Is it possible to drink carrot juice during pregnancy?
It is important for a pregnant woman to eat well, as the body requires additional resources for the development of the child. Carrots are especially rich in vitamins and minerals, but, like most vegetables, they have contraindications. Read the article about whether you can drink carrot juice during pregnancy and how to use it correctly to get only the benefits.
Properties of carrot juice
Carrot often called the "queen of vegetables". Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the root vegetable brings many benefits to the body.
Main properties of juice:
- increases vitality, strengthens the immune system;
- improves skin condition, protects it from exposure to ultraviolet rays, removes signs of fatigue;
- has an antioxidant effect;
- reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Chemical composition
100 g of carrots contain:
- beta-carotene - 224% of the daily value;
- B vitamins - up to 14%;
- ascorbic acid - 6%;
- tocopherol - 4%;
- vitamin K - 11%;
- potassium - 13%;
- calcium - 4%;
- silicon - 83%;
- sodium - 8%;
- magnesium - 3%;
- phosphorus - 5%;
- boron - 286%;
- vanadium - 248%;
- manganese - 22%;
- iron - 2%.
Benefits for pregnant women
The vitamins and minerals in carrots promote health, especially useful for the pregnant woman and fetus:
- Beta-carotene is an effective means of preventing hemeralopia (“night blindness”), which affects pregnant women.Provitamin A strengthens the immune system, teeth and bones, has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, and has antioxidant properties.
- Magnesium eliminates tension and reduces mood swings, which is especially important for pregnant women. Strengthen the nervous system and B vitamins.
- Vitamin C strengthens the weakened immunity of the expectant mother.
- Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Regulates hormonal balance, maintains youth and elasticity of the skin, prevents the appearance of stretch marks and tears during childbirth.
- Vitamin K maintains blood clotting.
- Potassium is important for the prevention of tachycardia.
- Calcium is required for the proper formation of a child's bones.
- Manganese is involved in metabolism and delivers nutrients to the fetus.
How to use
Carrot juice is most often used in food. Recommended amount: up to 3 glasses per day.
Interesting! The product is widely used in cosmetology. Regularly treating the skin with juice improves its color and increases elasticity.
Often the skin of a pregnant woman becomes problematic: irritation and redness appear. A mask helps to cope with this:
- 1 tsp. homemade cottage cheese;
- 1 tsp. low-fat yogurt;
- 2 tsp. carrot juice.
All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water.
Expectant mothers often get sick due to weakened immunity. Most drugs are contraindicated for them, which makes treatment difficult. In such cases, carrot juice will help:
- it is used in the nose for congestion and runny nose;
- used for gargling for sore throat (dilute with water 50/50);
- mix with honey and drink for bronchitis (for 1 tbsp. juice - 1 tsp. honey).
Can pregnant women have carrot juice?
After conceiving a child, significant changes occur in a woman’s body: creating a new life requires enormous resources. This often causes health problems. Each stage of pregnancy has its own difficulties, many of which can be overcome with carrot juice.
In the first trimester
Common problems in early pregnancy:
- toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to odors);
- heartburn;
- viral diseases.
Fresh carrot juice will improve the condition of the expectant mother:
- it cleanses the blood of toxins that cause nausea;
- eliminates other manifestations of toxicosis;
- improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas, relieves heartburn, improves appetite;
- strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of viral diseases.
In the second
From 4 to 6 months, the fetus develops intensively, its organ systems are formed. The mother's body supplies the unborn child with the necessary substances. A woman’s cardiovascular system and kidneys work with double strength, and there is a risk of anemia and edema.
Carrot juice is especially useful during this period:
- it replenishes iron deficiency, regulates hemoglobin levels, eliminates anemia;
- has a diuretic effect, relieving swelling;
- strengthens the heart, helping it cope with high stress.
In third
In the later stages, the expectant mother's belly increases greatly, the skin stretches, and stretch marks (stretch marks) appear. The weight of the fetus increases, the child puts pressure on the woman’s internal organs, causing constipation.
What are the benefits of root vegetable juice during this period:
- causes a mild laxative effect;
- completes the formation of the child’s nervous system;
- increases blood clotting, preparing the body for childbirth;
- increases skin elasticity, which serves to prevent tears and stretch marks during childbirth.
