Why red spots appear on gooseberry leaves and how to deal with it
Red spots on berries, leaves and other parts of gooseberries are a common occurrence when agrotechnical measures are not followed or the plant is not processed in a timely manner. To protect all plantings on the site and prevent crop loss, it is important to know how to distinguish between diseases and what to do if the leaves turn red.
Why do gooseberry leaves and berries turn red?
Gooseberries are not picky in their care; they produce a bountiful harvest year after year, but, like other plants in their summer cottage, they are affected by pests And diseases.
It is most susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant signals a problem by changing its appearance.
Reds spots on leaves and berries - the main symptom of diseases such as powdery mildew, anthracnose, septoria, scab, alternaria.
Spheroteka, or powdery mildew
The leaves on gooseberries turn red already at the final stage of the disease. The first signs of fungal activity are noticeable after flowering. A white coating appears on young leaves and shoots. Over time, it spreads to the fruits and ovaries, gradually changing color to brown.
For reference. Spherotheca, like other fungal diseases, develops at high air humidity, in dry, nitrogen-rich soil.
The first symptoms appear at the end of flowering. The disease can be identified by small angular-rounded brown spots on the leaves. Over time, they merge and acquire a brown tint.On berries, stalks and other parts of gooseberries, anthracnose appears in the form of small dark ulcers, which crack during drought and rot in rainy weather.
It appears as brown spots on the leaves and fruits of gooseberries. Gradually, the core of the spot turns white and becomes transparent. A brown border remains.
For reference. With all fungal diseases, brown, red spots on berries and leaves are a sign of the development of fungal spores.
The appearance of dark brown spots on gooseberry leaves can also be characterized by scab. Over time, the spots grow and spread to the berries and shoots. The plant becomes deformed, slows down in growth, and dies.
Alternaria blight
Spots of various shapes of dark brown color with bright edging along the edges appear on the leaves of the plant. Signs of infection on berries are difficult to notice, because fungal spores develop inside the fruit (they get there during the period of active flowering), turning the core into rot and mold.
Among the secondary signs it is worth highlighting:
- premature drying of the bush;
- leaf deformation;
- drying out of berries.
It is recommended to inspect planting gooseberries at least once every 7 days. Ignoring the disease and untimely actions will lead to crop loss and death of the bush.
How to fight
If a red gooseberry has a spot on the side or other parts of the plant, and the bush dries out, you need to take immediate action.
Fighting fungal diseases requires:
- Disposal of diseased shoots and fruits.
- Treatment of plantings with chemical, biological and folk remedies.
Destruction of infected leaves and berries
Areas with a large affected area are removed to healthy tissue and burned.The cut areas are disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or covered with garden pitch. Remaining bushes are processed drugs.
Important! After trimming the material, it is imperative to disinfect garden tools.
What to process
How to treat gooseberries if the berries and leaves turn red:
- Folk remedies. The treatment will be effective if the disease was diagnosed in a timely manner and the fungus did not have time to infect most of the plant.
- Biological products. Their advantages include harmlessness to the crop and strengthening the plant’s immunity.
- Chemicals. They are used in extreme cases when other measures have failed.
Microbiological preparations are used no earlier than 14 days after the last treatment with chemicals. The latter are used after biological agents without reference to timing.
Traditional methods
Traditional methods are safe, but low in effectiveness. It makes more sense to use them at the prevention stage.
More often, gardeners use:
- Boiling water. A sleeping bush is processed immediately after the snow melts. This method is not suitable if the buds are already swollen. It is also important not to overdo it with boiling water, so as not to prematurely awaken the plant. To kill all microorganisms, spray boiling water and thoroughly moisten all shoots. For better efficiency, you can add soda or salt (3-5 tbsp per 1 bucket).
- Baking/soda ash. Exposure to alkali is harmful to fungi. To prepare the solution, dilute 100 g of baking soda in 10 liters of water. Use before buds open. Soda ash is more aggressive, so the dosage is halved (50 g of substance per 10 liters of water).
- Laundry soap. The alkaline agent, in addition to affecting pathogens, envelops the surface of the plant with a protective film. To prepare the solution, rub 50 g of soap and pour in 2 liters of boiling water. Stir thoroughly and add another 8 liters of water.
