Are there any real benefits from raspberry jam?
Raspberry Jam Day is an unusual holiday that is celebrated annually on August 16th. It is closely connected with the Slavic tradition of honoring this berry. It has long been valued for its taste, aroma and beneficial properties to this day.
Raspberries are widely used in cooking. Jelly, jelly, pies, fruit drinks, tinctures, sauces, and tea are made from it. But the most valuable dish is jam. This is not only a delicacy, but also a medicinal remedy. Let's consider what the benefits and harms of raspberry jam are, how high in calories it is and how to use it correctly.
Composition of raspberry jam
Jam is a traditional dish, the distinctive feature of which is heterogeneity of structure and maximum preservation of the shape of the product.
Reference. This type of dessert is especially popular among the Eastern Slavs and the peoples of Transcaucasia.
They prepare jam from various fruits and berries, but most often they try to stock up on raspberry jam. After all, this is not just a delicacy, but a product rich in various substances that helps in the treatment and prevention of seasonal colds.
Content of vitamins and microelements
Beneficial features are caused by a chemical composition that is characterized by the presence of many elements. The quantitative content of each of them is indicated per 100 g of product.
- A – 3 mcg, which is 0.3% of the daily requirement for the human body;
- B1 – 0.01 mg (0.7% daily requirement);
- B2 – 0.04 mg (2.2% of normal);
- B6 – 0.04 mg (2.2%);
- B9 – 2 mcg (0.5%);
- C – 7.4 mg (8.2%);
- E – 0.5 mg (3.3%);
- PP – 0.5 mg (2.5%);
- beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A) – 0.02 mg, which is 0.4% of the daily value.
Macro- and microelements:
- potassium – 168 mg (6.7% daily requirement);
- calcium – 19 mg (1.9%);
- magnesium – 10 mg (2.5%);
- sodium – 14 mg (1%);
- phosphorus – 16 mg (2%);
- iron – 1.2 mg (6.7%);
- organic acids (acetylsalicylic, ellagic, citric, malic) - the total amount does not exceed 0.5 g.
Also included are phytoncides (natural antibiotics), tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, natural pectins, fiber, starch and dextrins (0.3 g), sugars (70 g).
Calorie content and BZHU
The energy value of food consists of two indicators: calorie content and BJU.
The calorie content of raspberry jam is 273 kcal per 100 g of product. This is approximately 17.76% of the recommended daily value.
The BJU indicator contains information about the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. IN 100 g of dessert is 0.6 g, 0.2 g, 70.4 g, respectively.
Health benefits and harms
Raspberries are not just a tasty berry and a popular traditional medicine. She officially recognized as an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, especially colds.
Reference. In 1952, raspberries were registered in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia - a collection of standards and regulations that determine the quality indicators of medicinal substances and preparations made from them.
The berry itself, as well as products and medicines made from it, have a lot of beneficial properties.. Many products can be found in an assortment on pharmacy shelves, for example, syrups, infusions (Sweatshop No. 1, No. 2), teas, etc.
It is customary to make the jam yourself.Due to its rich chemical composition, it has a diverse therapeutic effect on the human body:
reduces body temperature;
- relieves inflammation;
- alleviates pain;
- improves sputum discharge;
- fights swelling;
- prevents the development of anemia;
- improves the functions of the nervous system, increases resistance to stress;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
- reduces the risk of developing cancer;
- improves skin condition, maintains its elasticity and firmness.
Regular consumption of raspberries reduces the risk of developing thrombosis, anemia, helps improve immunity.
Despite all the benefits of the treat, uncontrolled use can cause harm to the body in the form of:
- allergic reactions - the berry is a strong allergen due to the content of a large number of biologically active substances;
- destruction of tooth enamel, which is facilitated by organic acids in its composition;
- weight gain due to high sugar content;
- deterioration of the pancreas.
Excessive consumption of food can lead to sudden spikes in blood glucose levels.
Useful properties for women, men, children
Benefits for women is not only a therapeutic effect, but also a cosmetic one:
- maintaining skin firmness and elasticity;
- slowing down the aging process;
- strengthening hair and preventing hair loss;
- normalization of hormonal levels.
Raspberries help to establish menstrual cycle and reduce pain during menstrual periods.
