
How to deal with late blight on cucumbers: treatment regimens

Dacha crops are demanding of care and sensitive to diseases. Fungi, bacteria, pests attack day after day. It is not surprising that sometimes one gives up in the fight against all kinds of diseases. Trying to defend the harvest, summer residents...

Amazing colored potatoes: varieties and their beneficial properties

Many Russian breeders are developing new potato varieties with colored flesh. The multi-colored color of the potato pulp and skin is the result of the influence of natural pigment. The main advantage of colored potatoes is that they belong to dietary products. ...

Rules for storing potatoes in the cellar

In your own home, and even sometimes in the city, potatoes are stored in a cellar - a separate dry room with constant temperature and humidity, where better conditions can be created. However, there are nuances...

Fertilizers for winter wheat: what to feed in the fall

Just as every housewife has her own recipe for preparing a signature dish, so every agronomist has his own secrets of growing plants. Unfortunately, a small winter wheat harvest is a common problem that ...

How to grow and where to use leaf celery

Leaf celery is a type of vegetable crop. Greens are very popular among the residents of our country. It is used to flavor dishes, included in menus for weight loss, and used to prepare folk remedies. ...

Treatment of greenhouse cucumbers for diseases: photo and description

Novice gardeners think that greenhouse plants do not need protection from diseases and pests. However, this is not so - cucumbers in a greenhouse get sick just as often as in open ground. ...

Proper planting of potatoes before winter: step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners

Traditionally, potatoes are planted in the spring. But those who forget unharvested vegetables in the furrows observe good shoots in the spring. Planting potatoes before winter allows you to get an earlier and more abundant harvest. For this...

What is the calorie content of boiled buckwheat and is it possible to lose weight?

Nutritionists praise buckwheat and recommend including it in your diet. If you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle and want to start with proper nutrition, this article will help you figure out how many calories are in...

How does potato allergy manifest in children and adults?

Potatoes can rightfully be called one of the most popular products not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Due to its ubiquity, it even received the name “second bread”. This vegetable...

Onion hybrid Hercules: can it be planted before winter and cultivation features

Hercules is one of the popular onion hybrids, which is suitable for cultivation both in private plots and for industrial purposes. The crop ripens quickly, is resistant to many diseases, is highly productive and unpretentious...

