Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

Gardeners grow apricots not only in the southern regions, but also in the Moscow region, the Urals, and Siberia. Regular watering and fertilizing, mulching and loosening help to get a tasty harvest. One of the methods that summer residents use for successful fruiting is transplanting plants to a new place. Let's look at how to properly replant an apricot tree and what recommendations to follow.

Why replant apricots in summer?

Transplanting an apricot is not an easy procedure, with the help of which a larger fruit yield is obtained. Replanting is required if the initial planting site was chosen incorrectly, which is why the tree grows poorly, often gets sick, and produces a small harvest.

For example, the soil turned out to be acidic and clayey, or the area is located on the windy side of the garden. It is recommended to replant apricot 1-2 times. If you do this more often, the life of the tree will decrease.

Transplanting to a suitable location causes the fruits to grow larger and sweeter. The pulp is characterized by sugar content and juiciness. The apricot tree gets sick less often and does not suffer due to sudden changes in weather, winds and precipitation.

Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

Is it possible to transplant an adult tree to another location?

Experienced gardeners recommend replanting only apricot trees no older than 2 years old. Older specimens experience severe stress during the procedure, so their chance of settling down in a new place is minimal, but still exists.

It happens that five-year-old trees successfully adapt to new growing conditions and after 2-3 years they delight with a tasty harvest.

Summer transplant dates

To understand when it is best to replant a tree, pay attention to the weather and the age of the plant. For young seedlings, the optimal time for transplantation is early or mid-June.

The weather should be warm, but not hot, a suitable air temperature is about +18°C. An adult tree is replanted at the end of summer, after fruiting. The crop is harvested and the procedure is carried out after 10–15 days.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar

Using the lunar calendar, gardeners determine favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out agricultural procedures.

June 24 is a suitable date for replanting a young apricot, and on August 18 and 27 it is recommended to replant an adult tree. However, choosing dates according to the calendar alone is not enough - the weather must be suitable.

Choosing a new place

Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

Apricot is a heat-loving plant, so it is planted in well-lit areas protected from the wind. The tree loves sandy clay soil with neutral acidity.

Attention! Apricot has a lush and spreading crown, so the distance between seedlings should be at least 3-4 m. If you plan to plant the tree near a fence or garden buildings, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 2.5–3 m from them.

If the soil is too heavy and acidic, it is limed and purified sand is added. Construct a drainage layer of crushed stone, gravel and dry branches. Drainage makes the ground more breathable and lighter.

Favorable and unfavorable neighborhood

Apricot loves the sun, so if the surrounding trees and shrubs block the sun's rays, it will die. The crop has a powerful and developed root system, which takes all microelements from the soil, leaving nothing for nearby plants.

Unfavorable neighbors: apple tree, plum tree, walnut, black currant, raspberry (the crops deplete each other). Suitable neighbors include garlic, lettuce, dill and green onions. They are even planted in the tree trunk.

Preparing apricots for transplantation

2-3 hours before the procedure, water the tree generously with warm water. Moisture is necessary so that the soil sticks to the roots and they are not damaged during transplantation. Dig a trench 60 cm deep around the plant, cut off the long roots with a shovel and place the apricot in burlap or a prepared bag.

Attention! Only healthy trees are suitable for replanting. They should not show signs of disease: spots, dry leaves, rot on the roots. It is recommended to carefully inspect all branches and leaves.

It is impossible to replant apricots “dry”: this will damage the weak roots of the plant and it will not take root well on the site.

Preparing the planting hole

The planting pit is prepared a month before transplantation. The soil is dug up using a shovel and all debris and plant debris are removed. If the ground was not watered with boiling water at the beginning of April, do it now to protect the apricot from pathogens and insect pests.

The width of the hole should be such that the entire crown of the tree fits into it, and the depth - all the roots. Fertilize the pit with a mixture of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (200 g of each).

How to replant an apricot correctly

Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

Before the procedure, it is important to prepare gardening tools: a shovel, a watering can with water, a rake. It is recommended to disinfect it with a solution of potassium permanganate so that the tree does not become infected with diseases. Next, proceed to the transplant itself:

  1. The dug up seedling is placed in a prepared hole in a vertical position.
  2. Gently straighten the roots with your hands and sprinkle them with light and loose soil.
  3. Create an earthen roller around the apricot and lightly press down the soil.
  4. Water the apricot generously with water.