For men, the berry has these properties::
- Has a diuretic and anti-edematous effect.Prevents the formation of kidney and bladder stones, because men, according to statistics, suffer from such problems 3 times more often than women.
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps in the fight against prostatitis.
- Strengthens vascular walls, which helps avoid early strokes and heart attacks.
Also contributes to the normalization of the reproductive system and improving potency.
For children, raspberry jam is a delicious homemade medicine, which helps to recover and protect against colds, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, influenza, sore throat, etc. The product strengthens the child’s immunity, helps improve brain function, grow muscle tissue and strengthen bones.
Use for diseases
It is recommended to use raspberries as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of colds, flu, and ARVI.
Due to its properties, the berry is capable:
- Reduce body temperature, relieve inflammation due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid in the composition.
- Have an antimicrobial effect due to the content of phytoncides.
- Remove toxins and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Relieve sore throat, nasal congestion, migraine, body aches.
It is better to combine the berry with warm tea rather than hot. The latter causes an additional increase in body temperature and increases swelling of the mucous membranes.
Take note:
How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly
How benefits vary depending on the recipe
The usefulness of a raspberry product directly depends on the method of its preparation. There are many recipes, including The following are popular:
- cold-cooked dessert;
- five-minute jam;
- classic or traditional recipe.
The most useful is considered to be a “cold-cooked” delicacy., because it does not require heat treatment. The berries are ground with sugar and frozen. The resulting dessert retains all its beneficial properties.
In second place is “five minutes”, on the third - the traditional recipe.
Five-minute jam
Five-minute jam - a popular recipe, whose name speaks for itself. After boiling, the berries are cooked for only 5 minutes, after which they are poured hot into sterilized jars and closed with lids.
Reference. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
Thanks to short heat treatment, more nutrients are preserved and does not lose its properties, which means that “five-minute” is much healthier in comparison with jam prepared according to the classic recipe.
Classic recipe - a method of preserving berries, which involves a long cooking process. First, the prepared raspberries are covered with sugar and kept for about 10 hours, after which they are subjected to long-term heat treatment: brought to a boil and cooked until thickened for 20-40 minutes.
Reference. The shelf life of preservation is up to 2 years.
Due to prolonged heat treatment, classic jam loses almost all its beneficial properties., because many substances decompose when heated. For example, vitamin C begins to deteriorate during heat treatment already at a temperature of +60°C, and is completely lost during prolonged cooking.
Norms and rules of use
The benefits of raspberry jam for human health will be maximum if you use it wisely and in moderation. The recommended amount per day is 2-3 tbsp.l. It is not advisable to eat the product every day; several times a week is enough.
When using, you should follow some rules:
Do not eat before going outside, especially with tea. Raspberries cause profuse sweating, and even a light breeze or draft outside can trigger a cold, especially in the cold season.
- It is not recommended to eat dessert immediately before bed; it is better a few hours before.
- After use, it is advisable to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, since organic acids in the composition have a negative effect on tooth enamel.
You should not include jam in your diet while on a diet., because it is high in calories and will negatively affect the process of losing weight.
The product has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when using:
- Individual intolerance. The berry often causes the development of allergic reactions.
- Obesity. Dessert is high in calories and promotes weight gain.
- Diabetes.
- Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcers.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Gout.
- Hemophilia. The berry helps thin the blood, which creates a risk of bleeding.
- Age up to 3 years.
Use with caution when urolithiasis, as this can provoke the movement of stones and cause severe pain.
Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Pregnant women can consume jam, but with caution:
- First trimester. It should be completely excluded from the diet. The acetylsalicylic acid contained in the dessert can harm the fetus and cause miscarriage.
- Second trimester. Allowed in limited quantities.
- Third trimester. The product is excluded because...helps improve blood circulation and thin the blood, which can cause bleeding and premature birth.
During breastfeeding, treats begin to be introduced into the diet only six months after birth.. This is due to the fact that the berry can provoke an allergic reaction in a child in the form of rashes and redness on the skin.
Raspberry jam is an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds. It has a rich chemical composition, thanks to which it is able to eliminate heat, pain, inflammation, swelling, and remove toxins from the body.
When consuming dessert, you should follow moderation and rules, since the berry is a strong allergen and has a number of contraindications. It should not be included in the diet of children under 3 years of age, people with diabetes, excess weight, diseases of the digestive system, or gout. Pregnant women should treat this treat with caution.