Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

Hazelnuts are one of the most popular and healthy nuts. Both children and adults love him. Hazelnuts are most often added to candies and chocolate. In terms of nutrient content, it ranks second after walnut and is much healthier than all the others: peanuts, Brazilian peanuts, cashews, and even cedar.

Read the article about the beneficial properties and contraindications of hazelnuts for women.

Composition and calorie content of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

The high position in the “nut” rating of hazelnuts is ensured by the vitamins, macro- and microelements it contains. Just one kernel contains ½ the daily requirement of manganese, half of the mass is made up of Omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, which dissolve cholesterol plaques.

Composition and energy value of hazelnuts per 100 g:

  • proteins – 17.1%;
  • fats – 61.2%;
  • carbohydrates – 4.9% (almost half is fiber);
  • water – 5%
  • calorie content – ​​670 kcal.

Hazelnuts are the record holder among nuts for the content of vitamins, minerals and valuable amino acids. Despite the large amount of fats, the bulk of them are useful mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the human body and useful even when losing weight.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • B1 – 0.48 mg – regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • B2 – 0.11 mg – strengthens the immune system, prolongs active life;
  • B5 – 1.1 mg – suppresses microbes, participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • B6 – 0.7 mg – normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, reduces fat and cholesterol levels;
  • B9 – 0.08 mg – the main “female” vitamin, extremely necessary for pregnant women to prevent miscarriage and normal fetal development;
  • C – 2.0 mg – protects the immune system, participates in the formation of steroid hormones, collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • E – 17.5 mg – antioxidant, restores cell membranes, protects them from destruction by free radicals.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • potassium – 700.0 mg – maintains correct intracellular pressure;
  • calcium – 170.0 mg – makes bones strong;
  • magnesium – 172.0 mg – “metal of life”, without it the synthesis of about 300 enzymes in the body is impossible;
  • sulfur – 190.0 mg – helps produce collagen, preserves youthful skin, hair, nails;
  • phosphorus – 310.0 mg – forms bones and teeth, participates in the production of proteins.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • aluminum – 425 mcg – participates in the process of tissue regeneration;
  • boron – 200 mcg – relieves inflammation, normalizes fat metabolism;
  • vanadium – 100 mcg – antitumor element, reduces insulin dose for diabetics;
  • iron – 3000 mcg – is responsible for oxygen metabolism;
  • manganese – 10,000 mcg – without it the body cannot absorb vitamins B, C and E;
  • copper – 1600 mcg – participates in the production of collagen and elastin;
  • zinc – 2500 mcg – maintains healthy skin, hair and nails.

What are the benefits of hazelnuts for women?

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

The elements that make up hazelnuts are of great value for the human body. The presence of “female” vitamins and minerals in large quantities explains the great love of the fair sex for these nuts.

Beneficial properties for the body as a whole

Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids in hazelnuts are a salvation for those women who do not eat fish. These substances are not produced by the body, but come only with food.A lack of fatty acids leads to disruptions in the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids fight excess weight and maintain youthful skin.

Hazelnuts surpass all other food products in the content of essential amino acids. Their deficiency in the body leads to:

  • to early skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • depression;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which means a deterioration in the oxygen supply of organs and tissues;
  • malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • hair loss, brittle nails.

Regular consumption of hazelnuts in combination with honey and dried apricots improves immunity and supports heart and vascular health.

Fatty acids and microelements in hazelnuts normalize lipid metabolism, preventing excess weight gain. These same substances cleanse blood vessels and increase the content of healthy cholesterol in the body. Hazelnuts during menopause reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

For women suffering from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and vascular atherosclerosis, hazelnuts are indispensable. It reduces painful symptoms, reduces swelling, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, significantly improving overall well-being and performance.

An almost complete set of B vitamins protects against overwork, stress, emotional swings, and saves from insomnia and headaches.

Eating hazelnuts stimulates mental activity, protects against overload, and improves memory.

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, hazelnuts are useful for the proper formation of the skeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems of the fetus. For the expectant mother, hazelnut gives stamina, emotional stability, and protects the skin from stretch marks.The complex of minerals and vitamins maintains stable hormonal levels, the required level of hemoglobin, and strengthens the immune system.

When breastfeeding, hazelnuts have a positive effect on lactation and milk quality. It is saturated with the necessary amount of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Important! Do not exceed the recommended intake of hazelnuts during breastfeeding. This can lead to digestive upset in the baby or allergic reactions.

For weight loss

A diet containing hazelnuts helps reduce body weight. The fats contained in hazelnuts do not accumulate in the body, but contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism.

Protein in its characteristics is not inferior to that contained in meat and fish. Hazelnuts satisfy hunger well, stabilize blood glucose levels, and cleanse blood vessels, the digestive tract and the liver of toxins.

Vitamin-mineral complex supports strength when the amount of intake decreases calories and prevents you from getting depressed.

Important! If the daily norm is exceeded, hazelnuts promote weight gain.

How many hazelnuts can you eat per day?

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

The daily intake of hazelnuts for women is 30-40 g. Considering that the weight of one kernel ranges from 2 to 5 g, then the daily dose is 10-12 nuts.

Men can afford up to 50 g, but children under 3 years of age should not be given hazelnuts. The correct dosage in preschool age is how many nucleoli fit into the baby’s palm, that’s how many are allowed to eat per day.

Use in folk medicine

Non-traditional methods of treatment involve the use of hazelnut kernels and shells, tree bark, and leaves. Most folk recipes recommend the use of hazelnuts as part of complex products.They are prepared on the basis of milk, honey, and herbal infusions.

Medicinal properties

For some diseases, hazelnuts bring significant relief.

Traditional medicine uses recipes with hazelnuts in the treatment of:

  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus (glycemic index of hazelnuts – 15 units);
  • constipation;
  • colds;
  • varicose veins;
  • gastritis and pancreatitis beyond the acute stage.

Alternative medicine recommends the use of hazelnuts for epilepsy, gallstones, parasites, and anemia.

Methods of application

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

Tinctures and decoctions of hazelnut leaves help cope with colds and strengthen the immune system. An ointment against thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, and cervical erosion is prepared from hazelnut earrings. Hazelnut kernels in combination with honey increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Fermented tea from hazelnut leaves lowers blood pressure and relieves pain in the legs due to varicose veins. A decoction of hazel bark treats thrombophlebitis and has a hemostatic effect.

Tincture of nuts with vodka is used to treat asthma, tuberculosis, and tumors.

Contraindications and possible harm

Hazelnuts do not cause side effects if the daily intake is observed. If the dose is exceeded, it provokes diarrhea, allergic reactions, and heaviness in the stomach.

Hazelnuts are contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage and individual intolerance.

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Eating a handful of hazelnuts daily will strengthen bones, heart and blood vessels, relieve stress and increase performance, give you a good mood, and preserve the beauty of your skin, hair and nails.The nut will cleanse the intestines and lower cholesterol levels, help you lose excess weight gently and without emotional stress, increase mental activity and strengthen memory.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a subject of special concern for hazelnuts. Regular consumption will help form a healthy baby, support mother’s health, and fill milk with vital energy for the formation of immunity and the full development of the baby.

Remember not only the benefits of hazelnuts for a woman’s body, but also the harm. Excessive consumption of nuts will cause diarrhea, heaviness in the stomach and cause weight gain.

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