Step-by-step guide to planting a closed-root apple tree in summer
Planting apple trees requires the gardener to have certain knowledge and skills. The future development of the plant depends on how correctly the procedure is carried out. It is important to choose a suitable location, prepare the soil and planting material in advance.
Most gardeners agree that it is easier to work with seedlings with a closed root system. Let's consider how to plant such an apple tree correctly and what nuances to take into account.
Features of apple tree seedlings with a closed root system
Seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS) are planting material whose roots are located in an earthen coma. This form of plants is popular, it is increasingly used by professional nurseries, and is also found in horticultural markets.
As a rule, planting material with a closed root system is grown in pots or containers. This is usually how it goes on sale. There are seedlings whose earthen ball is wrapped in a bag or bags.
We sell seedlings that were rooted in open ground or a greenhouse, and then simply dug up with soil adhering to the roots. This option is also considered a ZKS.
Advantages and disadvantages
Agronomists recommend planting material with a closed root system. It has several advantages over specimens with bare roots:
- Due to the fact that all the roots are in an earthen coma, the risk of damage during transplantation is minimal.Even small roots that break if opened remain intact.
- Such seedlings take root faster and take root in a new place. The plant experiences less stress during transplantation compared to OCS (exposed root system). The risk of death is minimal.
- Planting material with ZKS is planted throughout the summer. Of course, if you carry out the procedure at the right time, the result will be better, but even if planted in the summer, the plant will not die.
- The roots in the earthen coma do not dry out. There is no need to dig up a tree to sell - it is taken out of a pot with adhering soil. It is easier to buy high-quality viable planting material with ZKS than with OKS.
- Planting trees with a closed root system is easier than with an open one.
Instances with a closed root system also have disadvantages that are important to consider when purchasing:
- It is problematic to check how developed the root system is and what condition it is in, since the roots are hidden in the ground.
- In the first year after planting, the development of the apple tree will be slow. This is due to the fact that the roots, accustomed to a cramped container and potting soil, begin to grow and creep outside the coma. Due to the sharp increase in space and changes in soil composition, growth slows down.
- Often, seedlings with a closed root system are more expensive than those with an open root system and weigh more.
To reduce plant stress during transplantation, the same fertilizers, which were used to feed the apple tree in the nursery. It is advisable to check the type of fertilizing with the seller.
Features of planting such trees
Planting trees with open and closed root systems is not very different, but there are still a few nuances:
- Instances with bare roots require long-term processing.They are first washed in a solution of copper sulfate, then soaked for a day in a root formation stimulator. In the case of a closed root system, this is not done. The upper part of the plant is simply sprayed with a disinfectant, and the lower part is watered in a pot or after planting.
- Saplings with an open root system are planted on an earthen mound, with roots evenly distributed around them. An apple tree in a coma of earth is simply placed in a hole.
- After purchase, specimens with OKS are immediately prepared and planted. An apple tree with ZKS will quietly stand in a pot for a long time.
Landing dates
Apple tree with a closed root system planted in spring, summer and autumn. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. The best results are achieved when planting at the optimal time.
Most gardeners prefer to start growing fruit trees in the spring.
Planting at this time of year has a number of advantages:
- Rapid development of the root system. The tree is just beginning to awaken after wintering, sap flow is still slow, leaves have not yet formed. The plant's forces are directed not at the growth of green mass, but at the growth of roots.
- Good soil composition. The soil has rested all winter, so in the spring it is saturated with nutrients, which has a positive effect on the condition of the planted plants.
- Before the onset of cold weather, the tree has time to get used to the new conditions and get stronger. It will easily survive the upcoming winter.
There are no significant disadvantages in this case. It is important to choose the right time for planting: work is carried out when the soil has already warmed up, but the buds have not yet woken up. The month varies by region.
In the center of Russia (for example, in the Moscow region) this happens from the beginning to the end of April. In the southern regions, apple trees have been planted since the end of March.In the northern zone (in the Urals, Siberia) landing is possible from the end of April to the end of May.
