Review of the best white grape varieties

Growing white grapes at home is not difficult - it is only important to follow the recommendations for planting and care. White varieties are used to make wine drinks. In addition, the fruits are good in dried, fresh, or processed form.

When choosing a variety, it is advised to pay attention to the list of advantages and disadvantages of grapes and the favorable growing area. The appearance of bushes and fruits, their immunity, soil and climate requirements also matter.

Sweet varieties

Sweet white varieties are used to produce wine, cognac, and champagne. White grape juice has a harmonious tart aroma and muscat aftertaste. These grapes are grown in warm regions - in the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory. The plant loves sunlight and warmth, does not tolerate sudden cold snaps and heavy rainfall.

Let's look at the best varieties of white grapes.

Review of the best white grape varieties


The ripening period is early - summer residents harvest 130 days from the moment the buds open. The bushes are tall, the vines grow quickly, the shoots are strong. The clusters are cylindrical in shape, one weighs 200-250 g. The structure of the bunch is dense and loose.

The berries are yellow-white in color with a golden tint and shimmer attractively in the sun. The weight of the berry is up to 4 g, the skin is thin. The taste is harmonious and sweet. Chardonnay is planted only on fertile soils, otherwise the yield will be low.


The bushes are vigorous and the foliage is dense. The shoots are straight-growing, the root system is developed. The clusters are large, the weight of one reaches 600 g, the shape is conical and elongated.The berries are oval, weight from 10 to 16 g. The pulp is dense and fleshy, tastes pleasant, sweet. The ripening period is 100-115 days, Aysar is frost-resistant down to -25°C. The grapes are used for transportation and storage; thanks to their thick skin, they retain their marketability and taste.


Review of the best white grape varieties

Vinograd Aleshenkin grown not only in the south, but also in the central region of the country. The bushes are tall, the vine is fast-growing, the leaves are medium-sized, dark green. The ripening period is 100-120 days. The clusters are cone-shaped, one weighs about 1.5 kg.

The berries are oval, oblong, weighing 5 g. The color of the peel is light yellow with a white tint, translucent. The pulp is sweet and sugary, juicy. The pulp is dense, there are few seeds. The yield of the Aleshenkin variety is up to 20 kg per plant. Grapes are universal in use - dried fruits are made from the berries, jam and juices are made, and the harvest is eaten fresh.

With long berries

Long berries are a characteristic feature of some grape varieties. In taste and composition, such berries are almost no different from round or oval grapes. Plants are grown in the south and central Russia.

Review of the best white grape varieties


Tall bushes with a spreading crown, frost resistance down to -24°C. The length of the bunch is about 40 cm, the shape is cylindrical, weight up to 1.5 kg. The berries are long, each weighs 15 g. The color of the peel is amber-green, transparent. The taste is nutmeg with a pronounced grape aroma. The pulp melts in your mouth, dense, with several small seeds.

Valentina grapes ripen in 130-140 days, the harvest is harvested in the second half of September. The variety is fast-growing and can be stored well in dark, dry and cool rooms. The berries do not spoil and retain their taste and aroma.

Husayne White

One of the popular grape varieties has another name - Lady's Fingers.The bushes are vigorous, the fruit ripening period is 145-155 days. The berries are white-yellow with a greenish tint; sometimes there are specimens with a pink side.

The pulp is soft and crispy, the taste is sweet with a slight sourness. The clusters are conical, loose, the weight of one is from 400 to 800 g. Husayne White grapes do not fall off and do not spoil after ripening; they hang on the bushes. Resistant to insect pests, frost-resistant and universal in use.

Interesting! Not only grape berries, but also leaves are useful on the farm. Housewives use them instead of cabbage cabbage rolls to prepare cabbage rolls with meat. Grape leaves give the dish an original taste and piquant aroma.


Review of the best white grape varieties

Early varieties are pleased with the harvest already in August - the ripening period varies from 110 to 120 days. Early ripening grapes are planted in the middle zone and the Moscow region.


Review of the best white grape varieties

Vigorous variety with a thick crown. The vine is strong and fast growing, the leaves are medium sized and light green. The growing season of Arcadia is 120 days. The berries are ovoid with a thin but durable skin. The clusters are large, the weight of one reaches 700-800 g.

The pulp is dense, there are few seeds, the taste is sweet and nutmeg. Arcadia grapes have a rich dessert aroma and are versatile in use. Resistant to frost, rarely suffers from rot and mildew. And to protect against insects, gardeners recommend regularly spraying the plantings with a solution of copper sulfate.

Muscat Velvet

An early ripening table variety - summer residents harvest in 105-110 days. The bushes are medium-sized, the crown is straight. The clusters are cylindrical, elongated, weight from 400 to 600 g. The berries are beautiful, milky in color, weighing 5-7 g per one.

The pulp is fleshy, the seeds are small. The taste is sugary, pleasant, the aroma is strong.Also among the advantages are noted the friendly ripening of berries, frost resistance, resistance to pests, transportable and commercial qualities. The harvest is eaten fresh or processed to make jams and juices.


