How to determine the best time to harvest carrots in the Moscow region

In order for carrots to retain their freshness and their beneficial qualities for as long as possible, they are removed from the garden in a timely manner and in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology. To select the timing of harvest, the crop variety, weather conditions, and the lunar calendar are taken into account. The maturity of the vegetable is preliminarily determined. When to harvest carrots in the Moscow region, read our article.

Optimal harvest time

How to determine the best time to harvest carrots in the Moscow region

The active growing season in the Moscow region lasts from mid-September to mid-October, when the temperature drops to +10°C. It is at this time that experts recommend harvesting carrots and send it for winter storage.

In September, the tops wither, so during this period the growth of the root crop begins and the accumulation of sugars and carotene in it. But if you keep a vegetable in the garden, it will be stored much worse and will also lose its taste. In addition, there is a chance that the carrots will grow again. Therefore, it is important to choose the optimal timing for harvesting.

In addition to the climatic characteristics of the region, the following factors influence the harvesting time:

  • carrot variety;
  • sowing time;
  • size of root crops - small ones are dug up later than large ones;
  • purpose of cultivation - for one’s own needs or for sale;
  • nature of use - immediately or for winter storage.

In some cases, it is recommended to leave carrots in the garden until the first snow falls. But then the tops are broken and laid on the ground.The top of the bed is also covered with non-woven material.

Important. Many gardeners claim that harvesting root crops after the first snowfall increases storage life by 30%.

Depending on the variety

Different varieties of carrots have different growing seasons. Based on this factor, the time for harvesting vegetables is determined. The main thing is not to overexpose the carrots in the ground.

The basic rule for all varieties is that carrots gain the greatest amount of sugars during the last days of their technical maturity. This is the last quarter of the growing season.

When planting different varieties, a field diary is kept. It indicates the place and date of planting of a particular variety and the ripening period.

Harvesting time for early varieties

Early varieties manage to fully ripen 80-90 days after planting. Early ripening carrots, intended for autumn use, are harvested as needed.

Most often, small beds are made, since early varieties are not suitable for long-term storage. The harvest is used immediately after harvest. Due to their rapid ripening, such carrots begin to be partially harvested in mid-summer.

But there are still early ripening varieties that are well preserved even after harvesting. For example, Alenka does not spoil until mid-winter, and the Bangor hybrid can last until April. But this is only if all cleaning and storage rules have been followed.

Important. After partial selection of carrots, the holes must be covered with earth and compacted to avoid damage to the rest of the crop by the carrot fly.


Mid-season varieties begin to be harvested from the garden from late September to early October. By this time, in the Moscow region the temperature drops to +4°C, due to which biological processes in the plant slow down.The carrots stop growing after this. Nutrients begin to move from green tops to root crops, which increases their size by about 35%.

Late ripening

Late varieties of carrots ripen 110-140 days after sowing. Late-ripening carrots are harvested in September and October. In this case, they are guided by meteorological forecasts. Such vegetables are grown specifically for winter storage.

Depending on the weather

Weather conditions in the middle zone allow you to remove carrots from the garden at the end of September or beginning of October. The best time for harvesting root crops in the Moscow region is considered to be from September 20 to 25. It is undesirable to delay it, because there is a possibility of getting frosty. Carrots kept in the ground can also germinate.

The first frosts in the Moscow region occur at the end of September. October is usually cold, rainy and cloudy.

According to the lunar calendar

If you believe the lunar calendar, then it is better to collect root vegetables during the waning of the moon. During this period, sap flow in vegetables slows down, carrots are stored much better. When harvesting during the waxing of the Moon, there is a high probability that the root crops will quickly become limp and flabby or sprout.

In September 2020, favorable days for the Moscow region are considered to be 8-10, 27-28 and 30. In October, the lunar calendar recommends harvesting on 4, 6-9, 13-15.

Important. The lunar calendar is treated only as an auxiliary tool for determining the date of harvest. If it rains or strong winds blow on the days he advises, then the carrot harvest is postponed.

Signs of harvest readiness

How to determine the best time to harvest carrots in the Moscow region

The ripening dates indicated by the manufacturer on the seed package are considered approximate.The onset of maturity depends on growing conditions and weather, so the timing often shifts in one direction or another.

The following signs indicate that it is time to pick carrots from the garden:

How to properly dig carrots from the garden for storage

For harvesting root crops, choose a sunny and dry day. If there has been no precipitation for a long time and the soil is very dry, a couple of days before digging, slightly watered. It is much easier to remove carrots from moist soil without damaging the outer skin. Its integrity is important during storage.

How to determine the best time to harvest carrots in the Moscow region

If the soil in the area is loose, the root crops are pulled out by hand. Pull the tops straight up so as not to tear them off and break off the carrots.

On heavy and dense soils, the root crops are first carefully dug up with a shovel or fork, then removed by hand.

After digging up the crop, the adhering dirt is removed from it and the tops are cut off. After this, the root crops are left to dry directly on the garden bed for 2-3 hours.

Before storing carrots, do not wash them, as there is a high risk that the thin skin will be damaged in the process. Fungal pathogens will enter microscopic wounds.

Methods for removing tops

The tops are removed immediately after digging up the carrots. If it is not cut off, the leaves will continue to evaporate moisture, which will lead to rapid withering of the root crops.

Basic methods for removing tops:

  1. Twisting.
  2. Cutting with scissors or a sharp knife. This method is used only in cases where long-term storage of the crop is not planned. After cutting, carrots will sprout new tops after some time.
  3. Cutting along with the top part of the vegetable - the growing point.In this form, the root crop will not germinate and will be preserved well until spring. But this method is only suitable for specialists, since it requires great cutting accuracy - exactly 2 mm from the edge.

Preparation for storage

How to determine the best time to harvest carrots in the Moscow region

After removal tops The root crops are sorted and dried in the garden. The following carrots are removed from the total mass:

  • with cracks;
  • broken;
  • with peel damage;
  • affected by diseases;
  • damaged by rodents.

Such vegetables must not be stored with healthy ones. Not only will they spoil quickly, but they will also harm the carrots that are lying nearby. Infection with fungal diseases occurs very quickly.

After sorting, the crop is dried again in a cool place for 3 days. Then it is sent for storage.


When to dig carrots in the Moscow region depends on the variety, growing conditions and weather. The harvest is usually harvested from September to October. In order for root crops to be well preserved until next spring, it is important to dig them up in time and properly prepare them for storage. To do this, remove the tops, dry the crop and carefully sort through it.

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