Planting and growing

Basil transforms any dish with its unique aroma. The plant is native to South Asia, so it loves light and warmth. Such demands on light and temperature conditions do not mean that the culture is not adapted...

Honeysuckle is one of the most unpretentious plants that can grow in almost all regions of our country. The most popular is edible honeysuckle with healthy and tasty fruits. However, gardeners grow...

Pests are one of the main causes of gooseberry death. Their occurrence is difficult to prevent without the use of chemicals. Plants affected by insects quickly lose leaves and fruits. Also, mites, beetles and caterpillars...

When choosing varieties for the next planting, gardeners pay attention to care requirements, plant resistance to disease, and the marketability and taste of the fruit. It is important to determine in advance for what purpose the crop is grown. For ...

Sea buckthorn is useful and is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Lush trees with orange berries also perform a decorative function - they decorate a summer cottage. Sea buckthorn is unpretentious in cultivation, requires little attention, and rarely gets sick. Little ones...

The best gooseberry varieties for Siberia and the Urals are frost-resistant and immune. Otherwise, the plant will be susceptible to powdery mildew, rot, anthracnose and freeze in the cold winter. Sweet varieties are also in demand. ...

The nut is considered very high in calories, and therefore an undesirable product on the menu during weight loss. However, this is a misconception, since in small quantities some fruits accelerate weight loss and provide vitamins and minerals. ...

Purple or red basil is becoming increasingly popular. Having much in common with the green representative of the family, species with a dark color are distinguished by a number of features in terms of external characteristics, aromatic qualities, taste characteristics, and ...

Buckwheat was called “mother” in Russian cuisine. Cereal porridge was served to both boyars and commoners. Our ancestors believed that buckwheat porridge not only satisfies hunger for a long time, but...