Attention! To prevent the plant from dying due to night frosts or exposure to open sunlight, it is hardened off. To do this, the container with the apple tree is taken outside, gradually increasing the time spent there, bringing it to a whole day.
When purchasing, it is better to ask the seller about the conditions for growing the seedling. If it overwintered outside, with a closed root system, hardening off will not be necessary.
There are many disadvantages to summer planting and virtually no advantages. It is used if it is not possible to plant a plant at another time.
Disadvantages of summer planting:
- The seedling is actively developing green mass. The development of the root system will occur slowly.
- In summer the weather is usually dry, and the soil is already partially depleted. To compensate for this, you will have to put more effort into caring for the plantings.
- The scorching sun negatively affects the condition of newly planted apple trees. Without proper precautions, the plant will die.
Is it possible to plant a tree in summer? Yes, but you will have to put in more effort and choose the right timing. You can plant the plant in June (preferably at the beginning) and the first few days of July.
From the second week of July to the end of August it is better to refuse planting: at this time the plant spends energy on forming fruits. If you plant it, it will get sick and die.
Attention! If the spring was cold and protracted or the site is located in the northern region, at the beginning of June planting conditions will be close to spring.
In summer, planting is carried out only early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not active. On hot days, it is better to transfer the procedure to rainy or cloudy weather.
At first, the tree is shaded from the sun with a large sheet or other fabric. Spraying is carried out in the morning and evening. Make sure that the soil in the hole is always moist.
This period is favorable for planting trees. Main advantages:
- The growth of green mass has already slowed down. The plant will spend energy on developing the root system.
- The soil is still warm, but the scorching sun is no longer there. Such conditions are comfortable for plants after planting.
- The seedling will have to survive the winter. Trees planted in autumn are highly resistant to negative environmental factors and have good immunity.
If the rules for autumn planting are not followed, the plant will not survive the winter. To avoid this, it is important to plant it at least 14 days before the first frost.
The hole is dug deeper in the fall and a large layer of fertile soil is poured onto the bottom. The tree trunk circle must be covered with a thick layer of mulch. The trunk itself is wrapped with covering material or surrounded by a mesh filled with fallen leaves.
This is interesting:
A step-by-step guide for beginner gardeners: how to plant an apple tree in spring
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Preparatory work
To grow a healthy, strong tree, it is important not only to plant it correctly and provide good care, but also to pay enough attention to the preparation for planting.
Selecting and preparing a seat
For the apple tree, choose a well-lit and ventilated area. It should be protected from the winds by the walls of buildings or tall trees planted on the north or north-west side. The apple tree should not be shaded.
Wetlands and areas with groundwater closer than 2 m are not suitable. If possible, the apple tree is planted on a hill.South, southwest, southeast sides are best suited.
The distance from fruit trees to fences and neighboring buildings is regulated in each area differently. Usually this is about 4 m. The distance to communications should not be less than 3 m, otherwise the roots of the plant will destroy them.
Apple trees grow best in loose, fertile soils (loam, sandstone, black soil). The soil should be slightly acidic and non-saline.
The site begins to be prepared at least 6 weeks before planting. The soil is cleared of debris, leaves, plant debris, dug up and leveled. Fertilizers are applied to the entire site or individually into planting holes.
The soil on the site is not always suitable for apple trees, but in most cases this can be corrected:
- Close occurrence of groundwater. The problem is solved by choosing the right variety. If the depth is more than 1.5 m, semi-dwarf varieties are suitable; at 1–1.5 m - columnar and dwarf plants. Another option is to make a mound for the apple tree.
- Sandy soils. Such soil is unable to retain nutrients and moisture. To level out this drawback, holes are dug with a depth and a diameter of 1.2 m. A 20 cm layer of clay is placed on the bottom, the rest of the space is filled with a mixture of black soil, rotted manure and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1. In sandy soils, the apple tree requires frequent feeding.
- Clay soil. The soil promotes moisture stagnation. In such conditions, the diameter of the planting pit should be 1.2 m, and its depth should be 15–20 cm below the beginning of the clay layer. The bottom of the pit is covered with drainage (layer thickness - 15–20 cm). The rest of the volume is filled with a mixture of chernozem, humus, peat and river sand (3: 1: 1: 1.5).
