
Is it possible to eat almonds on a weight loss diet?

Surprisingly, eating high-calorie almonds can help you lose weight. The main thing in this process is to follow the recommended rules. From the article you will find out whether almonds make you fat and how many nuts...

The most popular and productive gooseberry varieties

Gooseberries are an amazing berry - they do not require much attention and annually give gardeners a healthy and tasty harvest. Gooseberries are a source of vitamins and minerals: they are consumed fresh or...

Is it possible to grow petunia in a pot as a houseplant?

Petunia is a perennial herbaceous plant that has become popular due to its beautiful, delicate and large inflorescences. During flowering there are so many of them that you can hardly see the bush behind them. Adult petunia is unpretentious...

Laura grape variety, one of the top most productive and delicious

The table grape variety Laura is grown in many regions of Russia. The plant is unpretentious to the place of growth and soil composition. Early ripening allows you to enjoy juicy sweet berries with a nutmeg aftertaste already...

Mid-early high-yielding gooseberry variety Kolobok

Kolobok is one of the most popular gooseberry varieties. The choice of gardeners is due to the taste of the fruit and the almost complete absence of thorns on the bushes, which makes harvesting much easier. Next we will talk about other advantages...

How to save tangerines from worms and diseases

The tangerine tree is often grown as a houseplant.In order for it to please with beautiful flowering and tasty fruits, it is properly cared for: watering conditions are observed, fertilizing is applied, regularly replanted and protected from...

How to store mangoes at home so they don't spoil

Mango is a delicious exotic fruit that is sold in many supermarkets. The fruits are delivered unripe in order to be preserved during transportation. About how to store mangoes at home so as not to spoil, and...

All about edible honeysuckle: how long it lives, what it looks like and is grown

Edible honeysuckle is a bush with yellow flowers that will decorate any garden. It produces tasty and healthy fruits that are rich in vitamins and microelements. But despite the unpretentiousness and frost resistance of the culture, its ...

Hazelnuts - benefits and harm for women

Hazelnuts are one of the most popular and healthy nuts. Both children and adults love him. Hazelnuts are most often added to candies and chocolate. In terms of nutritional content, it ranks...

Growing indoor Baby, Nana and other pomegranates at home

Indoor pomegranate is an unpretentious crop that undeservedly has the reputation of being capricious. It is avoided not only by beginners and amateurs, but also by many experienced flower growers. In fact, growing varieties of dwarf pomegranates is not ...

