The most popular varieties of green pumpkin and features of their cultivation
In the distant past, Indians used pumpkin not only as a food product, but also as a material for making household items. Long ribbons were made from the pulp and rugs were woven, which were later laid in houses. Pumpkin design was common among the peoples of South America, but in the Old World the pumpkin is known from a completely different side.
Today we use pumpkin mainly in cooking. Its pulp and seeds are a real source of health. In addition, the unusual taste and aroma of the product complements many dishes. The vegetable comes in yellow, green and even pink. Let us further consider why green pumpkin is so useful, and study its most valuable varieties.
What are the benefits of pumpkin?
Every autumn we are blessed with a new harvest: various varieties appear in stores at low prices, and cafes and restaurants create special seasonal pumpkin-based menus. In addition to taste, the product is incredibly beneficial for the health of adults and children..
The following elements are of particular value in the composition of the vegetable::
- B vitamins strengthen the immune system and reduce irritability.
- Vitamin K It is found extremely rarely in food products; its value lies in the fact that it improves hematopoiesis and is involved in the synthesis of bone tissue.
- Vitamin D improves metabolism and has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
- Vitamin T Helps the body better absorb nutrients and speed up digestion, preventing obesity.Like vitamin K, it is extremely rare in foods.
- Folic and ascorbic acids good for the cardiovascular system.
- Potassium and magnesium prevent the onset of diabetes mellitus and have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Pectin removes cholesterol from the body and cleans blood vessels.
Green pumpkin is actively used in preparing dietary dishes.. It relieves swelling, improves stomach function, and improves mood. Pumpkin is superior in iron content even to apples, so its consumption also has a positive effect on brain function.
Besides, pumpkin is used as a diuretic because it contains substances that stimulate kidney function. To retain more benefits, consume the product raw or baked.
Interesting! To treat yourself to delicious food without harm to your health, prepare diet pumpkin cheesecake. 100 g of the dish contains only 140 kcal, so it is safe even for those who follow a low-calorie diet. The cheesecake is especially well complemented by ginger, cinnamon, ricotta cheese and nutmeg.
For men, pumpkin is useful because it contains vitamins C, B1, B3, B6, L-carnitine, zinc and other “male” minerals. They improve the absorption of fatty acids, increase endurance, and have an effect on the reproductive system. For the fair half of humanity, pumpkin contains vitamins A and E. They prevent aging, moisturize the skin, strengthen hair and nails. Pumpkin extracts are used to make many cosmetic products.
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Popular varieties and features of their cultivation
What does a green pumpkin look like? What varieties are there? We will answer these questions below, Let's look at the most famous green pumpkin varieties in detail with photos and descriptions.
Gribovskaya bush 189
One of the most “old” varieties grown in Russia. They are mainly planted in the Urals and Siberia, since the crop has strong immunity to sudden weather changes. It is recommended to grow in seedlings, as this makes it easier for the plant to adapt to external factors. The pumpkin is oblong, average weight is about 5 kg. In appearance, Gribovskaya resembles a zucchini. At first the vegetable acquires a dark green color, then becomes orange with green stripes. The taste is juicy, the flesh is dense.
Gribovsky is a mid-early variety, the first harvest is obtained 80-90 days after planting. The bush is formed into 1 or 2 stems, the beds are regularly watered and loosened. Pumpkin responds well to organic fertilizers in the form of liquid mullein or nettle infusion. As befits varieties for the Urals and Siberia, Gribovskaya bush 189 rarely gets sick and is not attacked by insect pests. The yield is average, about 10-20 kg per bush.
An interesting ultra-early variety. As a rule, Freckle is sown with seeds in open ground.. An open, bright and warm place in the garden is suitable for growing. It is best to plant Freckles after potatoes or legumes, but in no case after zucchini or cucumbers. Before planting, be sure to germinate and harden the seed material. Also use growth stimulants, they will speed up seed germination.
About 8-10 “freckles” appear on one bush. The weight of one is about 1 kg, on average about 9 kg is removed from a bush.The pumpkin is green with yellow splashes, hence the name. Young vegetables are excellent for processing, including stuffing.
Important! Use water with a temperature of at least 20 degrees for irrigation. Before watering, loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm and remove weeds. The weed takes some of the moisture for itself, and the pumpkin has to develop at the expense of its own reserves. This has a bad effect on the future harvest.
Refers to mid-season varieties. Vegetables are round and compact. The color is rich, emerald green, with light inclusions. The weight of one pumpkin is about 3 kg. They are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. About 7-10 vegetables ripen on one bush. Miranda has a high nutrient content and is excellent for children's and dietary nutrition. In addition, gardeners value the crop for its ease of care.
For cultivation, it is recommended to install a drip irrigation system. It ensures the flow of water under the root, bypassing the stems and leaves. As a preventive measure, the bushes are sprayed with a soap solution, it prevents the occurrence of fungal infections. Also, do not forget to sprinkle the lashes with soil. If this is not done, they will break the leaves, which will have a bad effect on the health of the plant.
