How to properly care for grapes in July: what to do, tips for beginning winegrowers
Grapes are among the crops that require the attention of gardeners all year round. In the fall, the plant is prepared for cold weather, in the spring, all efforts are spent on forming the future harvest, and the taste and size of the fruit, their presentation and shelf life depend on summer care. It is in the summer that summer residents carry out basic agrotechnical procedures for caring for grapes. In the article we will consider in detail what to do with grapes in July and what agrotechnical measures to pay special attention to.
What care does grapes need in July?
To get a good harvest, summer residents regularly water the vineyard and fertilize it with mineral and organic fertilizers. fertilizing.
In order for the bush to withstand the weight of the bunches, it is shaped and planted. And so that the plant does not get sick and has strong immunity, they carry out treatments to protect against insect pests.
At the same time, gardeners advise caring for the vineyard by mulching and loosening the soil - the procedures improve air circulation and prevent the development of weeds and diseases of the root system.
Mid-summer care tips
Care procedures are carried out mainly in the early morning. At this time there is no active sun, which can leave sunburn on leaves, shoots and fruits. Suitable air temperature is up to +20°C, the weather is calm. If it was not possible to carry out care activities in the morning, they are postponed to dusk.
Another important rule is maintaining intervals between procedures. For example, grapes are watered no more than once every 10 days, and fertilizing is carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks. For convenience, it is recommended to mark event dates on the calendar.
July work in the vineyard
Without proper care, the vineyard will quickly become overgrown with weeds, and the fruits will be small and sour. The procedures will not take much time and attention if you perform them in accordance with the recommendations.
The event is carried out 2-3 times during the growing season, including pinching in July. Stepchildren are small shoots that appear in the axils of grape leaves. If they are not pruned, they will grow, the bush will become thickened, and the clusters will not have enough space for full growth. Stepchildren contribute to the development of infections and diseases, take away some of the nutrients, which is why the berries grow small.
Grape growers remove the stepson above the second leaf. This is done using sharp garden shears or by hand. Equipment is disinfected before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed in clean water and soap. It is not recommended to remove stepsons on fruit branches, as they are responsible for the size and juiciness of the fruit.
The garter has several goals: uniform distribution of the crop on the shoots, unhindered penetration of sunlight, ventilation of the bushes and efficiency of foliar feeding.
Thanks to timely gartering, the vineyard gets sick less often and the grapes ripen faster. Summer garter is called green because green shoots are actively growing at this time. They should not intertwine with each other, so they are rigidly fixed.
The vines are tied in different ways: figure eight, winding, loop.
Loop garter is common in July. A strip of fabric is folded in half and applied to the wire. The ends are threaded through the loop and tightened. Afterwards, the shoot is secured with these ends. Use pure cotton cloth. Synthetics are not suitable for these purposes.
Attention! Mature vineyards are recommended to be grown on single-plane trellis. This is a single row of wooden or metal columns with tensioned wire. The distance between the supports is about 3 m, the lower tier of the wire is located at a distance of 50 cm from the ground.
Grapes are prunedto increase productivity and protect the plant from diseases and insects. By removing old shoots, summer residents stimulate the development of new, fruit-bearing ones. Thanks to the procedure, the plant is constantly rejuvenated, the berries grow juicier and sweeter.
There are several pruning techniques: short, medium, long and mixed. The latter is the most popular because it combines short and long.
Mixed pruning technology:
- Half of the sleeves are cut short, into a knot. Next year new shoots will grow from them.
- The grown branches are pruned, leaving 10 buds on each. The fruit arrows will bear fruit next year.
- Remove shoots that do not bear fruit this year.
- Cut out dry and broken branches. They contribute to the development of diseases and pests.
The shoots are trimmed with sharply sharpened pruning shears. The cuts are made oblique so that they heal faster. After the procedure, they are not lubricated with garden varnish. The shoots quickly recover on their own.
Formation is responsible for the productivity and well-groomed appearance of the bush.The procedure is carried out together with pruning. One of the most popular shaping methods is fan-shaped.
It is common in the southern regions, in the middle zone and in the north:
- In the first year, the young vine is pruned to the length of its mature part; usually it is 40-60 cm.
- In the second year, the vine is cut into 2 buds using sharp pruning shears. New shoots are tied vertically and pinched by stepsons.
- In the third year, the sleeves are tied to the lowest wire like a fan - in an oblique direction, in different directions.
After 4 years, the vines begin to die off, so it is recommended to leave one powerful green shoot and grow it in the same way as a seedling. This will extend the life of the bush and improve productivity.
Gardeners also do not forget to remove green shoots, diseased shoots, dry and weakly growing branches throughout the entire growing period.
Without watering, the vineyard weakens, viral diseases occur more often. Moisten the soil once every 7-10 days, per 1 square meter. m consume about 20 liters of water. Grapes are moisture-loving crops, so saving on water is not recommended. Lack of moisture also causes the fruits to crack and fall off. At the same time, it is important to avoid overwatering - this provokes the development of fungal diseases.
Water should penetrate underground to a depth of 50 cm - where the root layer is located. Water the plant in grooves or between rows, and warm the water in advance in the sun. If the soil is dry and sandy, carry out the procedure once every 5 days.
A popular method of watering is drainage. Winegrowers build a structure through which water immediately penetrates to the roots through special pipes. At the same time, the upper layers of the soil remain dry. This method of irrigation allows you to save water.
Attention! Late-ripening grape varieties bloom at the end of June - beginning of July. At this time, the plant is not watered. The procedure is carried out 5 days before flowering and a week after.
