The healing properties of potato juice
Raw potato juice has a number of medicinal properties. It not only cleanses the body, but also saturates it with minerals and vitamins. A drink made from tubers is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including systemic ones, associated with the most important functions of the body.
Despite the rich chemical composition, drink potato juice with caution, not forgetting about the norms and compatibility with other products.
What is potato juice for and how to make it correctly
The drink is prepared from fresh tubers, peeled and eyes with sprouts, in which a large amount accumulates solanine. If the vegetable is not ripe or has greenish areas, do not use it or clean it thoroughly.
The most favorable time for spinning is the period from July to February. At the end of summer, the tubers ripen completely; they contain little solanine. By autumn-winter, the concentration of the glycoalkaloid decreases greatly, but during long-term storage it increases. In small doses, solanine is beneficial for the body: it neutralizes the effects of other toxins and helps the immune system recover. The substance is dangerous in large quantities.
Healthy! The largest amount of microelements is contained in pink and reddish colored tubers.
Potato juice is a valuable source of vitamins B, C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It is used in folk medicine to treat a number of diseases, including dermatological ones.
After 10 minutes of standing in the air, such a product becomes useless. Therefore, they drink it in the first minutes after spinning. Gourmets like the Linzer Blaue and Franzosische Truffel-kartoffel varieties, which are blue-black in color and have a buttery nut-like flavor that is far removed from their starchy counterpart.
Some people practice potato diets, supplemented with salads, tuber juice and protein foods. In this combination, the body completely rebuilds its work and speeds up metabolism. In six months you can lose up to 50 kg of excess weight without resorting to intense physical activity.
Potato squeeze is drunk to replenish potassium and magnesium, which play an important role in the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The drink is rich in phosphorus, which, in combination with calcium, ensures skeletal strength. Due to its iron content, the product is used to prevent anemia.
In these cases, the juice is squeezed out without cutting the peel - it is this that contains the bulk of the minerals.
The use of store-bought potatoes for treatment is not entirely justified. A genetically modified vegetable with pesticides is only suitable for heat treatment.
Important! The drink destroys tooth enamel along with fruit acids, so after each use of the product you must rinse your mouth thoroughly.
Despite the specific taste of the drink, it is not diluted with other juices, since the taste will remain and the single volume will increase. The product is quickly drunk on an empty stomach, sometimes with a spoonful of sour cream and salt. It is allowed to consume 500 ml daily, usually three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
The nutritional value
Potato juice, compared to other vegetable juices, is quite high in calories - 82 kcal per 100 ml. Such a high nutritional value (2-3% of the daily value) is due to the content of starch, a hard-to-digest carbohydrate.
The product has a high glycemic index (65–70). If the body has enough enzymes to break down starch, it quickly breaks down into simple sugars. Therefore, when drinking a drink daily, weight is often gained due to a poor diet: starch settles on the intestinal walls and poisons the body through the blood, collecting toxins, fats and other waste products. If you frequently include potatoes in your diet, do not forget to drink plenty of water with lemon juice.
In addition to carbohydrates (88%), the juice contains vegetable proteins (10%), fats (1%) and fiber (1%). The BJU ratio is 8.8:1:01. The bulk of the drink is water (4/5 of the total composition). Nutritional value is due to the presence of a number of vitamins and minerals that are not synthesized in the body.
Beneficial features
In terms of content, the potato drink is rich in vitamin C (21% of the daily value), B6 (23%), B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B9 (about 5% each).
The mineral composition is represented by potassium (23%), chromium (20%), magnesium (5.8%), phosphorus (7.2%), iron (5%), manganese (8.5%), iodine (3.3 %), zinc (3%).
The drink has a complex effect on the body. The main beneficial properties of potato juice:
- improves the condition of skin, hair and nails;
- strengthens the immune system;
- increases stress resistance, normalizes emotional background;
- has antioxidant properties;
- treats pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, normalizes digestion;
- cleanses of impurities and toxins;
- strengthens blood vessels and heart;
- relaxes muscles;
- fights swelling, eliminates age spots, improves complexion;
- reduces weight;
- fights heartburn, belching and internal bleeding;
- relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes;
- restores damaged tissues;
- has antibacterial properties;
- relieves headaches;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- helps with frostbite and burns.
The product has a beneficial effect on women's and men's health. It is drunk in case of diseases of the reproductive and reproductive systems. However, starch, due to its astringent and enveloping properties, prevents the free movement of the female hormone estrogen.
Cooking methods
The vegetables are thoroughly cleaned beforehand. If they were grown on their own plot, the peel is not cut off. For one serving, 2-3 large potatoes are enough. They are sent to a juicer or crushed in a blender, and the resulting pulp is squeezed through cheesecloth. The drink is allowed to sit for 1 minute so that the starch precipitates.
Important! If desired, the juice is extracted using a grater. This will take more time, so the product will turn out brownish.
