
Step-by-step instructions for planting cucumbers in the ground

Cucumbers are grown in regions with different climatic conditions. Vegetable crops require proper care and compliance with planting rules. Errors at any stage of the growing season lead to low yields. How to grow...

Is it possible to grow cucumbers and tomatoes together in one polycarbonate greenhouse?

The size of the plot for many gardeners does not allow them to install another greenhouse. And in a difficult climate, I really want to have both cucumbers and tomatoes on the table. Are these vegetables really not...

Reasons why watermelon is bitter and is it possible to eat such a fruit?

On a hot summer day, the juicy pulp of watermelon is pleasantly refreshing. Both adults and children love this berry. But it happens that a beautiful, good-looking fruit turns out to be completely tasteless or even...

What to do if spots appear on cucumber leaves?

Gardeners often encounter plant diseases, but not everyone knows how to deal with them. One of them is the appearance of spots on the fruits and leaves of cucumbers. Today we’ll talk about this in more detail. ...

When is it necessary to fertilize cucumbers with urea and how to apply it correctly

Urea is a highly effective nitrogen fertilizer that is used for garden and vegetable crops. But to get good results, it is important to know the features of using this product. By following the technology of feeding cucumbers with urea, you can...

The main reasons why the ovary does not grow on cucumbers

Cucumber is the most popular vegetable in gardens. It is unpretentious, suitable for growing in greenhouses and soil, and is characterized by high productivity.But the problem of poor ovary growth on cucumbers often arises. Let's deal with...

Fragrant and tasty Hasanka melon: how to choose and grow on your own plot

Khasanka is a unique melon variety, about which there is not much information. Few people know about it and rarely cultivate it. But those who had already tried and grown it did not stay...

Why are pickles empty inside and how to make them correctly, preventing this problem

Russian cuisine is distinguished by a wide variety of all kinds of pickles, but cucumbers occupy a special place among them. In an ideal preparation they should be crispy and strong, but it happens that the housewife and her...

Classic recipes for lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan

To cook delicious lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan, you don’t have to be an experienced cook or have secret knowledge. All dishes are easy to make, the main thing is to study the recipe in advance and stock up on the necessary ...

What fertilizers can be used for cucumbers in a greenhouse during fruiting?

Fertilizing is the most important condition for caring for greenhouse cucumbers. The procedure is carried out regularly throughout the entire fruiting period. To do this, alternate organic and inorganic fertilizers, spraying the plant leaf by leaf and watering under ...

