A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties

Sea buckthorn is an indispensable ingredient for preparing winter supplies and a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. The shrubs are unpretentious in care and show stable and high yields in all corners of Russia. However, some varieties have a significant drawback - thorns on the branches, which make harvesting difficult and scratch your hands. Therefore, many gardeners choose seedlings of thornless varieties.

Large varieties of sea buckthorn without thorns

A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties

Easy to care for, sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins and is valued in folk medicine and cooking. Large varieties are distinguished by the taste of berries; they grow in the Urals and in Siberia, the Moscow region and the Central region. The crop is winter-hardy and bears fruit consistently.


The early-ripening variety is recommended for cultivation in the West Siberian and East Siberian regions. The bushes are spreading, there are no thorns. The berries are cylindrical, the weight of one is about 1.5 g. The color is bright orange-yellow, the peel is of medium density. The taste is sour, tasting score - 4.9 points out of 5. The variety is resistant to frost, drought, heat, fungal and viral diseases.

During flowering, the tree looks beautiful on the site. Sea buckthorn openwork is easy to care for and does not require frequent care. trimmings. Productivity reaches 64 c/ha.


An early-medium universal variety for growing in Siberia. Winter, drought and heat resistance are average. The plant is resistant to sea buckthorn fly.

The shrub is low-growing, the crown is round and compact. The spines are short and there are few of them on the branches.The weight of the berry is about 1.2 g, the shape is ovoid, the color is yellow-orange. The taste is sweet, the rating is 4.7 points.

The Essel variety is valued for its attractive commercial qualities, tart sweet taste of berries and keeping quality. The harvest ripens in August. Gardeners do not allow it to become overripe, since sea buckthorn does not adhere well to the branches and falls off.


Sea buckthorn Giant is planted in the Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.

Bushes of late ripening, medium density, rounded crown. The shoots are light brown, the leaves are dark green and curved. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, weight - from 1 to 1.5 g. The peel is glossy orange. The average yield of the variety is 88 c/ha. The crop is frost-resistant and susceptible to attacks by ticks and sea buckthorn flies.

To obtain a rich harvest, it is recommended to treat the bushes with a solution of urea or Bordeaux mixture. The preparations protect sea buckthorn from ticks and flies.


The bushes are medium-sized, the crown is slightly spreading, the shoots are straight and thin. Sea buckthorn is not prickly. The leaves are light green, shiny. The fruits are oval in shape, weigh about 1 g. The color is rich orange, the peel is glossy, the taste is sweet and sour. Score: 4.2 points. The berries are used fresh and for processing.

The Podruga variety is frost-resistant - can withstand temperatures down to -40°C. Resistant to endomycosis and sea buckthorn fly.

Attention! Water the crop moderately, because it does not tolerate excess moisture. A young plant requires 30–40 liters of water, an adult - about 70 liters. For watering, dig a hole near the tree trunk. If it’s a rainy summer, regularly loosen the soil so that moisture does not stagnate on the surface of the earth and does not evaporate.

The recommended growing region is West Siberian.Productivity reaches 93 c/ha.

Winter-hardy varieties without thorns for the Moscow region

A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties

Sea buckthorn near Moscow pleases gardeners with a rich harvest and juicy pulp. It is recommended to choose plants with strong immunity. Sea buckthorn is harvested in July or August (depending on soil conditions and weather conditions). Let's consider popular thornless sea buckthorn varieties for the Moscow region and Moscow.

Moscow beauty

The bush is small, the crown is compact. The weight of the fruit is about 0.8 g, the color is rich orange, the shape is oval-round. The dessert taste is juicy with a rich sea buckthorn aroma. Taster rating: 4.5 points.

The variety is winter-hardy and not affected by diseases and pests. Moscow beauty produces about 15 kg of berries per bush over the summer. They are used fresh or processed to make tasty and healthy jam.

Botanical amateur

The early-ripening thornless variety is grown in the Moscow region, the middle zone, and the Leningrad region. The height of the plant is about 4 m, the crown is dense and pyramidal. The oval-shaped fruits are orange-yellow. The skin is glossy and thin, the stalk is long. The weight of the berry is about 0.9 g, the yield is up to 20 kg per tree over the summer.