What is the danger
Although the orange root vegetable has many beneficial properties, its excessive consumption can be dangerous for the mother and unborn child:
- beta-carotene in the body is converted into vitamin A, but part of it remains unchanged - in large quantities it makes the baby’s skin yellowish and increases the risk of liver disease in a pregnant woman;
- in large volumes, the juice causes colic, bloating, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, headache, and increases tooth sensitivity.
When not to use
Absolute contraindications to drinking the drink:
- allergy;
- serious disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
- gastritis;
- intestinal pathologies;
- diabetes.
In these cases, carrots are allowed to be eaten only boiled and in limited quantities.
Recommendations for use
For the product to be beneficial, adhere to the following recommendations:
- before preparing fresh juice washed carrots are soaked for 3-4 hours in water so that accumulated harmful chemicals are released;
- drink the juice immediately after squeezing, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals;
- Fresh juice is stored only frozen;
- this is a concentrate - before use it is diluted 50% with water or other juice;
- do not drink the drink in the evening or at night;
- to reduce the impact of pigments on the enamel, drink the juice through a straw;
- For better absorption of vitamin A, animal fats are added to the fresh juice: a spoonful of sour cream, butter, cream.
What to use with
Fresh carrots go well with fruits and berries: apples, apricots, lemons, oranges, sea buckthorn.
Healthy! It is combined with a squeeze of beets, cabbage, celery, parsley, spinach, and pumpkin.
It is acceptable to consume juice with dairy products: milk, cream, kefir.
Below are several options for making carrot cocktails.
Smoothie with celery, carrots and apple
Thanks to pectins and flavonoids, apples strengthen the digestive and cardiovascular systems, cleanse the body of harmful compounds, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Celery is good for the immune system, digestion, and nervous system, but it increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth or miscarriage, especially in the later stages. Therefore, consult a doctor first.
For the smoothie you will need:
- apple - 1 pc.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- celery - 2 pcs.
All ingredients are washed, peeled, chopped and crushed in a blender.
Carrot juice with cream
For the drink take:
- carrots - 150 g;
- low-fat cream - 50 ml;
- boiled water - 25 ml.
Cooking steps:
- Peeled carrots are finely grated.
- Add water, stir, squeeze through gauze.
- Mix everything with cream. The dish is served chilled.
Tangerine-carrot smoothie with pineapples
Citrus fruits strengthen the immune system, but they are excluded from the diet in cases of increased stomach acidity, peptic ulcers, and allergies.
- pineapple - 200 g;
- tangerines - 2 pcs.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- lime - 1 pc.
How to cook:
- The pineapple is peeled, the core is removed, and the fruit is cut into small pieces.
- Peel the carrots and squeeze out the juice through juicer or gauze.
- Tangerines are peeled.
- To balance the sourness, squeeze out lime juice (to taste).
- Beat all ingredients with a blender at maximum speed.
Opinion of obstetricians-gynecologists
Experienced doctors talk about the high value of the chemical composition of carrots for pregnant women:
Natalya Kolomeets, obstetrician-gynecologist, 15 years of work experience: “The diet of a pregnant woman should be healthy and varied. The diet must include raw vegetables and juices from them. “Carrots, rich in vitamins and minerals, help maintain normal hemoglobin levels and improve blood clotting, which is important for a successful birth.”
Ekaterina Bosongova, obstetrician-gynecologist: “The vitamin E contained in carrots is an excellent remedy for the prevention of stretch marks that a woman is susceptible to during pregnancy. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps avoid various infections. Therefore, I recommend that my patients drink carrot juice regularly, but not more than 1 glass per day.”
Alexey Kugushev, obstetrician-gynecologist, more than 20 years of experience: “Undoubtedly, carrot juice is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. However, I advise caution when using it during pregnancy. The concentration of beta-carotene in the vegetable is high; in large quantities, it greatly burdens the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The drink is healthy, but only in diluted form and no more than 1 glass per day.”
Carrot juice is a healthy drink for people of all ages. The vitamins and minerals it contains stimulate the immune system, maintain normal hemoglobin levels, improve blood clotting, strengthen vision, and increase skin elasticity. In the absence of contraindications, it is advisable for the expectant mother to include the product in her diet in order to maintain her and her child’s health.