Instructions for properly planting raspberries in summer for beginner gardeners
Fruit and berry plants are planted mainly in early spring or mid-autumn. However, every year more and more summer residents postpone planting shrubs to the summer - a warm and carefree time. Raspberries in this case are no exception: if all agrotechnical recommendations are followed, they take root well on the site and within a year please gardeners with tasty and beautiful fruits. When you can plant raspberries in the garden and how to do it correctly, we will tell you in the article.
Is it possible to plant raspberries in summer?
If in the spring planting raspberries I didn't have enough time, you can do it in the summer. They don’t expect a harvest the year they are planted, but next season the plant will give gardeners its first fruits. Raspberries are planted in June or July.
Advantages and disadvantages of summer planting
In summer, frosts are very rare, so the likelihood of seedlings freezing is low. This is relevant for central Russia and the northern regions. Summer there is short, so it is recommended to plant raspberries from mid-June to July, when the ground has warmed up.
In warm weather, seedlings adapt well to external conditions and take root, the root system develops quickly. Such raspberries get sick less often and give a good harvest in the future.
The disadvantage of summer planting is that Only seedlings with a closed root system are used for it. They are sold in specialized garden nurseries. Raspberries with an open root system will not take root and will often get sick.
Is it possible to replant
Replanting raspberries in the event that her productivity decreases, diseases often occur, the taste of the fruit deteriorates. Experienced gardeners recommend doing this once every 5 years.
In summer, you can carry out the procedure only if you dig up and fertilize the new area in advance, select strong shoots with a diameter of up to 10 mm with developed roots. They are first shortened and placed in prepared holes.
Landing dates
The sooner you plant raspberries, the more time you have before the onset of cold weather., so gardeners choose June. The procedure is carried out early in the morning, before sunrise. There should be no wind, rain or other precipitation.
Many summer residents are guided by the lunar calendar. Favorable days in 2020 - June 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Selecting and preparing a place for planting bushes
The place for raspberries should be well-lit, warm, fertile and protected from the winds. It is recommended to place raspberries along the border with other neighboring areas.
The terrain should be flat or slightly hilly; at higher elevations, raspberries suffer from lack of heat. The depth of groundwater is no more than 1 m, otherwise the plant often gets sick and has weak immunity.
A fence or garden structures are placed on the north side of the plantings - they protect raspberries from gusty winds. The distance between seedlings is at least 1 m, between rows - 2-3 m.
Attention! Summer residents dig a hole 50 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. 10 cm of crushed stone or broken brick and a layer of sand are poured onto the bottom. Drainage improves the breathability of the soil, making it lighter and more nutritious.
Selection of planting material
Summer residents choose one-year or two-year raspberry seedlings with a closed root system. They are sold in containers.
The seedlings have a bare stem ranging from 20 to 40 cm long. The thicker it is, the stronger the bush will be. The recommended diameter is at least 0.8 cm. At the base of the stem there should be pale green buds - the beginnings of new shoots.
The roots of healthy plants are moist and dense., without traces of rot and freezing. Since the seedlings are sold in pots, the best sign of healthy roots is when they protrude through the drainage holes.
Planting by shoots
The method is used for planting in warm regions with nutritious soil.. Young shoots with lumps of soil are dug out from the fruit-bearing area and transplanted into prepared trenches or holes. To root, they are watered generously with warm water and fertilized with a mineral complex. By autumn, the bushes take root and produce new shoots.
Planting in this way is not common among summer residents; it is used only when propagating valuable varieties.
Cuttings for summer planting are prepared in spring — the roots are carefully dug up and cut into pieces of 15-20 cm. Store the cuttings in a cool and dark place, leave them in a container with clean sand. In summer they are laid out in prepared holes 10-12 cm deep.
The distance between cuttings is about 20 cm. The furrows are filled with loose soil and watered abundantly. During the summer, the soil is regularly loosened to a depth of no more than 5 cm, so as not to touch the still weak cuttings. By autumn they grow and produce the first raspberry harvest the following year. Planting by cuttings is more common among summer residents than by shoots.
Planting by seeds relevant if you cannot get raspberry shoots or cuttings. This is the way to grow seedlings at home - prepare containers, seeds, and soil.
Planting seeds for seedlings looks like this:
- The berries are ground through a sieve, the seeds are separated from the cake and soaked in water.
- When the seeds swell, it is drained.
- The largest specimens are selected and germinated - placed in damp, warm gauze for 2-3 days.
- Fill a peat glass with garden or purchased soil and pour boiling water over it.
- After germination, the seeds are placed in the ground and fertilized with a weak solution of bird droppings.
Caring for seedlings consists of watering and fertilizing. Ready seedlings have a root system of at least 10 cm. They are placed on the site on a warm day, 2-3 seedlings are sent into one hole at a time. When autumn arrives, cover it with film.
Requirements for the landing pit
The planting pit is prepared 2-2.5 months before planting. To keep the soil nutritious and fertile, add 15 kg of rotted manure, 80 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate (per 1 sq. m.) to it. If the soil is clayey, then take 20 g of manure, if sandy - 12 kg. The hole is dug up and a drainage layer is laid on the bottom. If there is no manure, then add 10 kg of compost or humus.
Attention! The planting site is cleared of weeds and leaves, all debris is removed and burned. Some summer residents neglect digging and as a result end up with a raspberry garden full of insect pests and weeds.
How to plant raspberries in summer
Before planting, summer residents prepare the necessary tools and planting material. You will need a shovel, a bucket of water, and a rake to level the ground. Summer residents use water at room temperature - if you water the seedling with cold water, it will get sick.
Step-by-step planting instructions
After the planting material and tools are ready, gardeners start landing:
- Seedlings are soaked in mullein solution.
