Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter

Vineyard preparation to cold weather is an obligatory stage of agricultural technology. A certain set of measures will strengthen the plant’s immunity and provide the strength to plant next year’s harvest.

The article will tell you how to properly prepare a vineyard for winter and what procedures are especially important for the plant.

Rules for preparing a vineyard for winter

Processing grape bushes before covering consists of several stages. The main actions include sanitation and fertilizing.

Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter


Autumn pruning of grapes is necessary for the formation of a bush, the correct ratio of above-ground and underground parts, and the removal of diseased shoots.

Advantages of pruning in the fall:

  • reduction of the crown for ease of shelter;
  • stimulation of early bud break;
  • rapid healing of wounds.

The main disadvantage of pruning is the high probability of freezing and brittleness of the top of the shortened shoot, but only if the procedure was carried out in late autumn on the eve of frost.

The best time to remove excess shoots on grapes is after the first frost, when the vine is ripening and sap flow slows down. Active yellowing and falling leaves indicate the plant is preparing for a rest period.

Important! Pruning too early will not allow young shoots to ripen; they will dry out or their buds will form late and produce a meager harvest. They are also more likely to get infections.

Planted This year, the bushes are not pruned, but only unfallen leaves are removed.


If in the fall after harvest there is no rain or it is insignificant, then water-recharging irrigation is carried out. It will provide the grape bushes with water until the next summer period and in times of drought. Soil saturated with water does not crack from frost and protects roots from damage.

The irrigation period for mid-season varieties is mid-October to early November. Late varieties stop watering 30 days before harvest.

Sandy soils require less water but dry out faster. Clay soils are irrigated less frequently, but more abundantly, taking into account the depth of groundwater.

Water the plants in the evening, in pre-prepared root holes, if there are no watering pipes. Water should flow out slowly, without getting on the foliage and stems. The depth of wetting is within 1-1.5 m. In the morning, the dry crust on the ground is loosened, the depressions are sprinkled with earth.

If it is not planned to cover the bushes for the winter, irrigation is carried out after the leaves fall. In the opposite situation, already insulated plants are watered.

Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter

Top dressing

By the time the harvest ripens, the grapes have depleted their nutrient reserves. Autumn feeding fertilizers based on potassium, phosphorus and microelements will ensure preparation for wintering. A sufficient level of nutrients will restore strength for the future growing season and strengthen flower buds.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Autumn destruction of wintering pests and pathogens will preserve the health of the bush until spring and during the growing season. Therapeutic and preventive treatment is carried out before sheltering for the winter. Digging up the soil around the grape bushes will reduce the number of parasites and pathogens.

This is interesting:

Proven ways to preserve grapes for the winter at home.

Step-by-step instructions for grafting grapes in the fall.


Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter

Protecting grapes from frost is a mandatory measure. The root system is the most vulnerable; it is insulated especially carefully. If the soil under an unprotected bush freezes to -5°C, the risk of plant death increases significantly. Frostbite on the ground parts of the bush will reduce the quality and quantity of future grapes.

However, the grapes must endure the first autumn frosts uncovered - this will have a positive effect on the frost resistance of the plant. Insulation is carried out at stable negative temperatures: 1-5 °C frost during the day, up to 7 °C at night.

The most popular means of covering grapes:

  • pine or spruce branches;
  • straw;
  • Earth;
  • roofing felt, film, non-woven material.

When to process grapes in the fall

The grapes are processed after the berries have been fully harvested, the leaves have fallen and the buds have closed. During this period, the maximum infectious background is observed. First they carry out sanitary pruning shoots, then the bush is sprayed with various solutions. Early varieties are processed first to prevent the spread of pathogens to neighboring bushes.

How to feed the vine

Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter

Autumn fertilizing begins in the third year of life of the grapevines. The main macroelements are phosphorus and potassium. For immunity, microelements zinc, copper, and magnesium must be included in fertilizers.

An example of a complex mineral mixture per 10 liters of water:

  • 20-25 g of superphosphate;
  • 25 g of potassium sulfate or 10 g of potassium salt;
  • 1 g boric acid, 1-2 g zinc sulfate.

Thoroughly dissolve the granules in 1 liter of warm water, then pour the mother concentrate into the rest of the water. The resulting solution is poured over 1 sq. m of vineyard.

Dry application of mineral fertilizers is possible.The mixture is scattered onto the tree trunk area and watered or deep digging is carried out.

Reference. Not the most depleted soil can be fed with wood ash at the rate of 300 g per bush. It contains a lot of potassium and microelements, neutralizes soil acidity and repels harmful insects. The ash is added dry during autumn digging or a weekly infusion of 10 liters of water is made.

