Dessert grape variety Aleshenkin, adored by gardeners
The grapes in the garden plot attract attention - long and curly shoots, cone-shaped clusters, large and appetizing berries. It’s impossible to pass by such a bush – you just want to eat a couple of berries. We offer a detailed description of the Aleshenkin variety. You will find out why gardeners from the southern regions of Russia love it so much and what are the secrets of a rich and stable harvest.
Grape variety Aleshenkin
The table grape variety Aleshenkin is popular among gardeners in central Russia. It is unpretentious in care and does not cause difficulties with watering and fertilizing. Shrubs grow on loose and nutritious soils; they prefer a mixture of loamy and sandy loam soils. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can grow a crop of Aleshenkin grapes.
History of origin and distribution
The variety appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century thanks to the works of Russian breeders. At first it became widespread in the south of Russia, after which gardeners from the middle zone liked its commercial and taste qualities, and they tried to grow Aleshenkin on their lands. For 60 years, this variety has been appreciated by gardeners from the Novgorod, Tver, Ryazan, and Belgorod regions.
Characteristics and description of the plant
The bush is tall, with powerful and long shoots and thick, medium-sized leaves. The vine grows quickly, the surface is shiny and smooth, emerald in color.The cuttings are distinguished by their endurance and quickly adapt to the planting site and climatic conditions of cultivation. The variety is early ripening, the ripening period varies from 100 to 120 days. In the southern regions, the fruits are harvested at the end of June; in the central zone of the country, the berries ripen until the end of July.
The grape bunches are cone-shaped, with a pointed tip. The berries do not fit tightly together, the average weight of a bunch is 1.5 kg. The berries are large, the length of one is about 30 mm. The shape is oval, oblong, weight - up to 5 g. The color is greenish-yellow, with an amber tint and a light coating. The berries are seedless, but sometimes there are specimens with one or two seeds. The pulp is very sweet and sugary, juicy. The aroma is rich, fruity and berry.
Attention! Aleshenkin is valued for its stable yield. Over the summer, 20-30 kg of ripe grapes are harvested from one bush. One bush bears fruit for 15 years. In the future, it is recommended to get rid of it, since with each summer the quality and taste of the berries will deteriorate. A new shrub is planted in the old place only after 4 years.
Resistance to diseases, pests, weather conditions
The variety is weakly resistant to frost, cold winds, and lingering fogs. To obtain a rich harvest, it is recommended to provide it with warm and sunny conditions. For this reason, Aleshenkin grapes are not planted in the northern regions of the country.
Resistance to diseases and insect pests is above average. The crop is rarely affected by powdery mildew and gray rot. However, insects, fungal and viral diseases can appear at any time due to improper care or sudden changes in weather.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The advantages include large and beautiful berries, stable yields, and early ripening. The variety is valued for its sweet and tender pulp, immunity to common diseases and insect pests.
The disadvantage is poor resistance to sudden changes in weather, due to which Aleshenkin is not suitable for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia, as well as some regions of the Far East. Some gardeners also note the large size of the shrubs as a disadvantage - for landing requires a lot of free space.
Growing technology
Like any garden crop, Aleshenkin grapes need proper planting and care. It is important to prepare the necessary tools in advance, choose a date and time.
Optimal conditions
For grapes, choose spacious areas protected from the wind. The soil should be light, with neutral acidity, otherwise the seedlings will not take root. Grapes are planted in summer or spring, depending on the region growing and weather conditions. It is recommended to choose a site away from groundwater and marshy areas, since excess moisture provokes the occurrence of diseases. Aleshenkin does not tolerate shade, so there should be no spreading fruit trees or bushes nearby.
Attention! If the soil is viscous and loamy, create an additional drainage layer when planting. If the sandy loam mixture predominates, add compost or humus.
Landing dates and rules
Most gardeners plant grapes in the spring - at the end of April or beginning of May. For 2 months, prepare a mixture of equal parts of soil, peat and humus, add 50 g of superphosphate to it. Dilute with warm water, mix in a bucket, and place the cuttings in the mixture for several days.This strengthens the plant’s immunity and protects young grapes from possible diseases.
Holes with a diameter of 70 cm and a depth of 80 cm are prepared on the site. 5 cm of crushed stone, 20 cm of a mixture of soil and peat are placed on the bottom, and hot water is poured on top. A peg is placed in the center of the hole, and a cutting with soil from a bucket is placed next to it. The hole is covered with earth and carefully compacted. For the first two days, the seedling is watered abundantly and the ground around is mulched.
Further care
After planting, the plants are watered every 14 days - 4 liters of warm water are consumed per bush. Overwatering will lead to rot, so it is important to monitor the amount of moisture. With frequent rains, watering is reduced. It is recommended to loosen the soil near the seedling after each watering so that a dense crust does not form on the surface.
Before flowering, plantings are fed with ash, mullein solution or superphosphate. Fertilizers promote the rapid development of ovaries and strengthen the immune system. Extreme fertilizing is organized at the end of June - humus or bird droppings are added to the ground. Timely fertilizers improve the taste of future fruits and protect against pests.