What does it help with?
The result is achieved through regularity and a long course of use, although there are exceptions. In just one glass of juice, the body receives a significant dose of vitamins, which provide performance and a good mood.
The drink is used for:
- hypertension;
- frequent and chronic migraines;
- disturbed water-salt balance;
- frequent stomach upsets;
- gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines;
- problems with urination;
- decreased hemoglobin;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- impaired metabolism.
The use of the drug for the purpose of treatment is discussed with the doctor based on tests and clinical history of the disease.
Features of use in folk medicine
They drink the juice, rub it on the skin or make lotions.
The list of diseases that were previously fought with the help of potato drink is varied. It was used in the treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, sore throat, stomatitis, acne, muscle pain, poisoning, swelling.
The main rule when working with the product is the selection of suitable tubers. They should be smooth, without visible damage, green or purple eyes and processes.
How to cook and use for treatment
Treatment with juice at home without a special diet is strictly contraindicated. Spices, fried and smoked foods are excluded from the diet. Long-term consumption of the drink on an empty stomach causes dysfunction of the pancreas, which is responsible for the digestion and absorption of food.
Treatment regimens:
- For heartburn, 100 ml of juice is taken for discomfort in the chest area.
- For uterine fibroids, women drink 200 ml of the product on an empty stomach every morning for 4-5 months. At the same time, they follow a fruit and vegetable diet.
- For cholecystitis, drink 2 tbsp. per day before meals.
- Chronic constipation is eliminated after taking 1 tbsp. drink at night.
- To reduce stomach acidity, take the product 4 times a day, 100 ml.
- For gastritis and ulcers, drink 3-4 tbsp before each meal. l. juice for 1 month. In addition, drink carrot and tomato juices without preservatives.
- For pancreatitis, the remedy is supplemented with kefir. Before meals, three times a day, drink half a glass of marc in small sips, then drink warm kefir in the same volume. The course of treatment is 1 month with a break of 2 weeks.
- For obesity, the drug is used as a supplement to a healthy diet and physical activity. Intensive consumption of the drink puts a strong strain on the excretory system and liver.To normalize metabolism, 1 tbsp is enough. juice per day.
Treatment is carried out in courses. The best option is 10 days with a similar break. Consult a doctor first.
Health-improving recipes
To strengthen the immune system without consequences, change your diet. In the absence of contraindications, follow a plant-based diet for 3-4 days to accustom the body to hunger and remove toxins that interfere with the absorption of active substances.
Important! The juice is drunk separately if the diet contains animal proteins.
For a fasting week
In the afternoon, before lunch, drink a mixture of carrot, beet, celery and potato juices in equal proportions (total volume - 100 ml). The action is repeated in the evening and before bedtime.
To restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract
Before each meal, drink 50 ml of juice and kefir or yogurt. 2 hours before bedtime, the dosage is increased to 100 ml. The course takes from 2 weeks to 1 month. In case of dysbacteriosis, it is repeated after 30 days.
Contraindications to the use of the product are varied. This is due to the high content of active substances that involve most reactions in the body.
The drink is excluded from the diet if:
- gastritis with low acidity;
- venereal diseases;
- elevated sugar levels;
- diabetes mellitus;
- exacerbation of pancreatitis;
- caries, brittle enamel.
If you abuse juice, the risk of excess vitamins increases. Excess starch, despite its absorbent and healing properties, negatively affects not only the intestines, but also the liver as the main organ that filters the blood.
Doctors' opinions
Experts have different views on folk remedies. Opinions about potato juice are divided.The effectiveness of this remedy largely depends on the existing problem and the individual characteristics of the body.
Oleg Igorevich, nutritionist: “Potato juice is useful only in the absence of starch, which is practically not absorbed in the body due to systemic disorders and lack of vitamins. The body requires enormous amounts of energy to squeeze the benefits out of starch. I do not recommend it for the treatment of serious diseases due to the questionable quality of potatoes. Its juice is only useful when squeezed with the peel, where most of the pesticides are collected.”
Irina Olegovna, gastroenterologist: “Potato juice is effective in treating diseases associated with digestion. It cannot restore enzyme functions, but it affects acidity, facilitating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this is a quick way to saturate the body with vitamins B and C, which are involved in all cellular processes, including metabolic ones.”
Onil Oskarovich, dermatologist: “The drink really helps with eczema, psoriasis, age spots, acne. Active components quickly act on the epithelium, improve complexion, even out skin texture, drawing out decay products from cells. I recommend it as a means to maintain youthful skin.”
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The opinions of doctors and traditional healers regarding potato juice are ambiguous. Dosages for medicinal purposes are selected experimentally and strictly individually. Most often, the drink is consumed on an empty stomach to prevent diseases or on fasting days.
The juice diet is popular among people with metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders, which is not always advisable if the diagnosis is inaccurate. Long-term treatment is carried out after examination by a specialist.