The best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region and a guide to their selection
Cherry, due to its light- and heat-loving nature, is considered a fruit tree exclusively in the southern regions. It is more difficult to grow this berry in more northern latitudes, but an experienced gardener can do this task. The main condition is the choice of the most suitable variety. We’ll tell you in more detail what characteristics to pay close attention to, and give a list of the best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region.
Requirements for cherry varieties for the Moscow region
The first obstacle on the way to a rich cherry harvest in central Russia is climate. Summers in these regions are not long and warm enough, and winters are long and cold. Variability of weather, especially recurrent frosts during the period of swelling of the buds, also poses a danger.
Among the positive features of the area are:
- stable snow cover (30-45 cm in height), which serves as a natural protection for roots from freezing;
- slightly increased humidity in summer - plants usually do not suffer from drought.
The second drawback of most dachas in the Moscow region is the low fertility of sod-podzolic soils. The layer of humus in this area is thin, the soil is poor in mobile forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, fruit trees require mandatory feeding with fertilizers.
Thus, when choosing cherry varieties for the Moscow region take into account:
- Dates of ripening of berries. They must “fit” into the duration of the warm period in the region.
- Demanding requirements for soils.The higher they are, the more difficult it is to provide the trees with adequate nutrition.
- Frost resistance and winter hardiness. They prefer varieties that are resistant to low temperatures and their sharp fluctuations.
A selection of the best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region
What varieties are suitable for this region? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of cherry varieties that have proven themselves among gardeners in temperate latitudes.
An early ripening frost-resistant variety of Ukrainian selection. Resistant to diseases, due to the short growing season, it is not damaged by the cherry fly.
Tall - up to 4 m. The berries are large, slightly elongated, yellow in color with a red-pink “blush” and creamy flesh, ripen by mid-July. The variety bears fruit from the sixth year. Productivity – 50-60 kg per tree.
The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators are Vinka, Skorospelka, Valery Chkalov.
Reference. In the middle zone, a special variety of the variety is widespread - Priusadnaya yellow. Launched by VNIIS named after. I. V. Michurina, cultivated since 1998.
Bull's heart
Russian frost-resistant variety - tolerates cold temperatures down to -25°C. It is immune to attacks by insect pests and fungal diseases, but is demanding on the composition and structure of the soil. The berries are not intended for long-term storage and transportation, as they are prone to cracking.
The berries are large (7-8 g), heart-shaped, the skin is almost black at the end of ripening, the flesh is dark red. Fruits from the fifth year. Productivity – up to 100 kg per tree.
Pollinated by the varieties Iput, Ovstuzhenka, Tyutchevka.
Early frost-resistant and winter-hardy variety. Withstands temperatures down to -35°C. Resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis, as well as cracking of berries. Transportable.
A tree with a medium-dense crown grows up to 4 m.Gives a harvest for 4-5 years of cultivation. The fruits are oval, with black skin and dark red pulp, weighing 4.4 g.
The best pollinators are Iput, Revna, Tyutchevka.
And the way
An early ripening frost-resistant variety of Russian selection.
The tree is vigorous, the crown is of medium density. The fruits are heart-shaped, weighing 5-6.3 g, the top color is dark red. The berries are sweet, juicy, and have a delicate consistency. Productivity – 50 kg per tree.
Pollinators – Bryansk pink, Revna, Ovstuzhenka.
Winter-hardy mid-late variety. During the flowering period, it can withstand frosts down to -7°C. It has good shelf life and resistance to fungal infections.
The crown shape is pyramidal, the trunk is of medium height. It bears fruit from the fourth year of growing season. The fruits are flat-round, dark burgundy, almost black when fully ripe, weighing 4.7 g. The taste is sweet.
The variety is partially self-fertile (up to 5%). Suitable pollinators are Tyutchevka, Iput, Rechitsa.
Choice of variety depending on ripening time
In different regions, the flowering and fruiting dates of the same cherry varieties can shift even by a month.
Early varieties of cherries for the Moscow region
If in the southern regions the first harvest is harvested already in May, then in the Moscow region and the Moscow region the earliest cherries appear on household plots only in mid-late June. During this period, Raditsa, Iput, and Homestead yellow can please you with berries.
Reference. Early varieties, as a rule, have delicate skin and are not intended for long-term storage. The best use for such cherries is to eat them immediately or preserve them.
Medium ripening varieties
The average ripening period for cherries in the Moscow region is considered to be the beginning - mid-July. Varieties in this category are:
- Rechitsa (ripens by mid-July),
- Ovstuzhenka (early-mid ripening, bears fruit from the beginning of the same month),
- Odrinka (medium late, ripens by the end of July).
The mid-ripening berry is universal in purpose and has better shelf life than early varieties. Longer ripening promotes the accumulation of sugars in the pulp.
Growing late cherries in central Russia is fraught with risk. The berries may not ripen to extremely early frosts. A longer growing season makes trees vulnerable to fungal infections. Therefore, for the Moscow region, varieties with good frost resistance and immunity to coccomycosis, moniliosis and clasterosporiosis are recommended:
- Lena;
- Michurinskaya (named after the VNIIS named after I.V. Michurin, where it was bred);
- Veda.
