How and what to feed sea buckthorn in the summer: a guide for novice gardeners
Sea buckthorn is one of the most hardy and unpretentious plants, so growing it usually does not cause any particular difficulties. Even novice gardeners can do this. But to regularly obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, the plant requires care. The main factor influencing the number of fruits is fertilizer. How to feed sea buckthorn in the summer - read our article.
Features of summer feeding of sea buckthorn
Summer feeding sea buckthorn important for obtaining a rich harvest. At this time, the tree is actively vegetating and bearing fruit.
In the summer, fertilizers are applied during the formation of berries so that they ripen faster, are larger and tastier.
Fertilizing is also carried out after harvesting. This will help the exhausted tree recover before the cold weather arrives.
What does a plant need in summer?
Sea buckthorn is not very demanding on soil fertility. It itself improves the soil, because in the roots of this plant there are nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere. On fertilized soils, sea buckthorn is not fed in the first year.
Adult plants are fertilized with potassium and phosphorus during the development of ovaries. To prepare the solution 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 2 tsp. the drug "Uniflor Micro" and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate is diluted in a bucket of water. This is a portion for one tree.
Fruit-bearing plants are fed by foliar feeding. For the first time, fertilize with a urea solution in early June. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. l.products in 10 liters of water. Some gardeners use Rossa liquid fertilizer instead of urea. The dosage is the same.
The second feeding is carried out using potassium humate. To do this, 10 ml of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.
If young plants are weakened, additionally perform 2 more foliar feedings. The first time is sprayed 20-30 days before harvesting, the second time - after harvesting the fruits. For this, potassium humate or “Effecton” is used.
How to determine a lack of substances
Although sea buckthorn produces nitrogen, it can still sometimes lack it. Because of this, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted. Malfunctions in its operation lead to yellowing of foliage.
Nitrogen deficiency usually occurs during cold, dry weather when it is difficult for the plant to obtain nutrients from the soil.
But if the weather is warm and the foliage still turns yellow, sea buckthorn is fertilized with one of the following solutions:
- 20 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water;
- 120 g of urea per bucket of water.
These products are used for watering, but some gardeners also spray the plant. To do this, 30 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water.
In addition to nitrogen, potassium is important for sea buckthorn. The main signs of deficiency of this substance:
- Leaves become lethargic, lose turgor, and the thickness of the cell walls decreases.
- The edges of the leaves turn yellow. After the tissues completely die, they become brown or brown, and the main part of the leaf becomes dark green.
Consequences of potassium deficiency in sea buckthorn:
- The tree tolerates frosts less well.
- Many ovaries are formed, but most of them are empty. The plant produces few fruits, all of them are small.
- The growth of new shoots slows down significantly.
- The tree becomes vulnerable to fungal diseases.
At the first sign of potassium deficiency, fertilize immediately.For this, manure (1 kg per 1 sq. m.) and potash fertilizers (1 kg per 100 sq. m.) are used.
What do you feed sea buckthorn in summer?
The summer growing season is due to the rapid growth of side shoots.
Also at this time the fruits are formed, so the plant requires regular feeding.
Mineral fertilizers
Mineral fertilizers begin to be applied to plants from 3 years of age. Ammonium nitrate is scattered around the trunk and in the area at the rate of 20 g per 1 square meter. m. Then it is sprinkled with a little earth.
After 2 weeks, foliar feeding is carried out. Potassium humate is used for this. 30 ml of the product is diluted in 1 bucket of water.
Organic fertilizers
To fertilize sea buckthorn, use a mixture of the following components:
- 1 bucket of humus;
- 400 g crushed eggshells;
- 1/3 bucket of sand.
This mixture is scattered within a radius of 1 m from the tree trunk. Use a rake to distribute everything evenly. For 1 plant, use 2 buckets of this mixture.
Important! Organic fertilizers contain large amounts of nitrogen. An excess of this component leads to burns of the root system and deformation of the trunk, so organic matter is added very carefully.
Folk remedies
In the first year after landings Some gardeners use regular yeast as a growth stimulator. They are very nutritious and have a beneficial effect on soil microflora, preventing the development of pathogens.
Yeast is used not only for sea buckthorn, but also for many other plants.
To prepare the fertilizer you will need:
- 1 kg of pressed yeast;
- 5 liters of warm water.
Yeast is dissolved in warm water and left for 30 minutes. After this, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Watering sea buckthorn with yeast fertilizer helps to grow the root system and the green part of the plant.
Wood ash contains large amounts of potassium, phosphorus and other elements that sea buckthorn requires. To prepare the fertilizer, 400 g of ash is diluted in a bucket of water and watered with this product on the tree. Also, some gardeners scatter it around the trunk at the rate of 400 g per 1 square meter. m. As precipitation falls, the ash will penetrate deep into the soil.
A good homemade fertilizer is made from weeds and other plant waste, which are filled with plenty of water. This requires a suitable container, such as a barrel or an old bathtub. After a month of infusion, the plants are watered with this water.
Frequency and volume of fertilizing
During the summer, sea buckthorn is fed 3 times. If the tree is weakened, the number of procedures is increased.
Young plants are most often not fertilized. Feeding begins at 3 years of age.
Possible fertilizer application schemes
Fertilizer application schemes for sea buckthorn:
- In the first years after landings plants are usually not fed. But if the seedling is weak, mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are applied.
- If the tree is already bearing fruit, it is fertilized 3 times during the summer season. For the first time, fertilizing is applied to the soil. The remaining procedures are carried out using the foliar method. In this case, a minimum period of 2 weeks is observed.
- If there are signs of deficiency of any element, in addition to the main fertilizing, fertilizers with the missing component are added. In this case, the number of procedures is increased up to 5 times during the summer.
How to properly feed sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is fed in different ways. The choice depends on the growing season.
Fertilizer application methods
There are two main methods of applying fertilizers that are used to feed garden trees:
- Pristvolny.The finished composition (liquid or granules) is evenly distributed around the trunk within a radius of 1 m. If the product is in granules, they are then sprinkled with a little earth.
- Foliar. The leaves are sprayed with prepared compounds. This method of fertilizing saturates the plants more effectively.
Mistakes to Avoid
The most common mistakes that beginners make when feeding sea buckthorn:
- Incorrect doses. If you don't apply enough fertilizer, there will be little point in fertilizing. Excess microelements harms the root system.
- Using expired fertilizers.
- Uneven distribution.
- Wrong choice of fertilizer.
Advice from experienced gardeners
When caring for sea buckthorn, it is important to follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners:
- Apply fertilizers in the evening.
- When using the foliar feeding method, choose a windless day.
- When applying the tree-trunk method, wait for dry weather.
- Apply nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers and organic matter with caution, since the root system of sea buckthorn itself releases nitrogen.
For good growth and fruiting, sea buckthorn requires summer feeding, which is done in several stages.
Procedures differ in application methods, types and amounts of fertilizers. It is important to provide the plant with sufficient potassium and phosphorus. Then the tree will produce a large harvest.