The fruits are poorly stored, so they are eaten fresh or immediately sent for processing. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, low winter temperatures.

Moscow pineapple

The Moscow pineapple received its name due to its aromatic and juicy pulp - the fruits grow sweet and have a pleasant taste. The weight of the berry is about 0.6 g, the height of the bush is up to 3 m, the shoots are curved and long. The shape of the berries is pear-shaped and elongated, the peel is thick. One bush produces up to 14 kg of fruit over the summer, the harvest is characterized by keeping quality and transportability.

The variety is winter-hardy, suitable for industrial cultivation, and is slightly affected by diseases and pests. Moscow pineapple is universal in application.


A late-summer universal variety suitable for cultivation in the Central, Northern, Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural, East and West Siberian regions.

The height of the tree is about 3 m, the foliage is dense, the crown is round, there are no thorns. The fruits are oval, weight - about 0.7 g. The color is bright orange, the peel is smooth. Productivity is about 10 kg per tree. Sea buckthorn is suitable for all types of processing. Excellent frost-resistant, but susceptible to pests.

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The most productive thornless varieties

A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties

The productivity of sea buckthorn is influenced not only by weather conditions, but also by the correct choice of variety, soil nutrition, protection from diseases, rodents and pests. Yield varieties are grown for personal use and sale. They are found in small garden plots and farms.


The yield of the Chuyskaya variety is from 10 to 17 kg per bush, in favorable summers it reaches 23 kg. The plant is medium-sized, the crown is compact and round. The shoots are dark green, the leaves are curved. The shape of the berry is cylindrical-oval, weight is about 1 g. The color is yellow-orange, rich. The pulp is sweet and sour with a tart aftertaste.

Chuyskaya is drought- and frost-resistant, so it is suitable for growing in any region of Russia.To protect against pests, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures: weed and mulch the beds, apply mineral fertilizers.

Gift to the garden

The average crop yield is 20 kg per bush. The mid-season variety is planted in the Volga-Vyatka, Central, and Northwestern regions.

The tree is medium-sized with straight and thick shoots. The leaves are large, dark green. The average weight of the berry is 0.6 g, the shape is oval-elongated, the skin is dark orange and dense, so the crop can be stored for a long time and is suitable for transportation. The taste is sour, the flesh is pleasant and tart. The variety rarely gets sick and is frost-resistant.

Pearl oyster

Early fruiting variety - the first harvest is harvested in the 3rd year after landing. One bush produces up to 15 kg of berries per season. The height of the plant is 2–2.5 m, the crown is oval, spines are very rare. The leaves are medium sized green. The berries are oval-round, bright orange with a long stalk. Sea buckthorn weighs about 0.6 g. The taste is sweet with a bright aroma. Tasting score: 4.7 points.

The pearl oyster does not fall off after ripening; during harvesting, the berries are easily separated from the bush. The culture is winter-hardy and tolerates drought and heat. Recommended for planting in the middle zone and West Siberian region.


Mid-season and versatile variety. Spreading bushes with an oval crown and dark green leaves. The berries are oval, average weight - 1 g, color orange with a reddish tint. The pulp is sweet and sour. The yield of Jamova is up to 17 kg per plant per season.

The variety is drought-resistant and winter-hardy. Thanks to their dense peel, the berries are stored after harvest and are suitable for long-distance transportation and sale.

Interesting! Jam sea buckthorn has a high oil content (10.2%).It is used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine. The substance has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The culture is zoned for the West and East Siberian regions.

Bush non-thorny sea buckthorn

This sea buckthorn will decorate any dacha - small bushes look neat and attractive. Gardeners plant them along the fence or in the corners of the plot. Shaded places where little sunlight penetrates are suitable for growing.

A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties


The bushes are low-growing with a compact crown. Sea buckthorn takes little time to care for - frequent pruning of shoots and crown formation are not required. Elizabeth matures at the end of the summer season. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases. Suitable for growing in the Urals and Siberia.

Fruit weight is up to 1 g, cylindrical in shape. The taste is sweet-sour, juicy and spicy. The berries grow on long stalks, so they are easily separated from the branch. The color is orange and stands out noticeably in the area. The fruits are added to pies and cakes, made into fruit drinks, and eaten fresh.