Top dressing
In July, grapes need minerals feedingcontaining potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. They are obtained from complex fertilizers: “Zdraven Turbo”, “Florovit”, “Lebozol”. Fertilizing normalizes the acidity of the soil and makes it more nutritious and fertile. At the same time, summer residents use double superphosphate, calcium nitrate, potassium salt, and magnesium sulfate.
It is recommended to apply fertilizer in liquid form - the granules are diluted in water and watered the vineyard. Liquid fertilizers are better absorbed and penetrate to the roots faster.
A quick and cheap way to feed grapes in July is to prepare an ash solution. It stimulates the ripening of bunches, the fruits grow large and sweet. In addition, ash serves as a prophylactic agent to protect against diseases and pests. Add 80 g of dry wood ash to 5 liters of water, mix and infuse for 3 days. Water the grape bushes at the roots.
Mulching is aimed at protecting plantings from weeds, retaining moisture in the soil and saturating it with useful elements. Mulch also protects the soil from erosion, stimulates the development of the root system and reduces the amount of fertilizer applied.
Grapes are mulched throughout the growing season - from spring to autumn. In summer, manure, compost, sawdust, pine needles, and bark are used as organic mulch.
It is recommended to use several materials at once. The layer thickness should be 3-5 cm. Inorganic mulch is made from paper, crushed stone or gravel.
Attention! A layer of mulch not only protects the vineyard from weeds, but also decorates it. For example, gardeners use decorative wood chips. It is colored brown, red, yellow, green, orange and other colors. Such a vineyard looks original and attracts attention.
Chasing vine
The chasing of the vine is carried out together with pruning and formation of the bush. Gardeners remove the tops of green shoots to prevent them from growing and thickening the plant. Minting is carried out at a time when the growth of branches slows down. Remove underdeveloped shoots with scissors or hands.
About 15 healthy leaves are left on the vine. After the procedure, all nutrients go into the grapes and roots, and the vineyard grows strong and productive. It is also recommended to carry out chasing if the plant is sick. This can happen not only in July, but also in other months.
Protection from diseases and pests
Hot weather and humidity are the best friends of grape diseases. Powdery mildew, mildew, gray and fruit rot affect young and adult bushes. Improper agrotechnical measures, micronutrient deficiency, and dense plantings contribute to the spread of diseases.
As a preventive measure, spraying with a nettle solution is used (500 g of crushed grass is required per 5 liters) or treatment with an ash solution. Timely weeding of plantings and loosening the soil also helps prevent the development of diseases.
Attention! Beginner gardeners do not know how to treat diseases if the first symptoms have already appeared on the grapes. It is recommended to use chemicals “Oxychom” or “Maxim”. They act quickly, are not washed off with water and are harmless to the crop.
Among the insects, grapes are attacked by spider mites, leaf rollers, thrips, and phylloxera. They enter vineyards with the help of rain, winds, contaminated soil, animals, and garden tools.
A solution of 1% copper sulfate is used against pests - 100 g of the substance is required for 10 liters of water. The liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on shoots, fruits and leaves. Also effective in use are the drugs “Aliot”, “Batrider”, “Slug Eater”, “Shar Pei”.
Burn protection
Burns can be either solar or chemical. The first ones arise due to watering during the day, when the scorching sun is shining in the sky. Water hits the heated leaves and quickly evaporates, leaving behind a trace. Chemical burns occur due to improper use of fertilizers, preventive and protective agents. Damaged leaves darken and curl at the edges, and brown spots appear on the fruits.
To protect the vineyard from burns, it is important to comply with the consumption rates of chemicals and the timing of the procedure. Homemade umbrellas made of perforated paper also help to protect the grapes from the sun. Paper caps are placed on the tops of plants.
Features of grape care in July depending on the region
When growing grapes in the south, summer residents pay special attention to hydration. A drip irrigation system helps maintain a suitable level of moisture in the soil.. It eliminates leaf burns, saves up to 40% of water, and is used for applying liquid fertilizers. Such a system consists of a storage tank, a pump, and plastic pipes. The best option is a container with a volume of 150 liters, installed at a height of 1 m from the ground.
To obtain a rich harvest in the north of the country, grapes are regularly fed.Mineral and organic fertilizers strengthen the immunity of heat-loving plants, protect against frost, and prevent infection with diseases. Summer residents use a solution of chicken droppings or rotted manure, as well as fertilizing based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Ammonium nitrate, phosphate rock, Kemira complex, and urea are effective in use.
Advice from experienced winegrowers
Work in the vineyard will not cause trouble if you follow the recommendations of experienced winegrowers. Simple and effective tips will help any novice gardener get a rich harvest:
- it is recommended to pinch the vine as soon as its length becomes more than 1.7 m;
- in mid-July, cut off all the leaves that cover the fruits from the sun's rays:
- inspect plants daily for insects and diseases;
- when treating with chemicals, do not mix several different drugs at once;
- check the expiration date of purchased fertilizers;
- do not feed grapes with nitrogen during fruiting;
- alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.
Grapes are grown throughout the country - in the Kuban, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod and Chelyabinsk regions. Most maintenance procedures take place in the summer - at this time, gardeners water, fertilize, and mulch the vineyard.
It is mandatory to carry out shaping and pruning in July; the appearance of the shrub and the yield depend on this. Throughout the summer, grapes are treated with chemical and folk remedies to protect against diseases and insect pests. If this is not done, the grapes will turn yellow and fall off.