- Peat soil. Peat usually indicates close groundwater. It is better to check this parameter. High acidity, which is characteristic of such soil, is reduced by adding dry lime. To improve the composition of the soil, 4 m³ of river sand is added per 100 m². Fertilizers are applied: per 1 m² - 6 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of ash.
Preparation and selection of planting material
First, it is important to learn how to choose quality seedlings:
- The plant should not have spots, damage, cracks in the bark, growths, others signs of illness and pests. The branches should be flexible, not dry.
- Age: no older than 2 years. Usually one-year-old planting material is used. To determine age, look at the number of branches. One-year-old seedlings do not have them, two-year-old seedlings have 3 branches.
- Height - within 1–1.5 m. Tall apple trees will grow higher than dwarf ones. It is not recommended to take trees that are too tall or short: this indicates improper care.
- The roots should not stick out from the earthen clod. It is important that the percentage of broken roots is minimal. If the earthen ball falls apart, it means that the tree was planted in a pot shortly before sale.
- It is not recommended to choose foreign varieties, as they take root less well. It is better to choose zoned ones, adapted to the local climate.
Preparing a seedling consists of spraying its above-ground part with a solution of copper sulfate, watering it with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and a growth stimulator.
Planting scheme
Apple trees are usually planted in rows. Well technology is used. The distance between plants depends on the variety. Tall varieties are planted at a distance of at least 5 m from each other; for medium-sized varieties, 3-4 m is enough.The planting frequency for dwarf varieties is 1.5–2 m, and for columnar varieties – 0.5–1 m.
An apple tree cannot be planted in a place where the same crops have grown for the past 3 years. All trees whose fruits have seeds are considered good neighbors for the plant. You cannot plant an apple tree close to tall wild trees.
How to properly plant an apple tree with a closed root system
It is easier to plant an apple tree with a closed root system than with an open one. It is only important to do the preparatory work properly and follow the step-by-step instructions.
Guide to planting an apple tree with a closed root system:
- Dig a hole with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 50 cm. Mix the soil removed from the hole with fertilizers.
- Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the hole and return some of the soil back. The result should be a hole with a diameter and depth equal to the parameters of the earthen clod.
- Carefully remove the seedling with the earthen lump from the pot or container and place it in the hole so that the edges of the lump coincide with the size of the hole.
- Fill the free space with fertile soil. Do not fill the soil level of the earthen coma in order to maintain the optimal position of the root collar.
- Pour 2-3 buckets of water under the root of the plant.
- Mulch the tree trunk circle. For greater stability, tie the seedling to a stake.
Possible mistakes
There are several errors that negatively affect the development of plants and often cause their death:
- Dismantling the earthen clod. Some gardeners try to remove the soil and wash the root system of the seedlings in order to soak them in a growth stimulator. This decision causes stress to the plant and negatively affects the condition of the root system.
- Removing a dry earthen lump from the pot. The dry seedling is difficult to remove from the pot and the lump crumbles. A few days before planting, it is important to water the soil in the container.
- Burying the root collar. If it is not open, the plant will begin to hurt and die.
Further care
In order for the tree to take root, it is important to properly care for it after planting. If the apple tree was planted in the fall, prune it. Only the main trunk, 60 cm high, is left, making a cut above a healthy bud.
For the first 2 months, the plant is watered weekly with plenty of water at room temperature. On hot and dry days, the amount of watering is increased to 3 times a week. The next day after moistening, the soil is loosened. In the first year, be sure to remove all weeds.
To prevent diseases and pests in spring and autumn, the tree is sprayed with a solution prepared from a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate, or fungicides.
With proper preparation and planting, you will not need to feed the plant for the first 3 years. Then fertilizers are applied 4 times a year.
Seedlings with a closed root system do not experience severe stress when transplanted to a permanent location and quickly adapt to new conditions. An apple tree with roots in an earthen coma is usually planted in spring or autumn, but sometimes the procedure is carried out in summer (June - early July).