
What to do if the cherry is wormy

Cherry is a very tasty berry. It is not cheap on the market, so many people grow the crop on their plots. But cherries are capricious; insect pests love them. The most common problem gardeners have is worms in...

Large-fruited variety of gooseberry, Thornless Ural, producing a rich harvest of delicious berries

Ural thornless gooseberry is a variety with sweet and juicy berries originally from Russia. Its main difference from others is the absence or small number of thorns on the branches. During cultivation...

Useful properties and contraindications of white currants for women

White currants with translucent, almost colorless berries are not as popular among gardeners as other members of the Gooseberry family, but no less useful. Let's look at how the fruits and leaves of this crop can help...

Is it possible to eat apricots when losing weight and how to use them in diets

Tasty and aromatic berries and fruits contain many vitamins, but not all gifts of nature are suitable for consumption by those who are trying to lose weight. About whether it is allowed to eat apricots while losing weight...

What are the benefits of mango for weight loss and how to eat it correctly

Diet is a word that has appeared at least once in every person’s life. Many different ways have been developed to get rid of extra pounds. How to make the weight loss process not only as effective as possible, but...

Composition and calorie content of Chinese pears depending on the variety, why they are useful

The ancestors of the Chinese pear (Taiwanese, Japanese, shortbread) are neshi (yamanesh) trees.Once upon a time, Chinese agronomists crossed a pear and an apple to produce a juicy, not sour and not cloyingly sweet fruit. From the article you will learn...

The harm and benefits of grapes for a woman’s body

Almost all parts of grapes are used as raw materials for the preparation of drinks, dishes and cosmetics. The fruits are known for their antioxidant, cardio- and angioprotective properties. There is a separate section of traditional medicine - ampelotherapy, or grape therapy. Chemical...

The effect of raspberries on a woman’s body: how it is useful and in what cases it is harmful

Raspberries are considered one of the healthiest berries. For a woman, it can become a source of good health and beauty. Read the article about the beneficial properties and contraindications for eating berries. Chemical composition ...

Useful properties and contraindications of viburnum for women

Viburnum is a small shrub from the honeysuckle family with red berries that are attractive not only for their taste. They are actively used in folk medicine. Berries contain many minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. According to ...

Can a young mother eat grapes while breastfeeding?

During breastfeeding, it is very important for mothers to follow a proper diet, consisting of foods that do not cause colic and allergic reactions in the baby. But at the same time, nutritionists recommend a balanced diet...

