Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

Fragrant and juicy parsley will decorate any dish: soup, salad, side dish or appetizer. It is collected all summer, some is dried or frozen, and some is consumed fresh. To get a rich and tasty harvest of greens, follow the rules of crop rotation and care, and regularly carry out preventive measures to protect the plant from diseases and pests.

The article contains the most common and dangerous diseases and pests of parsley with photos and descriptions, effective methods of disease control and prevention.

Parsley diseases

Diseases occur due to sudden changes in weather, prolonged rains and fogs. The reasons are improper care, non-compliance with rules landings, contaminated soil and seeds. To effectively combat the disease, it is important to recognize it at the very beginning of infection.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that occurs due to a lack or excess of nutrients and weak immunity. Sources of the disease are contaminated plant residues and unprepared soil. The fungus actively spreads during periods of heat and rain, infection begins from below and within a few days the entire parsley bush is covered with a white-gray coating. Over time, dense dark brown balls and cankers appear on the stem and leaves.

For prevention, spraying the beds with a whey-based solution is used.The main thing is to detect powdery mildew at the initial stage of infection in order to prevent its further spread. Otherwise, the parsley harvest will be lost.


Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

The disease got its name due to the dark brown and yellow spots that appear on the leaf blades.

The diameter of the spots is about 0.5 cm, some grow up to 1 cm. The causative agent of the disease, a fungus, is dangerous not only for parsley, but also for dill and celery.

Rust is scary because infected leaves lose their taste and marketability and are not suitable for human consumption.

As a preventive measure, disinfected seeds are used for planting, the soil is disinfected, and watering is carried out with warm water. Once a week, the beds are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.

Attention! Copper sulfate solution is easy to make yourself. For 10 liters of water, 50 g of powder is required. Pour hot water into a deep plastic container and pour in the powder, stir thoroughly and cool. This preventative will help prevent the appearance of powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.


The disease is typical for regions with unstable climatic conditions. Dark purple stripes and spots appear on the plant, the leaves turn gray, become limp and faded. Infected specimens die and the disease spreads to nearby plants. The taste and appearance of parsley deteriorate, and it is almost impossible to save infected beds.

For prevention, spraying with a solution based on dry wood ash is used, and the drug “Fundazol” is used as a remedy. Follow the dosage indicated on the package. When purchasing, check the expiration date.

Variegated dwarfism

A viral disease appears in garden beds thanks to insect carriers. Parsley leaves are deformed, reduced in size and curled. At the edges they change color and fade.

For prevention, they follow the rules of crop rotation and regularly weed the beds to protect them from insects. Variegated dwarfism is treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Alternaria blight

Black rot occurs not only on parsley, but also on plants planted nearby. carrots And celery. Often these crops are the source of infection. The root collar of the stem darkens, becomes wet and becomes covered with a dark coating. After a few days, the leaves turn yellow and dry out, the plates become covered with yellow-green dense spots.

Black rot actively spreads in humid and foggy summers. Topaz is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. During processing, personal safety rules are observed: wear protective gloves, goggles and a respirator.

White rot

White bloom and black dots appear on parsley. The causative agent of white rot is a fungus that appears on nearby beds of tomatoes, cabbage and bell peppers. The fungus is tenacious and persists in the soil at low temperatures for up to three years.

They are carried by fungus and insects, so it is recommended to regularly weed the beds and remove weeds. It is impossible to cure white rot; affected plants are thrown out and burned. For preventive purposes, spraying with ash and a solution of milk with iodine is used. These folk remedies strengthen the immunity of cultures.


This viral disease spreads in any climate. The leaves become covered with a yellow coating, the stems grow in different directions, and the bush becomes like a broom.The virus is transmitted through insects, plant debris or weeds.

As a preventive measure, virus-resistant varieties are used for planting, for example, Fresco or Stikhia, and the rules of disinfection and crop rotation are followed.

Spotted bacteriosis

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria that develop in greenhouses and open ground. Yellow and white spots appear on the greenery, which turn brown after a few days, and the leaves dry out. This crop is not suitable for consumption.

The peculiarity of spotted bacteriosis is that the bacteria live in cold soil. Prevention of the disease consists of treating the beds before sowing; the disease is treated with the drug “Quadris”.


Pests appear regardless of the weather. And if the regular guests in potato beds are Colorado beetles, then parsley is affected by aphids, psyllids, carrot flies and others.


Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

Small white flying bugs live in swarms. They are located on the inside of the leaf, so it is difficult to see them with the naked eye. The size of the bug is only 2 mm, the color ranges from white to dark brown and yellow.

Harm is caused by both larvae and adults. Aphids suck the juice out of parsley, which causes the plant to wither and die. The insect carries infections and fungi.

Treatment with the drug “Quadris” or a solution of copper sulfate helps in the fight against the pest.


Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

The light green psyllid sucks the nutrients out of the parsley. The leaves become deformed and wither, acquire a faded green tint, and lose their taste and marketability.

For prevention, gardeners regularly water the beds with warm water, remove weeds and loosen the soil before each watering.

The drug "Profit" will help get rid of psyllids.

Stem nematode

Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

Thin and long thread-like worms infect young plants and adult specimens.

The nematode overwinters in the soil and appears on plants in early summer.

Parsley infected with the pest begins to rot and weaken. The leaves are covered with spots and chaotic stripes of different sizes.

Gardeners monitor the cleanliness of the beds and regularly inspect the plants.

Infected parsley is removed and burned, and the remaining specimens are treated with the drug "HOM".

Attention! An effective treatment method is heat treatment of the roots. The affected parsley is removed from the soil and washed from the soil. The roots are dipped in water at a temperature of at least 50°C, at which the nematode dies. The procedure is safe for the plant.

carrot fly

Diseases and pests of parsley: photos, methods of control and prevention

The length of the insect is only 5 mm, so the carrot fly is easily hidden from human eyes. Parsley is affected by larvae or adults. The pest lives on leaves and stems, which is why the latter acquire an unnatural dark purple hue and are covered with ulcers.

The carrot fly reproduces and develops quickly, so it is easier to prevent its appearance than to fight it.

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to follow the rules of crop rotation and not plant parsley in the same place for more than two years in a row. For planting, choose a dry, fertile and well-ventilated place.

Fighting methods

All methods of control are divided into three groups: chemical, folk and biological. Let's look at each in detail, identifying its advantages and disadvantages.


Chemical methods are effective and act quickly, but can harm humans. Therefore, it is recommended to spray with chemicals no later than a month before harvesting, observe safety precautions when processing, use gloves and safety glasses:

  • Spraying with colloidal or ground sulfur helps against powdery mildew;
  • rust is treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • Phomosis eliminates copper oxychloride;
  • The drugs “Iskra”, “Confidor Extra”, “Intavir” help against pests.


Biological methods suppress the development of diseases and pests and are safe for humans. Planting “medicinal plants” is effective in combating fungal and viral diseases. Marigolds will protect greens from nematodes, and onions from carrot flies.

Biological methods also include the use of insect nurses. For example, larvae and adult ladybugs destroy aphids. And black garden ants eat stem nematode larvae.


Folk methods common among gardeners are easy to implement. They are especially effective as preventative agents or for controlling diseases and pests at the initial stage of infection:

  • To protect against aphids, the beds are sprinkled with tobacco dust;
  • spraying with dandelion infusion helps get rid of psyllids;
  • garlic infusion destroys carrot flies;
  • onion solution helps against viral and fungal diseases;
  • tobacco infusion gets rid of nematodes.

Preventive measures

Before planting, parsley seeds are pickled with a solution of potassium permanganate. It kills pathogenic microflora on the surface of the material and strengthens the immunity of the future plant. The beds for greenery are chosen to be loose and nutritious. Parsley is planted after cucumbers, berries or between rows.It is not recommended to plant it after last year's harvest of parsley or carrots.

Water the greens with warm water in the morning or evening to avoid sunburn. Once a week, spray with protective folk or chemical solutions. Inspect regularly for pests or diseases. Before each watering, the soil is loosened, this kills the larvae and improves the microflora of the beds.

Attention! When planting parsley in a greenhouse, observe the following regime: air temperature no more than +20°C. The room is regularly ventilated, treated with a sulfur bomb before planting, and the walls and doors are wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Why does parsley turn yellow?

Why does parsley turn yellow in the garden? The reasons are irregular watering, lack or excess of mineral and organic fertilizers, diseases and pests. Particular attention is paid to a balanced diet: fertilizing is carried out once every 15 days, alternating mineral and organic substances.

Yellowing is caused by excess or lack of nitrogen, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. Another reason is acidic soil. The problem is solved with the help of liming. Before planting, dig up the beds and sprinkle with dry lime and wood ash.

Why do white spots appear?

White spots appear due to a lack of minerals, the development of white rot or powdery mildew. In the first case, it is recommended to feed the parsley with ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate, and potassium salt. In the second - carry out therapeutic measures, treat the greens with chemicals or folk remedies.

Attention! Can parsley with yellow or white spots be eaten? No, this is dangerous to health, since the color signals changes in the chemical composition of the greens and its properties.Yellowed leaves have lost their juice and do not contain healthy vitamins.


Fresh and juicy parsley always comes in handy. It is easy to grow if you follow the rules of crop rotation and care for the crop in accordance with agrotechnical standards. Separately, there are preventive and therapeutic methods that prevent the development of fungal and viral diseases and destroy insect pests.

Gardeners recommend treating the beds with tobacco powder, Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate solution.

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