Planting and growing

What is missing in the body if you constantly want potatoes?

Potatoes are a popular but extremely controversial product. Most nutritionists and fitness trainers do not recommend it in any form, as it is high in calories and is not believed to provide any benefits to the body. ...

How to properly store onions in the cellar and is it possible to do so?

Onions are a vegetable crop with widespread distribution. The vegetable is used year-round in the preparation of numerous culinary dishes. Many housewives and summer residents are interested in the question of how to preserve the harvest for a long time. About whether it is possible...

What carrots to plant in the Moscow region: the best varieties for open ground

The Moscow region is generally a favorable region for growing garden crops. The soil here is loose and light, nutritious and fertile, subject to sudden frosts or weather changes. Let's look at which varieties and hybrids of carrots are better...

High-yielding winter onion variety Radar

Radar is a popular onion variety among gardeners. It is distinguished by its abundant yield, ease of care, and strong immunity to almost all diseases and pests characteristic of the crop. Description of the variety For the variety...

Mid-early potato variety Lilly with high yield

The mid-early table potato variety Lilly was registered in Russia recently - in 2016, but quickly managed to prove itself from the best side. Many farmers and private gardeners write about it...

Description and characteristics of melon crossed with pineapple: what does the mini-fruit taste like?

Melon crossed with pineapple is one of the most unusual varieties of fruit crops that can be grown in our country. It looks like a regular melon, but has a tropical pineapple flavor that...

When is it better to plant dill before winter, and is it possible to do so?

Is it possible to plant dill before winter and when to do it? Experienced gardeners claim that in this case dill sprouts faster, grows better and produces a good harvest. Is it so? If you look into it...

A selection of the best recipes for sauerkraut with dill and its seeds

Pickled vegetables are not only an excellent addition to side dishes and soups, but also a ready-made appetizer or salad for the holiday table. With this canning, a preservative is formed - lactic acid, which preserves the benefits ...

How, when and what to feed parsley for growth: tips for beginning gardeners

Parsley appears in gardens in early May. Rich in vitamins and microelements, it has a positive effect on human health: improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure and the immune system. Vitamins A, K, ...

What are the diseases of potato tops: description and treatment

Diseases of potato tops lead to yield loss and a decrease in the starchiness of tubers. The main cause of disease development is pathogenic microorganisms. Preventive measures, the use of healthy planting material, treatment with chemicals will help preserve the harvest...

