Why did sticky spots appear on the lemon and what to do about it?

Lemon is grown not only indoors, but also outdoors. Bright lemon trees with beautiful fruits and colorful flowers will decorate any garden. But unlike traditional apple and pear trees, the lemon tree needs special care and requires special knowledge of agricultural technology. For example, many gardeners do not know what these are glass drops on lemon branches and what to do with them. In this article we will look at how to treat lemon from stickiness on the leaves and what recommendations to follow.

Causes of sticky leaves

Gardeners identify 2 main reasons for the appearance of a sweet coating on lemon leaves: excessive soil moisture and the appearance of scale insects or aphids.

Insects attack plants of any age and variety.

Why did sticky spots appear on the lemon and what to do about it?

If the plaque becomes sweet, this indicates that pests have long settled on the plant. It is not as noticeable at first, but over time it spreads to more leaves.

Attention! If a lemon produces a sticky substance, this is not always a bad thing. Sometimes a tree attracts ants in this way so that they fight with pests.

What to do if lemon leaves are sticky, how to treat it

If a sticky coating is detected on the leaves it is recommended to start treatment immediately.


Recommended water the plant no more than 2 times a week. Otherwise, drops of viscous liquid appear on the leaves. If plaque occurs, reduce the amount of watering and thoroughly loosen the soil.This improves the circulation of moisture in the ground, the water does not stagnate.

Often the problem of stickiness occurs on lemons that are watered with tap water - it contains chlorine that is harmful to plants. It is better to use melted, settled or purchased water.

In addition to the raid, overwatering leads to root rot and disease. But you shouldn’t eliminate watering right away.

It is better to gradually reduce the amount of water. Drying out the soil will not lead to anything good - this is the cause of the development of diseases and low yields.


When attacked by scale insects, not only sticky discharge appears on the leaves, but also small spots. With time leaves dry out and fall off. Scale insects are dangerous because they are difficult to see with the naked eye.

The pest is very small, reaching a length of no more than 3 mm. It enters the site through contaminated soil, other insects, and wind. If a scale insect is detected, the lemon is treated with a solution of the drug “Confidor” every 3-4 days. Particular attention is paid to the root zone and leaves.

Why did sticky spots appear on the lemon and what to do about it?

Shchitovka most often appears on young and weakened plants. Therefore, experienced summer residents advise regularly feeding lemon trees with complex fertilizers to strengthen the immune system.

It is impossible to delay the destruction of the pest, otherwise a sooty fungus will appear, which can destroy the entire crop. Together with Confidor, it is recommended to use folk remedies, for example, a solution of laundry soap.

To prepare, you need 1 liter of water, 10 ml of alcohol and 15 g of laundry soap. Apply the solution pointwise to the affected areas.

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Aphids are small white or green pests.It lives in colonies and sucks nutritious juices from lemons. Due to the appearance of aphids, sticky spots and a light coating appear on the leaves., which indicates a metabolic disorder.

If aphids are not detected in time, the lemon tree will die. Aphids prefer young leaves and flowers.

Why did sticky spots appear on the lemon and what to do about it?

Treatment with garlic water helps get rid of it in the early stages.. To prepare, one head of garlic is crushed, poured with boiling water and left to infuse for 2 days. The lemon tree is treated in the early morning or evening.

Attention! Tobacco infusion helps get rid of aphids. 50 g of tobacco is poured into 1 liter of water and left for 24 hours. The resulting mass is boiled for 2 hours and diluted with 1 liter of water. Apply the infusion to the affected leaves using a cotton pad or clean cotton napkin.

Prevention of diseases and pests

How to treat lemon from stickiness on leaves and how to protect it from illnesses and pests:

  1. Regularly feed the plant with organic and mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits. These are the drugs “Bona Forte”, “Kristalon”, “Organic Mix”. Thanks to fertilizing, the lemon's immunity is strengthened, and the plant is less susceptible to pest attacks.
  2. Once every 3 weeks, treat the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate. During the procedure, fungal spores, pathogens and other pathogens disappear from the leaves.
  3. For planting, use spacious and well-lit garden areas. Lemon is a southern crop that loves sun and warmth.
  4. Inspect lemon trees regularly, lifting the lower leaves. This is where the larvae of aphids and scale insects live.
  5. Alternate root and foliar, folk and store-bought treatments. The interval between procedures must be at least 4 days.


If sticky droplets appear on the lemon, this indicates overwatering, the appearance of scale insects or aphids. In case of excess water, summer residents reduce the amount of water, loosen the soil and create a drainage layer.

To get rid of pests, use the drug “Confidor” or a solution of laundry soap. If the tree is left untreated, the sticky liquid will spread to the trunk and fruits and gradually cover the entire tree. Summer residents also pay attention to prevention: they fertilize the plant, spray it with a solution of potassium permanganate and choose spacious and sunny areas for planting.

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