Planting and growing

The indoor lemon tree requires care. In order for it to feel comfortable, develop harmoniously, bloom and bear fruit, it is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology and constantly monitor its condition. Any errors in care...

Unpretentious and resistant to low temperatures, broccoli grows well even in regions with cold climates. In this article we will tell you when to sow broccoli for seedlings in Siberia and how to grow it in ...

When choosing the best varieties of cherries for your region, pay attention to yield indicators and growing conditions, taste and commercial qualities of the fruit. The best varieties are those that require minimal care...

White currants are steadily popular among domestic gardeners. The fruits of this plant are less likely to cause allergies than brighter berries. They have a refreshing sweet and sour taste and delicate aroma, which are significantly different from...

Buckwheat combines opposite properties - while sufficiently filling and nutritious, it has a low calorie content. Eating cereals is not prohibited even if you follow the strictest diets. The product is also useful for those who...

Growing white grapes at home is not difficult - it is only important to follow the recommendations for planting and care.White varieties are used to make wine drinks. In addition, the fruits are good in dried, fresh, processed...

Apricot trees are distinguished by their attractive appearance: during flowering, the garden is decorated with large flowers, and during ripening and fruiting - appetizing golden-orange fruits. For cultivation in central Russia, cold-resistant apricot trees are chosen ...

More than 200 species of honeysuckle are known. However, only a few of them produce edible oblong blue berries. The fruits of other varieties are not only inedible, but also poisonous in large quantities. Such cultivated...

Carrots are a universal plant. Everything in it is useful: the root vegetable, the above-ground green part, flowers and seeds. Carrot leaves are used in the treatment of various diseases, in cooking, and cosmetology. In this article we will talk about...