Late-ripening cherries are the most transportable, store well and have high taste properties.
Other options
The variety of cherry varieties can be grouped according to the following characteristics:
- fruit color and size;
- height of a mature tree;
- type of pollination.
Berry color
For growing in the middle zone, in particular in the Moscow region, it is best to choose red-fruited cherries. This is the most familiar and widespread variety, withstanding frosts down to -35...-44°C. The varieties loved by summer residents are Fatezh, Tyutchevka, Teremoshka, etc.
Among the varieties with yellow berries, Chermashnaya, Priusadnaya yellow, Leningradskaya yellow, and Podarok Ryazan are frost-resistant. They have an excellent sweet or sour taste, but do not store well and are prone to cracking.
Black cherries are actually a darker shade of burgundy. Most often, due to their thick skin, these varieties are the most shelf-stable and transportable, therefore they are widely represented on the shelves of shops and markets. In the gardens of the Moscow region it will not be difficult to grow Leningrad black, Iput, Rechitsa, Revna.
Pink cherries are dessert berries. Its taste varies from sweet and sour to sickly sweet. With proper care in the middle zone, you can get a good harvest of Bryansk pink.
Short and tall
The height of a fruit tree is not only a decorative feature. Low-growing varieties are suitable for the Moscow region. They are easier to care for and easy to harvest, but they are also more vulnerable to mechanical damage. Teremoshka and Raditsa have a low trunk (1.5-2 m).
Medium-sized trees include Chermashnaya, Fatezh, Tyutchevka, Sinyavskaya, Rechitsa, etc.
Tall varieties (up to 4 m) produce abundant crown growth, which consumes the supply of nutrients from the soil. Considering that the soil in the Moscow region is not very fertile anyway, it is better to abandon these varieties.
Large-fruited and self-fertile
Pollination of self-fertile cherries occurs due to the pollen of only their own flowers, so to obtain a harvest it is enough to plant one variety of fruit tree. This is the most attractive option for growing in a small area. This is a rare property for cherries, so you have to choose from a limited number of varieties.
The best option is seedlings of self-pollinating Homestead yellow, which not only has the highest self-fertility, but is also frost-resistant and immune to pathogenic fungi. Iput and Ovstruzhenka are partially self-fertile (up to 10%).
Large cherry fruits weighing from 6 g are called large.Iput, Narodnaya Syubarova, Michurinskaya, and Valery Chkalov have these characteristics.
The crown of columnar fruit trees is a leafy trunk with few and short lateral branches. This cherry tree looks like a pillar or column, hence the name.
This species is relatively young. Its main advantages are compactness and no need for pruning. However, the yield of columnar trees is lower than that of conventional varieties - no more than 15 kg per tree. Care is more labor-intensive: even frost-resistant column cherries must be insulated for the winter, protected from the wind, and watered abundantly in the summer.
The following varieties are grown in the Moscow region:
- Queen Mary;
- Helena;
- Sylvia and Little Sylvia.
Recommendations for choosing a variety
When deciding on a variety for a dacha near Moscow, they take into account the fruit tree’s ability to withstand the not so mild and unpredictable climate of the middle zone. The main property that you should pay attention to is frost resistance, that is, the ability to withstand low temperatures.
Second, but no less important – winter hardiness. Return frosts can overtake the cherry when it has already budded and destroy the harvest. The best results are obtained by gardeners who choose varieties with an average ripening period. The growing season of these trees falls during the guaranteed warm months.
If we talk about the appearance of cherries and their fruits, then trees of medium height are preferable for the middle zone. The limited supply of nutrients from the soil will not be used for crown formation, but for sweet berry pulp.
Reviews from summer residents
On the forums of amateur gardeners, there are debates about the advisability of growing cherries in the Moscow region.Participants who managed to get a harvest note the importance of choosing the right variety and following agricultural practices.
Michael: “Four varieties grow on my plot in Noginsk: Narodnaya Syubarova, Priusadnaya Yellow, Ovstuzhenka and Revna. They never froze, even in a cold year when the frost was below -30°C. The main thing is to organize drainage and cover well for the winter.”
Galina: “I planted Fatezh. This is the second year we have been eating berries, but only from the lower branches, since the upper ones were attacked by blackbirds. The taste is quite cherry, but I want more sweetness. Apparently, there is not enough southern warmth and light.”
Lyudmila: “The Iput cherry grows normally, but it does not bloom and bear fruit every year - it depends on the weather. Ripe berries are tasty and sweet, almost black in color.”
This is interesting:
What are good hybrids of cherries and sweet cherries and what are their features.
A guide on how to plant cherries correctly in the fall and avoid mistakes.
Growing cherries in the Moscow region will require a lot of effort, since even zoned varieties can suffer from frequent and sudden changes in weather, mechanical damage (storm winds), poor soil and too close groundwater. These and other shortcomings of agroclimatic conditions are partly compensated by competent care of plantings, and partly by a thoughtful choice of seedlings.