
What is feed wheat and where is it used?

The development of the livestock industry increases the need for livestock feed. According to statistics, approximately half of the annual grain harvest is spent on these needs. Wheat accounts for about 20 million tons. They use feed grain ...

What is soft wheat, how does it differ from hard wheat and where is it used?

Wheat is divided into two groups: durum and soft varieties. When buying flour products, it is useful to know what type of flour they are made from. We will tell you the main differences between soft wheat and hard wheat...

What are the classes of wheat and how do they differ from each other?

Humanity has been familiar with wheat for thousands of years - since ancient times, flour has been made from it, which is then used to bake bread, produce alcohol, and feed for livestock. Given to this culture...

Wheat cultivation technology from preparation for sowing to harvesting

About 35% of all world grain crops are wheat. Valuable food and feed crops require increased attention during the growth period and strict adherence to agricultural techniques. The cereal is capable of producing a good harvest in...

Why is the Swedish fly dangerous on winter wheat and how to deal with it and other cereal pests

The Swedish fly causes great serious damage to agriculture, destroying cereals and forage crops. This insect adapts to any environmental conditions: thanks to its high adaptive abilities, it has spread throughout the globe...

What is durum wheat: description, scope of application and differences from soft varieties

Of all types of wheat, durum wheat is the most useful. It is rich in gluten, fiber, silicon, boron, manganese, selenium, vitamins K, PP and group B. It is grown in areas with a continental climate, where it is hot...

What is the root system of wheat and what are its features?

Wheat is a member of the monocot class, the cereal family. Its importance in the life and history of mankind can hardly be overestimated. This is the main raw material for the production of flour and all types of bakery products. The plant is widely used...

Review of winter wheat variety Alekseevich: characteristics and description

In 2015, the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture developed a new variety of winter wheat, which broke all yield records. The variety called Alekseevich successfully passed state tests. More information about...

Review of the best varieties of winter wheat: choosing the most fertile and resistant

Through the practice of growing winter wheat, breeders have managed to develop varieties that produce high-quality and abundant harvests. We have prepared a review of varieties that have shown the best yield and are actively grown by producers on an industrial scale. Requirements ...

Guide to using wheat as green manure in autumn and spring

The successful use of wheat as green manure has long been confirmed by practice. It has all the qualities of a green fertilizer - a cheap and effective technology for restoring soil fertility after its active use. What's happened ...