They have a short validity period. They are water soluble, which requires repeated treatments at least once every 5-7 days.
Systemic remedy based on spore culture. Safe for harvest, can be used at any stage of plant development. Available in the form of an aqueous suspension, powder and paste.
Treat bushes in cloudy weather or late evening, as the product is sensitive to sunlight.
Prepare the working solution 2 hours before treatment, strictly following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not use tap water due to its high chlorine content. It is better to give preference to boiled, rain or melt water. When using paste, prepare a concentrated solution, which is diluted before processing.
For better adhesion of the drug, you can add liquid soap to the working mixture - 1 ml per 10 liters.
A drug with a pronounced fungicidal effect based on bioactive substances released during spore germination. It does not affect the taste and nutritional quality of the crop, therefore it is considered safe and harmless. Berries can be consumed even on the day of processing.
Sold in the form of dry powder and aqueous suspension. To prepare medicine from dry powder, mix 1 package (10 g) with 1 liter of warm water. The drug is introduced gradually, stirring continuously. Then leave for several hours at room temperature. Use the prepared solution for 6 hours.
Often, water-soluble preparations are used - broad-spectrum fungicides. They are toxic, but have a prolonged duration of action. It is enough to carry out 2-3 treatments per season.
Important! Fungicides require precautions. For safety reasons, you need to use only certified drugs and work in special clothing.
It is not recommended to use the same drug on an ongoing basis; it is better to alternate with analogues.
Bordeaux mixture
Contact pesticide. Consists of copper sulfate, lime and water. After application, it protects gooseberries for 30 days.
If the bushes are slightly infested, 3 treatments are sufficient: before the leaves bloom, at the beginning of the growing season and after flowering. If the plants are heavily damaged, it is recommended to increase the number of treatments to 6. The last irrigation should be 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Highly effective fungicide based on penconazole. It is not phytotoxic and remains in the soil for a long time. Suppresses mycelial growth 3 hours after initial use. The active ingredients are quickly absorbed by plant tissues, which does not depend on weather conditions for the use of the drug.
Available in emulsions of 1 l and 2 ml. One ampoule of concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water. During the season, 3-4 treatments with a frequency of 21 days are sufficient.
Benomyl based fungicide. In the first 3 days after treatment, it suppresses mycelium and destroys its cells. For the next 7 days it acts as a protective agent. Sold in powder form. To prepare a solution, 1 g of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. If the time interval is observed, repeated treatment of plants is permissible.
Contains copper oxychloride, used as a substitute for Bordeaux mixture. Available in powder form. The average norm is 40 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.
First, prepare a mother solution in a small amount of water, then bring it to the required volume by adding water with constant stirring.
Used only in calm weather, during the period with the least chance of rain. Gooseberries are processed before and after flowering.
"Abiga Peak"
The drug is based on copper oxychloride, but the treatment is not dependent on weather conditions. The only condition is the temperature is not lower than +9...11°C.
Preparation of the mixture requires strict adherence to the instructions: a bottle with an aqueous suspension is diluted in 1 liter of water, then another 10 liters are added to the mother solution, everything is thoroughly mixed.
Treatment occurs by spraying. The bushes are processed in 2 stages with a time interval of 20 days.
Attention! Gooseberries are one of the earliest honey plants, so during spring processing it is better to use preparations that are safe for bees.
Preventive measures
Despite the fact that fungal diseases can be treated if diagnosed early, it is better to carry out prevention in time:
- Follow agricultural practices.
- Promptly clear plant debris (weeds, fallen leaves, cut branches) and burn it.
- Prevent thickening of plantings.
- Every spring, carry out sanitary pruning of old shoots, low-growing, weak and dry branches. Treat sections of thick shoots with garden varnish.
- Fertilize plants with root and foliar fertilizers.
- Take a “hot shower” in early spring. This procedure prevents infection of the plant.
- Grow garlic, mint, calendula, etc. next to gooseberries.herbs with a pronounced aroma.
Gooseberries are vulnerable to fungal infections. The activity of mycosis can be judged by specific spots on the berries. Timely control of mycelium will save the crop and plants. Compliance with agrotechnical plant protection methods and disease prevention remain also important factors.