
The benefits of fertilizing cucumbers with yeast and how to apply it correctly

For good yield, cucumbers require various fertilizers, including yeast. The popular food product is rich in substances useful for vegetable crops. Bushes are watered with this solution both in the greenhouse and ...

Why the ovaries of peppers fall off and what to do to save the beds

Growing peppers in your garden is a task that requires patience and attention. One of the common problems that gardeners face is the fall of the ovaries after flowering. This happens for a number of reasons - from non-compliance...

High-yielding onion hybrid for long-term storage Corrado

The Corrado onion hybrid of Dutch origin is resistant to many diseases and unfavorable climatic conditions. Due to its high yield, long-term storage, attractive presentation of vegetables and semi-sharp taste, the crop is suitable for cultivation in ...

Manure as a fertilizer for potatoes: when is it better to apply, in autumn or spring

Manure is one of the most popular and valuable fertilizers, but not many know how to use it correctly. In order for nutrients to benefit potato plantings, it is important to use specially prepared organic matter and observe the measure ...

The benefits and harms of melon for the body

From helminths and anemia, for stress and hormonal surges, for immunity and beauty of hair - this is a short list of the beneficial properties of ordinary melon. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms...

Early ripening winter onion hybrid Troy with a moderately pungent taste

The Troy onion hybrid appeared on the market not long ago, but is already loved by vegetable growers. It ripens quickly, is unpretentious in care, high-yielding, has strong immunity and high shelf life. Ripening after ripening reaches ...

How to deliciously prepare sauerkraut in pieces in different ways

Sauerkraut retains its taste and vitamin composition due to lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation process. The head of cabbage is cut into pieces so that the cabbage is evenly saturated with brine or marinade. They are preparing...

Recipes for canning watermelons with mustard for the winter

Watermelon is associated with sunny days and good mood. However, this summer berry can be eaten not only fresh: it is fermented, salted, and pickled. There are many recipes for canning watermelons using ...

Why does a white coating appear on pickled cucumbers and is it possible to eat them?

The appearance of a white coating on pickled cucumbers does not always indicate they are moldy. This color is caused by the processes of fermentation and growth of lactic acid bacteria. The presence of putrefactive microorganisms is indicated by an unpleasant odor and...

What part of leek is eaten and how to cook it correctly

Leeks add a unique taste and aroma to meat, fish and vegetable dishes. The plant has medicinal properties due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. The longer a product is stored, the higher its...