Gymnosperm 14
The variety was bred more than 60 years ago. Pumpkin oblong, slightly rounded. The weight of one is about 6 kg, the yield per bush is about 30 kg. The pulp is tender and sweet. Gymnosperm 14 is easy to grow and does not require special skills. The bushes are compact, the leaves are dark green. The root system is powerful, as are the lashes. If the vegetable has grown too heavy and large, then use the means at hand to provide additional support. For example, use bricks and a wooden board.
In addition to the pulp, seeds are also used in cooking. Gymnosperm. For example, they make delicious muffins with cherries and pumpkin seeds. In addition to taste, baking will enrich the body with essential vitamins, improve digestion and well-being.
Interesting! In folk medicine, it is generally accepted that pumpkin seeds help pregnant women get rid of toxicosis. And pumpkin juice is considered a natural antioxidant and an excellent sleep aid.
The variety belongs to the Muscat family and is distinguished by its excellent taste and sweetness.. Muscat varieties are often compared to melon. Ripening time is late, about 130 days. It can be elongated or round in shape, with slight ribbing. It is better to grow vitamin pumpkin in seedlings. Seedlings are prepared 20-30 days before planting in the ground. The optimal distance between the bushes is at least 1 m. To prevent the seedlings from freezing, they are covered with film for the first time.
Do not forget to loosen the soil, this saturates it with oxygen and makes it airy. Also regularly remove weeds and cover the vines with soil. During the fruiting period, pay special attention to nitrogen-containing fertilizers, for example, use urea or ammonium nitrate. The weight of one Vitamin pumpkin is about 7 kg. One bush gives about 6-7 vegetables.
One of the best mid-season varieties. Does not require special fertilizers, is immune to common diseases. Excellent for growing in regions with difficult weather conditions. The weight of one striped pumpkin is about 5 kg. The vegetables are aromatic and are widely used in cooking. The barn is stored for a long time and does not lose its taste and aesthetic qualities. For example, a vegetable can be stored in the basement for about 1 year.
From 1 sq. m harvest about 40 kg. Pumpkins ripen gradually, yield is friendly. Pumpkin is great for processing and is even used to make jam and sweet jelly. People suffering from diabetes mellitus especially appreciate the dish. It is known that pumpkin is an excellent substitute for sweets and desserts. Will complement your table in winter and autumn.
The color palette of the Azure Pumpkin ranges from dark green to gray. The surface is ribbed, the shape is round. It ripens within 110 days, so the variety can be called medium-late. But the flesh of the Azure vegetable is bright orange, crispy and tasty. Pumpkins are large and round, weighing about 6 kg. Pumpkin is often added to milk porridges and made into puree soup.
Azure loves sandy loam fertile lands. Its roots are powerful, so do not forget about timely watering. Add Kornevin or Mortar as fertilizer. They increase yields, improve crop health and protect against pests.
Use medications in accordance with dosages and recommendations. Otherwise, they will not benefit the plants, but will only harm them. You can purchase such products at any gardening store.
A powerful plant with short vines. Refers to early ripening and productive. From 1 sq. m harvest about 5 kg. Harvested pumpkins are perfectly stored and transported. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases. However, for preventive purposes, it would not be a bad idea to periodically spray the bushes with a solution of wood ash from a spray bottle. This is especially true in dry and hot summers.
Pumpkin pulp is recommended for those who have stomach diseases, especially raw or boiled.. The vegetable does not cause bloating or gas, so you should eat at least one piece of Medicinal Pumpkin per day. Pumpkin is 90% water and contains a huge amount of beta-carotene. The variety is suitable for those who want to lose excess weight.
More about pumpkin:
How to choose a pumpkin
To select a ripe and healthy vegetable, use the following tips:
- Don't buy a pumpkin that has dents or cracks. This means that the vegetable has already begun to deteriorate.
- The larger the pumpkin, the more water it contains.
- A quality product has dry seeds and deep orange flesh.
- The stalk should be dry and the rind should be hard.
If you buy a vegetable from a neighbor, ask what variety it is and make sure that the pumpkin was stored correctly. The ideal place is a dark and dry room, such as a garage or cellar. Carefully inspect the product and tap it. If the sound is dull, it means the pumpkin is ripe and ready to eat.
So, now you know whether there is a green pumpkin and what beneficial qualities it has. These varieties are easy to grow, although they require compliance with basic rules of agricultural technology. The best harvest is achieved when forming a bush. Also, do not forget about watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.
Pumpkin loves a balanced diet, nitrogen, and organic fertilizers. Many green varieties produce excellent harvests even in harsh climatic conditions. For example, the varieties Gribovsky, Ambar and Miranda take root well in Siberia and the Urals.