The cherry variety “Iput”, adored by many gardeners

Iput cherries have been successfully grown in the gardens of our country for many years. The variety was bred specifically for the climatic conditions of Central Russia and is famous for its unpretentious character and productivity. However, there are some nuances in its cultivation, which we will discuss in detail in the article.

What kind of cherry is this?

The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners

And the path - winter-hardy and a partially self-fertile crop of medium yield. Refers to early precocious varieties.

Brief history of origin and distribution

The authors of the variety are M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov. They continued the experiment of the famous breeder I. Michurin on breeding frost-resistant varieties of fruit trees.

Iput was bred in Bryansk on the basis of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine in the late 80s, and in 1993 it was added to the state register. Most often, this variety is found in the gardens of the Central and Central Black Earth regions.

Characteristics and description of trees

Cherry Iput is a fruiting stone tree with a pyramidal crown and dense dark green foliage. The height of an adult tree reaches an average of 3.5 m, some specimens reach 4.5-5 m. The bark of the tree is reddish-brown and thin.

The flowers consist of white petals touching each other. There are usually 3-4 of them in an inflorescence. The tree begins to bear fruit after the fourth year of life.

Temperature resistance

Frost resistance is one of the main advantages of this variety. Trees tolerate temperatures down to -30°C without harm. But thaws followed by sudden cold snaps are dangerous.After above-zero temperatures, frosts down to -20°C can destroy the plant.

There is no need to cover trees for the winter, but some gardeners insulate young seedlings during severe frosts by wrapping them with special covering materials, for example, spunbond.

Moisture and drought resistance

Iput is drought-resistant; water no more than once a week. Excess moisture has a bad effect primarily on the harvest - the berries begin to crack.

Resistance to diseases and pests

This variety has strong immunity to pests and diseases. However, in conditions of high humidity or after improper pruning, fungal diseases may appear (read about them below). Of the pests, aphids are the most dangerous.

Characteristics and description of berries

The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners

The fruits of the Iput cherry are large, round in shape, with a dense skin of dark red color. The pulp is juicy, sweet, with a slightly bitter aftertaste and brightly colored juice.

The stone is small in size and difficult to separate from the pulp. Connoisseurs give it a tasting rating of 4.5 out of five.

Areas of their application

The variety is universal, so the berries can be consumed both fresh and processed. Compotes, jams and preserves are made from the fruits.

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C (about 17% of the daily value per 100 g), Iput is useful. Preparations made from it are very relevant in winter, when fighting colds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety


  • frost and winter hardiness;The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners
  • regular annual yield;
  • early ripening (end of June);
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • the trees are low, which makes harvesting easier;
  • sweet and juicy fruits;
  • versatility of use.


  • Trees begin to bear fruit after 4 years of cultivation:
  • if there is excess moisture, the fruits crack;
  • The pit is separated from the pulp with difficulty.

Growing technology

First of all, it is important to select high-quality seedlings for landings. They should have proportionally developed roots and branches, without signs of disease or traces of their treatment. The bark of a good seedling is elastic, smooth, and rich brown in color.

Optimal conditions

The Iput variety should not be chosen for regions where in winter the air temperature drops below -30°C. The most acceptable climatic conditions are the Southern and Central zones. Thaws and sudden cold snaps rarely happen here.

Iput should not be planted in lowlands and places where there is stagnation of melt or rain water. The soil should be fertile, with an average level of acidity. It is best to prepare the landing site in advance. To do this, the soil is mixed with compost and a small amount of superphosphate.

Landing dates and rules

It is recommended to plant Iput cherries in early spring or autumn until the end of September. Experienced gardeners often do this in April, when there is no longer a threat of frost. The seedling has time to prepare for wintering and takes root properly.

Choose a sunny site with well-drained soil. It is advisable that the tree be in the sun for at least six hours, this guarantees a good harvest and the sweetness of the fruit.

Drainage is required, since with constant contact with water, the roots of the tree are not able to absorb nutrients. If the soil has a high clay content, it is sprinkled with sand.

Landing sequence:

  1. The area is dug up and planting holes are prepared, about 0.5 m deep and twice as wide. Focus on the size of the root system - the hole should be slightly larger than it.
  2. A bucket of rotted manure is mixed with soil in a ratio of one third organic matter and two thirds soil.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center of the planting hole with its roots straightened. They are first soaked in water for about two hours, and then dipped in a clay mash to prevent contact with soil fungi. Boltushka is a solution of clay and water with the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. A tying peg is placed next to the tree to provide stability.
  5. The hole is filled with earth, moving from the edge to the center. The earth is compacted a little. In the middle of the process, pour in 1-2 buckets of water.
  6. The soil is evenly distributed around the cherries.

It is important to take into account the plants adjacent to the Iput cherry. It is best to plant other varieties of cherries nearby, for example, Tyutchevka, Revna, or cherries - this promotes good pollination. Black elderberry will protect plantings from aphids. Grapes grow well nearby. Cherries are loved by flowers such as daffodils, primroses and tulips.