An ultra-early technical grape variety ripens in 105 days. The clusters are conical, grow on a short stalk, weight from 600 to 800 g. The berries are oval-round, amber-yellowish in color with white highlights. The skin is dense, the flesh is fleshy, there are 2-3 seeds inside.

The taste is sweet and delicate, combining the aroma of berries, fruits and flowers. Frankincense is used to produce elite sparkling, sweet and semi-sweet wines. When fresh, the berries are no worse - they have a pleasant tartness. Frankincense is planted in dry and well-warmed areas, away from drafts and groundwater.

Mid-season varieties

Review of the best white grape varieties

Mid-ripening white grapes ripen by the end of August, the ripening period is 130-145 days. During cultivation, gardeners prune shoots, apply fertilizers, and regularly loosen and mulch the soil. For the winter, young seedlings are covered with boards or thick film to protect them from frost and cold winds. Let's consider the characteristics and names of white grapes of medium ripening further.


Early ripening table variety. The plant is tall, the shoots are light. The clusters are conical or cylindrical, the weight of one is from 400 to 1000 g. The berries are oval, weight from 15 to 23 g. The color ranges from white-yellow to greenish, depending on the growing region and the amount of sunlight.

The skin is dense and crispy; you cannot feel the berries when eating them. The pulp is medium dense, there are 1-2 seeds inside. The taste is dessert with a nutmeg aftertaste. Ripening time is about 130 days, yield up to 7 kg per plant per season.

White CoKl

The universal table variety is planted in the Urals and in Siberia, the Far Eastern and Central regions. The bushes are tall, the shoots are characterized by increased fertility, so they need regular pruning. The clusters are cone shaped, medium looseness, weight about 600 g.

The fruits are oval-oblong, white with a greenish tint. The taste is juicy and sweet, harmonious. White KoKl ripens in 120-125 days; in the south of Russia, the harvest is harvested in early or mid-August. The disadvantage of this variety is that in the absence of sunlight for a long time, the berries will become sour.

Pinot white

Early middle variety gives harvest in 125 days. The leaves are medium sized, rounded, the vine is strong. The weight of the bunch is 150 g, the shape is cylindrical, dense. The berries are round, each weighs about 1.5 g. The stem is short, the skin is white and rough. The taste is harmonious, with light sugar content. The grapes have low winter hardiness, so it is recommended to plant white Pinot in the southern regions of the country.

Attention! To prevent birds from eating the berries, summer residents install a structure made of small nets over the bushes. And to protect against pests, bushes are regularly sprayed. The drug “Nitrophen” helps against spider mites, and “Chlorophos” against leaf rollers. To combat aphids, use the product “Intavir” or “Karate”. Spraying is carried out in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the packaging.

Late varieties

Review of the best white grape varieties

Late varieties are distinguished by their special sweetness and pleasant pulp - over the summer the clusters have absorbed sunlight and warmth. To obtain a harvest, it is important to regularly monitor the condition of the bushes, protect them from insects and birds, and apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Grapes are harvested in the fall, part of the harvest is processed, and part is sent for storage or sale.

Grushevsky white

Winter-hardy and productive late-ripening variety. Medium bushes, medium sized leaves. The clusters are small, cylindrical, each weighs about 150 g. The berries are round-oval, weight 1-2 g. The pulp is dense, each contains 2-3 seeds, the peel is thick, with a white waxy coating.

The taste is moderately sweet, delicate. Grushevsky white can withstand frosts down to -27°C; the bushes are not covered for the winter. Resistant to mildew, powdery mildew and rot. The technical grade is suitable for transportation and industrial cultivation.

Kokur White

Late-ripening technical variety, recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. The bunch is cylindrical, average looseness, weight about 400 g. The berries are green-yellow in color with a white tint, oval in shape.

The taste is moderately sweet, not rich in aroma and sugar content. Inside the berry there are 2-3 small seeds. White Kokur is used to produce drinks. The disadvantage of this variety is its poor resistance to fungal and viral diseases.

Onitskansky White

The wine variety ripens in 160-170 days, so the harvest is harvested only in November. Planting requires fertile soil and a spacious, well-warmed area. The growth of the bushes is strong, the leaves are round and slightly dissected. The mass of the bunch is 200 g, the berries are located tightly to each other.

The fruits are oval, light green with a golden tint. The pulp is medium density, the taste is nutmeg with sourness. Onitskansky White is distinguished by its immunity to phylloxera, mildew, and gray mold. The grapes are used to produce white table wines and champagne wine materials.

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Chardonnay, Kukur Belyi, Monarch, Arcadia are the names of popular, productive and tasty varieties of white grapes. It is used to produce wine, champagne, and skate. White grapes are called white because of their characteristic color - most fruits have amber-green skin with white transparent tints.

The most delicious grapes are those that grow in the sun and do not lack warmth. Otherwise, the berries will sour and the wines will have an unpleasant acidic taste.


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