When do gooseberries ripen in the Moscow region and how to determine the ripeness of the berries
Gooseberry, plumberry, northern grape, Russian cherry plum - this is what gooseberries are called in different countries of the world. This plant has earned people's love due to its decorativeness, unpretentiousness, variety of varieties and high yield. A variety of dishes and drinks are prepared from aromatic and tasty berries: marmalade, sauces, compotes, pies, wine, marinades, salads, confitures, jam.
To enjoy the taste of gooseberries, it is important to know the moment of their ripening and be able to determine what ripeness is required for preparing different dishes. Let's look at when gooseberries ripen in the Moscow region and when to pick them for jam.
When do gooseberries ripen in the Moscow region?
In the Moscow region, gooseberries ripen around mid-July. However, due to weather conditions, the dates may shift by several weeks:
- hot and dry weather (with sufficient watering) - first ten days of July;
- cool and rainy weather - closer to August.
The southern regions are the first to open the gooseberry season. In conditions of abundant sunshine and hot days, the berries begin to ripen by the beginning of July. In Siberia and the Urals, harvesting occurs at the end of July or beginning of August.
The lifespan of the shrub depends on the region. Long-lived bushes grow in the middle zone; in the southern regions, plants maintain productivity for no more than 10 years.
What does the ripening period depend on?
The ripening period of gooseberries in any region depends not only on the weather, but also on other factors:
- correctly chosen place for planting shrubs with suitable soil, lighting and protection from drafts;
- carrying out regular sanitary trimmings: shrubs actively grow root shoots, become denser, overgrown shoots shade each other and the berries;
- timely watering, especially in hot weather;
- fertilization: it is better to feed with organic compounds in the spring, so that the crop actively increases its leaf mass and gains strength for flowering.
The time when gooseberries ripen depends on the variety. Shrubs, like many fruit crops, are classified according to the time of ripeness:
- early ripening (Spring, White Nights) - ripen in the second ten days of July;
- mid-season (Flamingo, Russian) - will ripen by mid-July;
- late-ripening (Severyanin, Candy) - ripen in the first half of August in the southern regions, in the second half - in the middle zone.
With the right approach to growing, the berries ripen from July to September.
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Easy-to-care gooseberry variety “Yarovaya”
How to determine the ripeness of berries
There are 2 stages of berry ripeness: technical and consumer.. At technical maturity, the berries almost reach the size specified by the breeder. The color of the fruit is usually slightly lighter than that of the ripe one. The berry comes off the stalk with little effort. The skin is thick and dense. The flesh is also dense. Taste with pronounced sourness.
Reference. Technically mature gooseberries are used in cooking for preparing marinades, jams, and compotes. Fruits of consumer ripeness are consumed fresh.
When ripe, the berries acquire rich colors: depending on the variety, they become yellow, red, burgundy, and purple. Easily detached from the stem. The thin skin and juicy pulp give the impression that the fruits are visible in the sun. They are soft and sweet in taste.
When to pick gooseberries for jam
To make jam, gooseberries are required at the stage of technical maturity. Unripe fruits make the most delicious preserves for the winter. It is the dense berries in the sweet syrup that retain their shape, become transparent and acquire a beautiful amber color.
Reference. Under favorable weather conditions, berries in the Moscow region are harvested in the first half of July.
When collecting fruits, it is important to adhere to some rules:
- wear thick clothing and gloves to protect yourself from injury from sharp thorns, if the variety is not thornless;
- harvest in dry weather, after the dew has dried;
- Pick fruits with stalks and tear them off before using.
It is advisable to dry wet berries so that they can be stored longer.
Harvesting is done in several ways:
- Manually. More labor-intensive, but the most gentle method, since neither the crop nor the plant are injured.
- Plastic bottle. A hole is made on one side, near the bottom, and the bottle itself is attached to a stick. When picking, the berries are placed in a hole and picked from the bush with a slight movement. This almost eliminates the possibility of being injured by thorns, but the method requires some skill.
- With a comb. The device is a small comb with an attached finger ring. It is placed on the finger and passed along the raised branches of the bush. The method makes collection easier, but does not protect your hands from injury.
- Berry picker, which looks like a plastic container with teeth. They are passed along the raised branches, the teeth break the stalks, and the berries fall into the container. The method is suitable for one-step fruit collection.
Harvested gooseberries at the stage of technical maturity are stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
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Gooseberries are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and high yield. It has 2 degrees of maturity: technical and consumer. The first is required for preparing various dishes, the second is for eating fresh berries.
In the Moscow region, under favorable conditions, the fruits ripen in mid-July (stage of consumer maturity). However, in cool or hot weather the timing shifts by several weeks. The fruits reach technical maturity already in the first half of July.