Planting and growing

Princess Diana is a variety of edible honeysuckle, bred by a Russian plant breeder and successfully combining high yield, pleasant taste of large fruits and decorative appearance of the bushes. Let's consider the advantages, disadvantages and agrotechnical requirements of the variety. Description ...

Buckwheat groats are the fruits of buckwheat, a herbaceous crop of the Buckwheat family. Its seeds spread into the food culture of not only humans, but also animals about 5 thousand years ago. Buckwheat is considered to be the birthplace of...

In the autumn-winter period, when the choice of vegetables and fruits is limited and most of them have lost their beneficial substances over the winter or are grown in greenhouses with the addition of large doses of nitrates, ...

Potatoes are an unpretentious crop that grows on all types of soil. In order to obtain the maximum vegetable yield from a small area under different agroclimatic conditions, various options for its cultivation have been created. In this article we will tell you...

With proper care and compliance with planting dates, any apricot tree pleases gardeners with a rich and tasty harvest. To choose the right variety, it is recommended to study its features: care rules, ripening period, immunity to ...

Getting a wonderful harvest is the dream of every gardener. Successful cultivation of any crop begins with the right choice of variety. The white cabbage hybrid Rinda F1 is deservedly loved by farmers and summer residents. Let's see what the secret is...

Pomegranate is a low tree that looks aesthetically pleasing at all stages of development. It has a beautiful dense crown with small green leaves, delicate white flowers and bright, interestingly shaped fruits. In hot...

The main secret of large heads and high yields is growing onions from sets. This method saves time - the harvest is obtained in one season. Ready-made planting material of different varieties is zoned according to climatic...

It would seem, what diseases do indoor lemons have? The plant is grown in favorable conditions, and not in open ground, where the likelihood of contracting an infection is many times greater. But no, growing lemons in...