
Features of planting and caring for petiole celery in open ground

Petiole celery is characterized by a long growing season and, depending on the variety, ripens in 80-180 days. This feature dictates its own rules for planting. Sowing work begins at the end of January and ends...

Why is it necessary to plant cucumbers and how to do it correctly

Growing cucumbers involves the use of important agricultural techniques. Stepchildren is one of them. The procedure is necessary to obtain a healthy plant and a bountiful harvest. Not all gardeners, even experienced ones, carry out pinching. For beginners...

How to fight potato moth and win

The potato moth is a widespread insect that causes harm to potatoes and other nightshade crops. It is difficult to detect moths at the initial stage of crop damage, which complicates the fight against these insects. Insect larvae destroy...

How much iron is in buckwheat and how well is it absorbed?

Buckwheat is high in iron, one of the key components in the formation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. Compared to other grains, the minerals in cooked buckwheat...

Is it possible to eat overripe watermelon and what to cook from it?

Choosing a quality watermelon is a whole science. Sometimes a seemingly perfect fruit turns out to be rotten or overripe. And if a rotten watermelon can only be thrown away, an overripe one can be consumed without harm to health. How ...

Why is the melon pink inside and is it possible to eat it?

Sometimes it happens that after buying a melon, you find pink flesh at home. Is it possible to eat it and what causes the change in natural color? Does pink color affect the taste and does it indicate...

How to properly grow green onions on a windowsill: a step-by-step guide for beginners

Residents of city apartments who are not lucky enough to have their own plot of land are forced to buy fresh vegetables and fruits. However, it is quite possible to grow greens even in your apartment. Everything for this...

Sprouted potatoes: what to do with them and can you eat them?

In the spring, all last year's potatoes germinate - this is a normal process that occurs starting in March, even if the tubers are stored in a properly equipped cellar. If you keep your crops on the balcony or in...

Why mold might appear on pickled cucumbers and what to do about it

It happens that you spend a lot of time and effort on pickling cucumbers, and after a few weeks or months you discover that they have spoiled. The brine became cloudy and mold appeared on its surface. How to distinguish...

Medicinal properties of baked onions

Onions are a valuable food product that can provide the human body with a variety of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is recommended to include not only fresh, but baked onions in the daily menu. It is better absorbed, has...

