Planting and growing

A miraculous tasty mixture - what are the benefits of pumpkin seeds and honey and how to use them correctly

Issues of health, beauty and youth have been of concern to man since ancient times, and nature provides many opportunities for this. For example, Avicenna recommended honey to preserve youth, and pumpkin seeds...

The most popular varieties of green pumpkin and features of their cultivation

In the distant past, Indians used pumpkin not only as a food product, but also as a material for making household items. The pulp was used to make long ribbons and weave rugs, which...

What you shouldn’t plant hot pepper next to: crop rotation rules and growing secrets

Red hot pepper (chili, bitter) is a vegetable crop, the cultivation of which is becoming increasingly popular. It is also often used as a decorative decoration. There are about 500 species of hot peppers. The fruits have different shapes -...

What is the difference between fodder beet and sugar beet: difference in appearance, areas of application and other parameters

According to historians, the ancient Babylonians were the first to use beets, although so far only as a medicine. And the ancient Greeks believed that it was this root vegetable that gave a person strength and youth. ...

Fragrant nutmeg pumpkin variety Zhemchuzhina: why it’s good and why it’s worth growing on your property

Eastern merchants brought pumpkin to Russia in the 16th century. The vegetable quickly gained popularity: people appreciated its unusual taste and ease of care.Centuries later, culture has not lost its relevance, with...

An exotic vegetable with an unusual taste and name - Pink banana pumpkin: description of the variety

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “pink banana”? Surely an ordinary banana, only pink. And imagine your surprise if they tell you that by Pink Banana, gardeners and gardeners mean...

Medicinal properties of wax gourd and features of its cultivation

Waxy, or winter, pumpkin Chenzhou (Benincasa variety) is most often grown in Latin America, Indonesia and in its homeland - China. However, the popularity of the variety is gaining momentum. Thanks to its resistance to difficult weather conditions...

Top 10 best ways to prepare pickled zucchini for the winter: recipes from experienced housewives

Simple, quick to prepare, incredibly tasty zucchini recipes in various variations will surprise even sophisticated gourmets. Zucchini is an excellent addition to main courses and a delicious stand-alone snack. Appetizing homemade preparations diversify...

How to take pumpkin oil: benefits and harm to the body, instructions for use for various purposes

Pumpkin oil tops the list of products on the menu of healthy eating enthusiasts. There is a misconception that healthy food cannot be tasty. Pumpkin seed oil belongs to the category of products that...

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis: we study contraindications and cook according to the most delicious dietary recipes

Gastritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa that occurs when exposed to various damaging factors: infections, food errors, chemical poisoning, chronic stress, and other diseases of the digestive system.Treatment is conservative, using antibiotics, gastroprotectors, ...