Mistakes to Avoid

In order for the apricot tree to quickly adapt to new conditions, summer residents try to follow all the nuances of replanting. However, even the most experienced gardeners sometimes make serious mistakes:

  • make a planting hole immediately before the procedure, do not fertilize it and do not equip it with a drainage layer;
  • do not water the plant before digging it up and placing it in a new hole;
  • apricots are planted near pears, apple trees, and walnuts;
  • dig a small planting hole;
  • damage roots by handling them carelessly;
  • bury the roots entirely, leaving no room for an earthen roller.

The nuances of transplantation for different varieties

Early ripening apricot varieties, for example, Tsunami or Ledana, are replanted from early April to mid-June. They are unpretentious, frost-resistant, and quickly adapt to climatic conditions.

Late varieties, such as Favorite or Honey, are recommended to be replanted in July. Late-ripening apricot is capricious, so it is better to move it to a new place when the ground warms up enough and the air temperature reaches +25°C. Otherwise, his immunity will weaken and productivity will decrease.

Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

For different ages

If the tree is 5 or 6 years old, it is important to re-examine it for signs of disease. Even if there are no obvious signs, but for some reason the branches are dry and thin and break easily, it is better to refuse replanting.

Dryness indicates that the plant lacks microelements and is weakened. Complex mineral supplements will help correct the situation: “Aminozol” or “Humate + 7 iodine”. Fertilizers contain organic and humic acids, are easily digestible, and strengthen the immune system.

When transplanting a young tree, everything is simpler. It is not necessary to fertilize it before the procedure; The main thing is to water well. Summer residents recommend preheating the water in the sun. Watering with cold liquid can provoke the development of diseases and insect attacks.

For different regions

If apricot is grown in the northern regions, it is recommended to prepare the planting hole not 1, but 2-3 months in advance. For example, if the transplant is planned for June, the pit is prepared at the end of March or beginning of April, when the snow melts.

In addition to superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, part of the rotted manure or peat is added to it. Organic matter makes the fertilizer more nutritious and balanced, protects the roots from frost, and prevents the development of insects.

In the south, it is especially important to maintain distance between plants. If trees are planted too close to each other, their crowns will not be ventilated, which will lead to lower yields.

Further care

After transplanting, apricot needs regular and abundant watering. Especially it concerns regions with hot summer. One young tree uses about 12 liters of water, and an adult tree - up to 20 liters. Water the plant in the circle around the trunk.

To prevent water from evaporating from the surface of the soil and penetrating deep to the roots, the activity is carried out in the morning or evening, when there is no sun. Before each watering, the soil is loosened with a rake to a depth of 10 cm. Loosening prevents the development of weeds, retains moisture and makes the soil light.

Attention! To protect apricots from rodents and frost, at the end of autumn the trunks and bases of skeletal branches are wrapped with a special garden net. Protection is removed only at the beginning of April.

2-3 weeks after transplantation, the plant is treated with Actellik or Fufanon. They protect the apricot tree from moths and codling moths, and prevent the development of diseases: bacterial cancer and brown spot. Instead of these drugs, a solution of Bordeaux mixture is used: 100 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters. Spray branches and leaves from all sides.

Advice from experienced gardeners

Step-by-step instructions for replanting apricots yourself in the summer

Advice from experienced gardeners can help you grow a rich harvest of apricots. With the help of simple recommendations, even a novice summer resident will receive ripe and juicy fruits:

  • choose healthy plants for planting;
  • follow the rules of the garden neighborhood;
  • water the apricots with clean and warm water;
  • plant apricots in sunny, well-warmed areas;
  • choose a warm and windless day for the procedure;
  • plant varieties, suitable for a specific region;
  • do not forget to fertilize the plant and treat it against diseases.


Apricot transplantation begins with preparing the planting hole. It should be such that all the roots of the tree fit into it without any problems, and the width accommodates the crown. The pit is fertilized with organic matter and mineral compounds, and a drainage layer is laid. After a month, the tree is watered, carefully removed from the ground and placed in a new hole.

It is recommended to use trees no older than 2 years: they are distinguished by strong immunity and rapid adaptation to new conditions. After the procedure, the apricot is once again watered abundantly, loosened and mulched.

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