When does a lemon start to bear fruit at home?
Growing indoor lemon is easier than it seems. The tree decorates the house and once a year gives its owner fragrant yellow fruits. The flowering and fruiting of a citrus crop depends on many factors: growing conditions, care, varietal characteristics. In the article we will consider in detail when lemons begin to bear fruit at home and what to do if there is no harvest.
Features of flowering and fruiting of lemon at home
lemon blossom - the period is beautiful and short - lasts about 7 days. During this time, an inflorescence consisting of 5 or more flowers is formed on the plant. They form in the axils of the leaves, located closer to the point of growth of the branches.
The color of the flowers is pearly white, the stigma and stamens are bright yellow. The petals are oval in shape, their number depends on the variety.
Lemon bears fruit for the first time in the spring - at the end of April or mid-May.. In the future, flowering repeats after 2 months, and some varieties bloom all year round.
The process is divided into several stages:
- lemon sheds flower stalks;
- from 1 to 6 buds are formed;
- after a few days they bloom;
- after 7 days the petals fall off;
- Subsequently, an ovary forms in place of the flower.
Homemade lemon bears fruit all year round, therefore, on the same tree there can be mature fruits, young ovaries, buds and flowers. The plant produces its first fruits 3-5 years after planting.The period of their ripening depends on the light and humidity, variety, and age of the plant. When the lemon tree bears fruit, stop watering and fertilizing.
Attention! In summer, lemons ripen 1-2 months earlier than in spring. Experienced gardeners independently regulate the moment of flowering and fruiting by temporarily drying the tree.
Why indoor lemons don't bear fruit
There are several reasons for poor fruiting. One of them is improper care. Homemade lemon needs constant irrigation - they water it under the root and spray the crown with warm water from a spray bottle. The room in which the lemon grows is constantly ventilated, but without drafts. It is not recommended to move the tree from place to place - it is better to immediately choose a lighted and ventilated space for it. If you move a tree, not only will it not bear fruit, but it will also shed all its leaves.
Problems with fruiting may result from a lack of microelements, in particular manganese and boron. Due to lack of nutrition, the buds fall off and there is no harvest. In this case the plant is fed complex mineral fertilizers for citrus crops “Bona Forte” or “Fertika”.
Another reason for poor flowering and fruiting is insect pests and diseases. Homemade lemon can suffer from late blight, thrips, spider mites, and sooty fungus. The affected or damaged areas of the plant are removed, and the tree itself is sprayed with “Fitoverm” or “Aktellik”.
How to make a lemon bloom and bear fruit
Many inexperienced gardeners are interested in what to do, for the lemon to bloom and bore fruit. In fact, it is enough to observe the growing conditions and provide proper care.
Optimal conditions
The tree is being planted in a suitable sized pot with drainage holes. When planting, it is important to remember that the root system grows and develops, it needs free space. The soil must be nutritious and free of foreign microorganisms (larvae, bacteria and other pathogens). To do this, it is hardened in the freezer. The acidity of the soil must be low, otherwise the citrus often gets sick.
Daylight hours should last at least 12 hours. For lighting, not only direct sunlight is used, but also LED lamps or phytolamps. Place the lemon pot on a south or southeast window. The growing area must be protected from drafts.
Attention! The favorable temperature for flowering and fruiting of lemon is from +18°C to +22°C, air humidity is 80-85%. The air in the house should always be fresh and humidified.
Ways to make a lemon bear fruit
In order for the lemon to bear fruit, it is recommended instill. Especially if the plant grew from a seed and not from a seedling. Thanks to proper grafting, the tree will produce its first harvest within 3 years. The procedure is carried out during the period of active sap flow; the Meyer variety is used for grafting - it is distinguished by beautiful fruits and a fast ripening period. Experts use the eye grafting method; healthy and strong citrus seedlings are used for the rootstock.
The second way to make a lemon bear fruit is to feed the plant with a mineral complex. Perhaps the lack of microelements is the reason for the lack of fruits. For feeding, use “OrganicMix” or “Zdraven” products. They contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, stimulate flowering and improve the decorative appearance of the plant.
How long does it take for a lemon to ripen at home?
The ripening period depends on the variety. But in most cases, the period from the beginning of flowering to fruiting takes 6-8 months.
With proper care, a lemon tree will bloom and bear fruit for up to 40 years or more. The main thing is to provide suitable conditions and rules of care.
How to know when to pick lemons:
- Pick a homemade lemon when one side turns yellow.
- The fruit is carefully removed from the tree and left in a warm place - wait until the second side turns yellow. Otherwise, the branch may break due to the heavy weight of the fruit.
Many people pick lemons 6-8 months after flowering. If the fruit is left on the branch, it will lose its juiciness, and the skin will become rough.
To understand when lemons ripen, you need to pay attention to the beginning of flowering. The tree is covered with white flowers, which fall off after a week. Ripe fruits are removed from the tree after 6 months.
If flowering and fruiting do not occur, the cause is identified. These could be diseases and pests, lack of water and fertilizers, or unsuitable soil. In order for the lemon tree to bear fruit consistently, it is fertilized with mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits, watered and sprayed once a week, and protected from diseases.