![The healing properties of potato juice](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/19/c5b2565151eff19_260x160.jpg)
Raw potato juice has a number of medicinal properties. It not only cleanses the body, but also saturates it with minerals and vitamins. A drink made from tubers is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment...
![Is it possible to spend fasting days on potatoes?](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/83/8b55488bd00f883_260x160.jpg)
A lot of controversy in the field of dietary nutrition arises around the potato diet. Some people are sure that this vegetable does not meet the criteria for “healthy nutrition”. However, this is a wrong point of view - potatoes can bring...
![What is potato ring rot and methods of combating it](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/56/54cb11b33ee2a56_260x160.jpg)
Potato tubers, rich in water and starch, are a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi. Potato diseases, in particular ring rot, can completely destroy the crop. For this reason, they begin to fight the disease...
![How to take potato juice for heartburn](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/4d/6876a34eb202b4d_260x160.jpg)
Heartburn is a burning sensation behind the breastbone that occurs as a result of the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. This is the most characteristic symptom of many diseases of the digestive system. Patients often underestimate the significance of heartburn - they ignore the unpleasant sensations...
![Why do you need to hill up potatoes and how to do it correctly?](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/51/eccb9ae6cfa4251_260x160.jpg)
Potatoes are an unpretentious crop. But with a little effort, you can significantly increase your yield. Hilling up potato beds is one of the measures the use of which allows you to grow even, healthy tubers. Let's tell you in detail about...
![The best ways to weed potatoes](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/8b/26706e73691298b_260x160.jpg)
Weeding is one of the most necessary procedures for obtaining a harvest.Removing weeds is a necessary measure to control pests and prevent the spread of diseases. In this article we will talk about why weeding potatoes is needed, and...
![Rules for storing potatoes: can they be washed before storing?](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/0b/2c734a8313bdd0b_260x160.jpg)
It’s nice to dig up even, large potatoes in the fall. But it’s not enough to grow an enviable harvest. It is also important to properly prepare it for storage in order to preserve it until spring without loss. One of the most frequently asked questions...
![Rules for watering potatoes during flowering](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/70/78a37954feb4170_260x160.jpg)
One of the reasons for the formation of small diseased potato tubers is excess or lack of moisture during the growth period. Proper irrigation regime, in particular during flowering, is one of the factors for a stable harvest. IN ...
![What to do if the potatoes inside become empty and why this happens](https://agronome-fr.htgetrid.com/wp-content/themes/agr/cache/25/ab80294673f4425_260x160.jpg)
The formation of voids in tubers depends on the variety, growing conditions, harvesting technology and storage method. Hollowness is not considered a disease and occurs when planting care is not taken care of. Such tubers can be used in...