You should not expect a good harvest with neighbors such as potatoes and tomatoes. Apples, pears and plums do not like to be near this variety of cherries.

Further care

The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners

The tree trunk area is regularly cleared of growth and weeds. It is important to follow the watering schedule: 1-2 times a month, and in case of severe drought - every week. This schedule is valid from the growing season until the end of August.

From the second year of planting, trees are pruned, forming a sparsely tiered crown. In the first five years, cherries form long growths; they are pruned, leaving no more than 50 cm.

An adult plant is pruned to thin out the crown and rejuvenate the tree. Remove branches that grow inward and form sharp corners. During fruiting, diseased and broken shoots are removed.

To obtain a rich harvest, trees are regularly fed. In spring and autumn, fertilize at the root. This can be ammonium nitrate, a urea-based mineral solution, chicken droppings, or a layer of peat, humus and compost. In summer, special attention is paid to foliar feeding. Solutions that contain potassium and phosphorus are suitable.

Important. When feeding, you cannot use mineral and organic fertilizers at the same time.

Whitewashing is done twice a year. This is done in the fall to protect the tree from overheating of the trunk in winter. Wood does not transmit heat well, so when it heats up during the day, it does not have time to cool down in the evening. A sharp change in temperature can lead to the formation of frost cracks on the trunk.

The tree is whitewashed for the second time in early spring to protect it from pests that have waited out the cold in the soil and can now climb up the trunk.

Possible problems, diseases, pests

There are several diseases that can cause severe harm to cherries.

  1. Rust. It appears as brown spots on the leaves, causing them to dry out and fall off. For the purpose of prevention, trees are treated with the preparation “HOM” before flowering, and after harvesting they are re-treated with Bordeaux mixture. All affected shoots must be pruned and burned.The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners
  2. Clusteroporosis. When a tree is infected with this disease, brown spots appear on the leaves, which subsequently form holes. Due to clusteroporosis, the shape of the fruit changes. The affected leaves are torn off and burned, and the cherries are treated with copper-containing preparations.
  3. Coccomycosis. Iput has strong immunity to this disease, however, proximity to other varieties of cherries and cherries increases the risk of possible damage. With coccomycosis, purple spots appear on the leaves.To avoid infection, gardeners treat cherries with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride twice a season, before flowering and after harvest.

In addition to bacterial and viral diseases, some pests also threaten cherries. The greatest danger is represented by cherry aphids and cherry weevils.

The problem is solved with the help of insecticides “Decis” and “B-58” or they turn to folk methods in the form of a soap solution (300 g per 10 liters of water) and wormwood infusion (half a bucket of grass and half a bucket of water are infused for 24 hours, boiled for 30 minutes, filtered and added water 1:1).

Attention. 1.5 months before harvest, treatment with pesticides is not recommended.

Phosphorus-containing fertilizers will help prevent the appearance of wood borers and bark beetles. They will protect you from mole crickets, golden beetles and beetles.

If you follow the rules of tree care, for example, without violating the watering and fertilizing schedule, Iput cherries do not cause problems.


To prevent the negative effects of low temperatures, the trunk of young cherries is covered with whitewash and wrapped in burlap or roofing felt.

If there are severe frosts in the region, the crown is covered with light lutrasil.


Cherry Iput is a partially self-fertile variety. For a good harvest, it is artificially pollinated or planted with other representatives of the species. You can use cherry as a neighbor, taking into account the coincidence in flowering time.

Features of cultivation depending on the region

In the southern regions, the Iput variety pleases with a rich harvest due to comfortable weather conditions. The basic rule for its cultivation is timely watering during drought periods and regular preventive measures to control pests.

Due to its frost resistance, Iput feels comfortable in the gardens of the Leningrad region and the Volga region. The main thing is to provide the trees with a comfortable winter.

Pollinator varieties


  • Tyutchevka;
  • Revna;
  • Ovstuzhenka;
  • Raditsa;
  • Bryansk pink.


  • Putinka;
  • Podbelskaya;
  • English early.

Reviews from summer residents

The cherry variety Iput, adored by many gardeners

Summer residents most often respond positively to the variety, noting its frost resistance and taste.

Olga I., Stavropol: “I have been growing Iput cherries on my plot for ten years. I really like the taste of the berries; they make an excellent compote.”

Semyon V., Kursk: “I got the property along with the purchase of a garden plot. The previous owner took good care of the trees, we are trying to maintain them at the same level. They endure winter without problems, they are not afraid of even severe frosts, and the yield is decent.”

Victor S., Ivanov: “I chose Iput for my first experience in growing cherries. The choice was made on the recommendation of a friend, an experienced gardener. I was pleased with the unpretentiousness of the seedlings; I planted four of them. Everyone got busy and successfully overwintered.”


Ease of care and frost resistance are the main advantages of Iput cherries. They allow you to grow this southern plant even in the regions with cold winters. It is enough to provide optimal conditions for growth, and the tree will enjoy a good harvest.

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