- Lower into the prepared hole.
- Using your hands, carefully straighten the roots in a horizontal position.
- Sprinkle with loose soil.
- They level it, leaving one hilly area near the shoot.
- Water generously.
- Mulch with cut grass, hay, sand, and wood ash.
Planting methods
The planting method depends on the number of seedlings and the size of the garden plot.. Most often, summer residents use bush or trench, less often - in a container or on a trellis.
Planting methods:
- Bush. Summer residents prepare holes 50 cm deep, keeping a distance of 2-3 m between them. They fertilize with organic matter and place a seedling inside. The most common method, suitable for small areas.
- Trench. The depth of the trench is 45 cm, the width is about 50 cm, the distance between plants is 40-50 cm. The trench is fertilized with a mixture of manure, compost, humus and peat - the layer thickness is 15 cm. Next, a seedling is placed. In a container. Use plastic or metal containers without a bottom. It is first disinfected with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. The container is placed in a pre-prepared planting hole. Pour fertile soil inside and place raspberries.
- On the trellis. This method is combined with the trench method. After planting, the seedlings are tied on a trellis. This helps avoid diseases and increases future yields. Wooden or metal posts are used as trellises.
- Tape. Plants are placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The empty areas are soon filled with replacement shoots, which form a continuous wall. In old tires. The tire is half deepened into a pre-dug hole, filled with the mixture and seedlings are placed in the center. Tires are convenient because they retain moisture and liquid fertilizers.
How to properly transplant to a new place
To replant the plant, the shoots are shortened by 20 cm and the young shoots are removed. Most often, the belt, bush or trench method is used.
Prepare the pits - fertilize with peat and humus, water abundantly. The bush is placed in a hole along with a lump of earth, the root collar is deepened and sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered again. It is recommended to plant raspberries in a place where nothing has grown before. If there are no “clean” areas, then choose soil after mustard, cucumbers, legumes, herbs, onions and garlic.
Do not replant raspberries in places where other berry bushes, as well as potatoes, peppers, and eggplants used to grow.. The soil must have a neutral acidity level, otherwise liming is required. Wood ash fertilizes the soil well.
Attention! In order for the bushes to take root better in a new place, they are sprayed with a complex fertilizer for fruit and berry bushes or a solution based on wood ash and nettles.
Favorable neighbors
Raspberries are planted nearby with pear, apple, plum. Another excellent neighbor is dill; it attracts pollinating insects to the raspberry tree, which has a good effect on the yield.
Unsuitable location for the plant - bushes of cherries, sea buckthorn, black currants, blackberries, strawberries and wild strawberries. Plants have common diseases and pests. It is not recommended to grow potatoes nearby - they inhibit the development of the bush.
Nuances of planting depending on the type of raspberry
If ordinary varieties raspberries take root on the site without any problems, then Growing remontant plants requires strict adherence to all conditions. Such raspberries bear fruit only in spacious areas and fertile lands.
The planting hole is fertilized in late autumn and springso that by summer it accumulates vitamins and microelements useful for raspberries. The site should be sunny, even in partial shade remontant raspberry grows poorly. The plant is planted to a depth of 30 cm. Such raspberries receive nutrition through lateral roots, so it is not recommended to bury them.
Depending on the growing region
If raspberries are planted in cold regions, for example in the Urals or Siberia, then The seedlings are pre-soaked in a clay mash. It increases the plant’s resistance to sudden temperature changes, strengthens the immune system and protects against diseases and pests. It’s easy to prepare the product: mix clay and water to the consistency of thick sour cream. It is also easy to store and transport planting material in the chatterbox.
In central Russia, it is recommended to pay attention to garden soil. It must be clean and nutritious. To increase its fertile properties, summer residents mix garden soil with purchased soil, add 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of nitroammophosphate per 1 sq. m. m.
Care after landing
5 days after planting, raspberries are moistened. Drip irrigation is used; about 5 liters of water are consumed per bush. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will lead to the development of fungal diseases.
Before watering, loosen the soil to a depth of 5-7 cmso that water penetrates deep to the roots and lingers there. The optimal time for the procedure is early morning or evening after sunset.
After 10 days, the raspberries are fed with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Use ready-made complex preparations or ash, phosphate rock, urea, nitroammophosphate, double superphosphate, potassium salt - 20-25 g of dry fertilizer per 1 sq. m.In the first 2 weeks, it is recommended to treat raspberries with insect and disease repellents.
Use a solution of Bordeaux mixture or tobacco leaves, as well as drug "Fitosporin". Garlic-herb solution is also effective in processing - 10 liters of water require 300 g of peeled garlic and 3 kg of cut grass. The mixture is infused for 24 hours and used for spraying. The next treatment is carried out only in August.
Advice from experienced gardeners
To ensure that planting and replanting raspberries to a new place does not cause trouble, experienced gardeners It is recommended to follow the following rules:
- carefully select seedlings - the stems should be smooth, elastic, light brown;
- disinfect garden tools and soil;
- For the procedure, choose days without rain or wind;
- maintain the distance between bushes;
- fertilize planting holes;
- follow neighborhood guidelines;
- Before summer transplantation, prune.
Growing a delicious raspberry crop is easy if you follow the step-by-step planting guide. In summer, only seedlings with a closed root system are used. The site is found sunny, slightly hilly, protected from the winds. Depending on the size of the garden, a strip, bush or trench placement method is chosen. Some gardeners plant raspberries in pots or old tires. The planting hole is prepared in advance - fertilized with manure, peat, humus. The seedling is watered, and after 10 days the first fertilizing is applied. The harvest is expected in exactly one year.
unrealistic advice. the adviser didn’t see the garden