Planting and growing

Why brown rice is good for weight loss and how to cook it

In the field of professional nutritionists, the rice diet occupies one of the leading positions in popularity. For most people, this product is associated with the white grains that we constantly see on supermarket shelves. Such ...

A step-by-step guide to treating tomatoes with metronidazole against late blight: fighting the disease and preventing it

Late blight is the scourge of tomatoes. This disease can completely destroy the crop. Vegetable growers use many means to combat its pathogen: from folk remedies to chemicals. Practice has shown that you can save tomatoes with the help of an inexpensive pharmaceutical drug - ...

How to properly use oats for a cough: the best recipes and effectiveness

Cough is a nonspecific symptom of many diseases; it occurs against the background of damage to the respiratory system, ingestion of foreign bodies, inhalation of toxic substances, and congestion. Taking into account the main cause of cough, doctors prescribe various...

How and with what to combat diseases of pepper seedlings

Pepper seedlings are prepared 3 months before planting in the ground. The seedling method protects the crop from sudden weather changes and improves seed germination. However, even if all the rules for planting seedlings are followed...

Why jars of cucumbers explode and what to do to avoid it

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes are perhaps the most favorite canned vegetables on our table. With tomatoes, there are usually no problems when canning, but the same cannot be said about cucumbers.Carefully prepared pickles often do not...

Dutch tomato Big Beef F1: what summer residents think about the Dutch hybrid and growing tips

Big Beef f1 tomatoes are a product of Dutch breeding work that has received recognition in many countries. Ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions. The culture is characterized by early ripening, large fruits with fleshy...

The benefits and harms of radishes for the human body

During spring and early summer, nutritionists definitely recommend including radishes in your diet. The fruits contain few calories (20 kcal per 100 g) and fat, but are useful from a medical point of view, ...

Tall, high-yielding tomatoes for greenhouses: the best varieties and help in choosing the right one for you

To grow tomatoes in regions with sudden weather changes, greenhouses or greenhouses come to the aid of gardeners. The structure protects plants from fog, rain, frost and temperature changes. To make tomatoes grow healthy...

We'll tell you and show you how to grow the Explosion tomato and what to do to get a rich harvest of tomatoes.

Tomato Explosion is gaining more and more fans. The variety has gained popularity for a long list of advantages that are valued by many vegetable growers. Tomatoes are a very popular product - they have many useful properties, and growing the variety ...

How to cook cucumbers in their own juice for the winter without sterilization: recipes and advice from experienced housewives

There are many options for preparing winter preparations from cucumbers. Most housewives salt and ferment them. But few people know that cucumbers can be pickled not only in brine, but also in their own...