It is allowed to add organic materials that improve air permeability, the microbiological composition of the soil, and make its structure more loose. Suitable for this purpose:

  1. Rotted manure diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4. For 1 sq. m of land, 8-10 liters of such a solution is enough.
  2. Bird droppings. For 10 days it is soaked in water in a ratio of 1:4 and placed in a warm place. Before applying to the ground, further dilute with water to a ratio of 1:10.
  3. Well rotted compost. It is poured in a 5 cm layer under the grape bush and sprinkled with soil.

How to spray grapes before sheltering for the winter

Preparing grapes for winter: secrets of processing in the fall before shelter

Autumn spraying is a mandatory measure to protect the crop and stimulate its fruiting in the next season. At this time, the use of aggressive agents is allowed, which are aimed specifically at destroying diseases and pests, and not at restraining their development.

Application of chemical compounds

Most modern insecticides that successfully perform their functions of exterminating pests are used in spring and autumn. They are divided into contact and systemic drugs. The chemical action of the former is based on the direct destruction of insects and their offspring.

Examples of popular drugs:

  • "Akari";
  • "Avant";
  • "Confix";
  • "Travertine".

The problem is that often after using them, pests become resistant to the chemical.In this case, systemic insecticides help, since they penetrate into the deep tissues of plants and will not allow insects that wake up in the spring to feed.

Well proven:

  • "Aktara";
  • "Commander";
  • "Calypso";
  • "Biolit."

Acaricides are used to combat all types of ticks.


  • "Antelik";
  • "Neuron";
  • "Mason";
  • “It will steam.”

Pests often hide in the soil, in cracks in the vine bark, and in the root soil.

Fungicides are used to combat fungal and viral diseases. Contact-protective preparations are suitable for autumn spraying:

  • "Fundazol";
  • "Euparen";
  • "Dnok";
  • "Cupritox";
  • "Strobe";
  • "Bayleton";
  • "Nitrafen".

"Ridomil Gold" and "Topaz" are formulations with a powerful therapeutic and preventive mechanism. They are mainly used for autumn processing, as they can accumulate in berries.

The use of folk remedies

Many folk methods of protection are not inferior to industrial drugs - the effect of such means has been tested and confirmed by years of practice.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is one of the least toxic drugs. Destroys pathogenic strains and disinfects the plant for a long time. The solution is made in warm water in a ratio of 1:50. The composition is good for 5 hours, then it loses its beneficial properties and changes structure.

The treatment is carried out after leaf fall, in two stages with an interval of three weeks, before the onset of frost. The bushes and the surrounding soil are completely sprayed. Copper sulfate forms a breathable film on the shoots, which additionally helps retain heat.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mixture is especially effective against black rot, anthracnose and a number of other fungi.The finished composition is sold in gardening stores, but you can prepare it yourself. The maximum safe concentration for grapes is 3%.

For the solution you will need:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 450 g quicklime;
  • 300 g of copper sulfate.

In a non-metallic container, vitriol and lime are diluted separately in 1 liter of boiling water. Both liquids are filtered and poured into a common container, stirring constantly until smooth. The concentrated solution is added to the remaining volume of water.

One bush takes about 1 liter of finished liquid.


A universal means for feeding and protection is urea. It prevents the spread of scab, aphids, copperheads, and weevils.

Take 500-700 g of urea per bucket of water and thoroughly dissolve it without sediment. Spray the bushes 1-1.5 months before the first frost.

Soda with potassium permanganate

Solutions of soda and potassium permanganate fight powdery mildew, gray rot, oidium, and get rid of caterpillars. Additionally, they act as growth stimulants, rejuvenate the grape bush, and improve the taste of the berries.

For a solution of potassium permanganate, take 1 g of potassium permanganate per 200 ml of water. If you add boric acid, you will get an excellent root feeding with microelements.

Soda antifungal solution is prepared from:

  • 1 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil;
  • 100-200 ml of liquid detergent.

All components are mixed in 10 liters of water. The composition is harmless and can be used at any time of the year.

Processing of trunks

To prevent fungal infections and mold from spreading to the shoots, it is recommended to treat the trunks with slaked lime.

For 5 liters of working fluid, take 500 g of quicklime and fill it with 1 liter of water.The thoroughly mixed product is applied with a brush to the lower parts of the thick grape trunks, paying special attention to the crevices in the bark.

Spraying rules

  1. Any spraying is carried out in dry, windless weather, in the evening.
  2. No edible bunches should remain on the bushes.
  3. The solution should cover the plant with a thin layer on all sides.
  4. Chemicals are diluted in the dosage specified in the instructions.
  5. It is advisable to consolidate the result by repeating the procedure in a week.

When working with chemicals, it is mandatory to use rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator. This will protect the skin and respiratory organs from burns and intoxication.

When to cover after spraying

Cover the grape bushes for the winter after the last planned treatment. The insulating material helps maintain the integrity of the applied layer of the substance.


Autumn processing of grapes directly affects the laying of next year's crop and significantly increases the frost resistance of plants. Preventive measures to combat pathogens and pests will prevent their possible development and reduce work in the spring.

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