Planting and growing

Beginner gardeners often have a question: what to do if the cucumber seedlings turn yellow? Leaves can dry out and turn yellow for several reasons, the main ones being improper care and disease. Further ...

Dill gives dishes a special aroma and unique taste. It is used in almost any kitchen, so it is simply necessary to have dill preparations in stock in winter. When pickled, greens retain beneficial...

Common asparagus, or asparagus, is used in various diets. According to nutritionists, with its help you can get rid of excess weight in a few days, saturate the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Let's look at the composition...

Vegetables picked from the garden cannot be compared to those sold in stores. But what to do if you have a desire to grow plants, but don’t have a garden or a summer house? The hydroponic method will come to the rescue. Thanks to hydroponics, you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers at home...

Russian breeding never ceases to amaze with the variety of crops, and the relatively new tomato variety Olya f1 is another proof of progress. High yield, disease resistance, good adaptation to weather vagaries, excellent taste of fruits...

The bright multi-colored fruits of bell peppers during the harvest period are a real decoration of any summer cottage. Healthy paprika looks appetizing on the table in salads, hot dishes, and canned food. Only laudatory things are written about pepper as a storehouse of vitamins...

The unusual taste, nutmeg aroma and sweet pulp of this exotic vegetable, bred in the USA, will not leave anyone indifferent. Today we will talk about a hybrid of butternut squash and wild bottle-shaped pumpkins - pumpkin ...

Tomatoes of the Ogorodnik variety have attracted the attention of Russian summer residents due to their taste, shape, ease of care and high yield. The variety is successfully grown in various regions of the country: tomatoes tolerate both cool and hot weather well...

The Mashenka variety has won fans with its high yield, immunity to disease, reliable reviews and simple agricultural technology. The tomato looks great in photographs, arousing interest among novice and experienced vegetable growers. Gardeners are confident that the variety will not fail in either dry or cool conditions...