It is important to keep the bushes healthy. To do this, gardeners form grapes. in autumn trimmed old and weak branches. When pruning, up to 16 buds are left on the branch. With the arrival of spring, the 4 remaining shoots are tied to a wire. Each bush should have about 40 eyes.
Attention! Every year the grapes bear more and more load, so gardeners calculate the required number of tassels on the vine. If there are a lot of berries, they will rot due to their close proximity to each other. Therefore, gardeners normalize the bush - they cut out a third of the berries with sharp scissors.The fewer fruits there are, the more nutrition everyone will receive, the juicier and tastier the harvest will be.
Possible problems, diseases, pests
If you don’t weed the beds and clear the soil of debris, spider mites and itching will appear. They destroy berries and can destroy the entire harvest. To prevent the appearance of insects, it is recommended to treat the bushes with a solution of wood ash. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening so that the solution does not evaporate due to the sun. In total, 2-3 procedures are required per season.
Diseases occur with high humidity. Spots on shoots and leaves indicate the occurrence of downy mildew. The disease develops rapidly and affects young and old bushes. To combat, gardeners use a solution of Bordeaux mixture or the drug “HOM”.
Another disease is elementosis, the cause of which lies in the lack of mineral elements (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron). The shoots wither and become covered with yellow spots. Elementosis is treated by spraying with a solution of copper sulfate.
Attention! For preventive purposes, gardeners use the preparations “Topaz” or “Ridomil”. Carry out 1-2 sprayings per season.
In mid-autumn, gardeners think about sheltering grapes for the winter. The vines are tied together and laid on the ground, sprinkled with dry soil in several places. Sometimes they are covered with burlap on top to provide additional protection. The soil is taken at a distance of 1-2 m from the base of the bush, otherwise it will freeze deeply in the area of the roots. Winter shelter not only protects from frost and winds, but also prevents the appearance of rodents and other pests.
Features of cultivation depending on the region
In central Russia, the Aleshenkin variety needs additional fertilizers. Gardeners use the preparations “Magic Leika” or “Zdraven”. Mineral complexes saturate the plant with nitrogen and phosphorus, which is important for the development of young bushes. Fertilizers are applied after watering so that minerals, along with water, quickly penetrate into the ground.
In the south, it is important to follow the irrigation regime - heat and excess water can lead to the development of fungal diseases. To maintain the health of the beds, it is recommended to promptly remove weeds and mulch the plantings with sawdust, pine needles, and straw.
Attention! When the grapes fade, they are sprayed with the systemic fungicide "Strobi". It destroys pathogenic microorganisms and pests.
Harvesting and application
The ripeness of berries is determined by their characteristic color and sweet aroma. The grapes become covered with a thin white coating, the skin becomes translucent, and the flesh becomes elastic. If the fruits rot, it is recommended to throw them away immediately. Healthy berries are placed in clean wooden boxes. One part of the harvest is dried for the winter, the other is processed.
Aleshenkin grapes are suitable for fresh consumption. Before eating, wash it thoroughly with cool water. Also added to ice cream and sherbet, prepared jam, jams, juices, compotes, marmalade and jelly. Grapes are rich in vitamins and minerals and are often found in the diet of vegetarians and raw foodists. Its soft and sweet taste goes well not only with other fruits and berries, but also with fish, meat, and vegetable delicacies. For example, a salad made from grapes, shrimp, herbs, and sour cream sauce is popular.
To propagate Aleshenkin grapes, summer or winter cuttings are used.The culture is able to recover from one shoot; it retains all the characteristics of an adult plant. Propagation by cuttings is used by farmers and amateur gardeners. To do this, take the middle part of the fruit arrow. The reproduction process is as follows:
- All stepsons, leaves, and shoots are removed from the branch.
- 4 buds are left on each cutting.
- Cut off the lower part in a straight line above the lower eye.
- Tie the shoots into one bundle and place them in a bucket of warm water.
- Etch with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
- Place it in a thick film and put it in the basement.
Reviews from winegrowers
Feedback from experienced gardeners will help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of grapes.
Pavel, Yeysk: “I planted the Aleshenkin variety 10 years ago. The bushes grew quickly, there were no problems with cuttings. I harvest at the end of July and am always pleased with the results. The berries are large, amber-green, the pulp is very juicy and sweet. The whole family loves to eat grapes. During cultivation, the bushes never got sick.”
Ekaterina, Moscow region: “I love grapes, I decided to try the Aleshenkin variety. The yield is average; last season I harvested 15 kg. The taste of the berries is not bad, the pulp is pleasant. She dried some of the harvest, and ate some with the children. I rate the variety a solid “4”.
Polina, Temryuk: “The Aleshenkin variety disappointed me - the cuttings did not take root well. I followed all the recommendations, but I couldn’t grow large berries. The bushes are weak, the fruits are small. Sweetish to taste, but not enough. I think it’s a matter of unsuitable soil.”
Aleshenkin is a time-tested grape variety for the south and middle zone. To obtain a harvest, it is important to properly care for the plantings: water moderately, feed and weed in a timely manner.The grapes prefer sunny and spacious areas, loose and light soils. The fruits grow large, with sweet pulp, ripen quickly, and are universal in use. Productivity – up to 25 kg per bush. Resistance to diseases and pests is above average.