Baikal ruby

The height of the bush is up to 1 m, the crown is compact. Baikal ruby ​​is unpretentious and grows in the coldest regions. Ripens in the second half of August.

The weight of the berry is about 0.5 g. The shape is oblong, the color is orange-coral. The pulp is dense, the taste is sweet and sour. Gardeners note high immunity - the crop does not get sick and is not damaged by insect pests. The yield is stable - up to 12 kg per plant over the summer.


The mid-early sea buckthorn variety Sayana begins to bear fruit 3 years after planting. Recommended for cultivation in Eastern Siberia. Beautiful and compact bushes look harmonious on the site. The fruits are resistant to cracking, the variety does not suffer from fusarium.

The berries are oval, bright orange with a red tinge. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is moderate. The skin is dense, sea buckthorn comes off easily, and the spines are few. Productivity reaches 11–16 kg per season from one bush. The use of the fruit is universal.


Thorns are found on Perchik bushes, but very rarely. The plant is compact, umbrella-shaped. Fruit weight is up to 0.7 g, the pulp is dense, the tear is dry. The shape is ovoid, the color is orange, the skin is glossy.

Productivity is about 7 kg per bush per season. Pepper ripens at the end of July - the first half of August, depending on weather conditions. Suitable for cultivation in the Central, Volga-Vyatka regions.

Varieties of sea buckthorn without shoots

A variety of thornless sea buckthorn varieties

Shoots are young shoots that the plant does not need. They slow down the development of bushes, reduce yields and cause diseases. There is especially a lot of growth in old gardens, where, in addition to sea buckthorn, cherries, raspberries, currants and other berries grow. Removing such shoots requires effort and time. To avoid unnecessary worries, gardeners choose varieties of sea buckthorn without thorns and shoots.


Medium-sized, neat bushes also perform a decorative function. The crown is spreading, there are no thorns. The fruits are broadly oval, the weight of one is from 0.8 to 1 g. The pulp is sweet and sour with a high oil content (7.8%). The color is orange with a reddish blush at the calyx and base of the stalk. The average yield is 168.5 c/ha.

Chechek ripens in the first half of September. The variety is frost-resistant and unpretentious, therefore suitable for cultivation in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. To increase productivity, plants are sprayed against sea buckthorn fly.

Amber necklace

The bushes are of medium height, the crown is round and semi-spreading. The shoots are straight and thick, the leaves are large.The weight of the berry is 1–1.5 g, the taste is sweet and sour, tart. The yield of the Amber Necklace is up to 14 kg per bush, the first fruits are harvested in early September.

Advantages include resistance to diseases, pests and frost resistance. The variety is recommended for planting in the Ural region.


An early ripening universal variety for the Urals and Siberia. The bushes are weak-growing, the crown is compressed. The shoots are medium brown with a gray coating. The weight of the fruit is up to 0.7 g, the skin is smooth and shiny. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp has a high content of vitamin C (167 mg%).

The harvest is used for freezing, processing and cooking. The variety does not require special care; it requires timely watering and fertilizers.

Star Trek

The trees are tall with a spreading and dense crown. There are very few thorns - harvesting without difficulty. The weight of the berry is about 1 g, the shape is oblong, the color is red-orange. The skin is of medium thickness, so the fruits are used for transportation. The taste is sweet and sour with a refreshing sea buckthorn aroma.

Star Trek is winter-hardy and heat-resistant, and is universal in use. Suitable for cultivation in Western Siberia.


Lovers of large sea buckthorn without thorns choose Essel or Giant for planting: the weight of the berries is 1–1.5 g, the taste is pleasant, and the harvest is stored for a long time. The Moscow Beauty and Botanical Favorite varieties are suitable for growing in the Moscow region: the plants are frost-resistant, rarely get sick, and the fruits are universal in use. For those who prefer not only tasty berries, but also neat bushes, there are varieties Elizaveta and Baikal ruby.

When choosing, pay attention to the appearance of the seedling, the ripening period of the variety, productivity indicators, immunity to diseases and pests.

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