the place where they grew:
- radish;
- parsley;
- celery;
- beet.
Ideal predecessors for carrots:
- strawberry;
- cabbage;
- garlic;
- onion;
- potato.
Excess fertilizer
Excessive feeding leads to a number of problems:
- slow development of root crops as a result of intensive growth of tops;
- deformation;
- cracking;
- pest damage;
- gradual withering.
An increased nitrogen content in the soil leads to the accumulation of nitrates, which negatively affects the shelf life of root crops. In this regard, it is best to use complex formulations diluted in a lower concentration than recommended in the instructions. Due to a lack of nutrients, carrot tops turn yellow, the stems become thinner, and the root crop becomes lethargic.
To ensure full development of the crop, phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil, and during the ripening period, boron, iron and manganese are added. A lack of micronutrients, as well as their excess, inhibits the growth, development and contributes to the withering of root crops.
To solve this problem, preparations containing a mineral and vitamin complex are added to the soil:
- "Epin";
- potassium humate;
- "Crystalon";
- "Effecton".
Such fertilizers are especially relevant for depleted soils, clays, loams and sandstones.
Important! Possible causes of root crop wilting include alkaline soil and increased acidity levels.
Optimal pH=5.5-6.5. When the acidity increases, slaked lime or chalk is used, and when there is an excess of alkali, boric acid is used. Only neutral soil is suitable for carrots.
Diseases and pests that cause carrots to become soft
Of all carrot diseases, fungal diseases are the most dangerous. The most common of them:
- Bacterial soft rot - darkening and wilting of leaves, the appearance of mucus on the tops, softness of roots, the presence of a putrid odor. The disease quickly spreads to healthy specimens.
- White rot - softening and wateriness of carrots, the formation of a white coating.
- Fusarium rot is the appearance of ulcers and cracks on root crops followed by their withering.
- Powdery mildew - lethargy of carrots, blackening and curling of leaves.
- Mosaic - the tops acquire yellow and gray-green shades.
Some diseases are spread by harmful insects, so vegetables are treated with fungicides and insecticides for preventive purposes. The preparations are applied to the soil during autumn preparation and before sowing. Weeding and loosening can reduce the likelihood of pest attacks on the future harvest.
To prevent the spread of fungal infection, several means are used:
- "Alirin";
- "Topaz";
- iodine or ash solution.
In addition to diseases, insects cause damage to the crop:
- In the spring, the carrot fly leaves a clutch of eggs at the base of the stems. The hatched larvae cause significant damage to root crops, making them unsuitable for consumption. Insect control measures include autumn digging of beds, timely elimination of weeds and treatment with Actellik and Intavir.
- Aphids create large colonies that produce several generations during one growing season. In order to destroy it, the beds after harvesting are thoroughly cleared of tops and dug deep before winter.
- The mole cricket is capable of destroying up to 80% of carrots. The pest is controlled using Medvetox or dry chrysanthemums and marigolds poured into the holes.
- The wireworm makes numerous passages in root crops. Prevention involves deep digging of the soil, compliance with crop rotation, and the use of chicken manure, ammonium nitrate or the drug “Bazudin” (10 g/10 m²) for treatment.
There are a number of popular measures aimed at protecting carrots:
- treatment of storage rooms with a solution of bleach or sulfur bombs;
- whitewashing the shelving in the basement with lime;
- adding potassium chloride, humus and superphosphate to the soil before sowing;
- treatment of seed material with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
- use of the products “Gamair”, “Trichodermin”, “Immunocytophyte”.
When choosing a carrot variety for planting, you should give preference to rot-resistant varieties.
Important! When storing carrots, it is important to provide suitable conditions for this - humidity from 85 to 90% and air temperature from 0°C to -2°C.
What to do if the carrots in the ground are soft, can they be saved?
To save root crops withering in the garden, the cause of the problem is first determined.
If there is a lack of nutrients, the following components are administered:
- peat – 10 kg/m²;
- compost – 20 kg/m²;
- potassium salt – 20 g/m²;
- potassium sulfate – 20 g/m²;
- superphosphate – 40 g/m².
If diseases or the presence of pests are detected, the crop is treated with appropriate preparations. Until the end of the growing season, the rules of agricultural technology are strictly observed.
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What to do if carrots soften during storage
Usually, after being removed from the ground, strong root crops retain their original appearance for a long time. The softness and flabbyness of carrots after digging up indicate mistakes made related to agricultural technology or storage.
Reasons why carrots become soft during storage:
- storing damaged specimens that are already beginning to rot;
- neglect of the rules for storing vegetables;
- unsuitable indoor climatic conditions: high humidity and sudden temperature changes;
- harvesting on a rainy day;
- lack of potassium.
If the vegetables are wilted, they are placed in sand for several days with a recommended humidity level of 90-95%. This will prevent moisture evaporation and prevent rotting.
Advice from experienced summer residents
Several recommendations will allow you to grow a high-quality carrot crop and ensure good shelf life:
- Use for sowing varieties and hybrids that are least susceptible to diseases: Napoli, Bangor, Bureau, Nandin, Saturno F1, Vita Longa.
- Grow crops on light and fertile soils. In low-lying areas, it is necessary to equip a drainage system.
- Avoid thickening of plantings.
- Prefer phosphorus-potassium preparations to nitrogen fertilizers.
- A month before digging, treat the crop with Bordeaux mixture.
- Harvest the crop on the second day after watering or rain. In this case, fewer nitrates remain in the root crops, which negatively affect keeping quality.
- Ensure proper drying before storing.
- Disinfect trays and boxes before placing carrots in them.
- Keep root crops in “quarantine” for 2 weeks before planting.
- Place only healthy, undamaged specimens for storage.
Experienced gardeners advise storing medium-sized vegetables in a hole with a depth of 35-40 cm. This is done as follows:
- fill the bottom of the hole with sand;
- lay out a row of root vegetables;
- sprinkle with sand and repeat similar actions with the entire harvest.
It is not recommended to store carrots in the same room as apples, since the ethylene released by the fruit contributes to the rapid spoilage of vegetables.
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Preventing crop wilting is much easier than restoring its elasticity if damaged. Therefore, sowing and growing carrots requires compliance with all rules of agricultural technology, and the harvested crop requires proper preparation for storage.