Santana table potatoes do not become soft during heat treatment and remain firm, so they are used for making chips and fries. We have collected detailed information about Santana potatoes: description of the crop with photos of tubers, features ...
Barley is a nutritious grain that promotes health and well-being. The most ancient finds of the culture date back to the early Neolithic period. In the modern world, cereal is grown for the production of pearl barley and barley groats as raw materials...
The Ellan onion variety has captivated gardeners with its extremely early ripening period and semi-sharp taste. It is planted not only in spring, but also before winter for a quick harvest. The culture is resistant to light frosts, ...
High-yielding Vakula barley occupies a large amount of farmland in Russia and Ukraine. Its popularity is explained by its high productive bushiness compared to other varieties of spring barley. This allows you to significantly save on sowing...
Taking care of your health and appearance is a trend today. Many people refuse familiar products that were previously considered completely harmless. For example, there is a current trend not to consume foods that contain...
Potatoes are our “second bread”.Everyone who has even a small garden grows it, but not everyone knows how to preserve this wealth until the next harvest without loss. That's why ...
Rice is the most valuable crop in Japan. This is the pride of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, the basis of the well-being of the state. The Japanese eat it every day and prefer their own - Japanese. This cereal is the most expensive...
Juicy, crunchy carrots are one of the few vegetables that both adults and children enjoy eating. Bright orange root vegetables are used to prepare soups, broths, salads, winter preparations, as well as light...
The taste of Yalta onion is delicate, refined, absolutely devoid of bitterness. A harvest with standard taste qualities is obtained in Crimea, but special agrotechnical techniques will help to grow pink onions in any part of Russia. For this ...