
Protecting the harvest wisely: what birds eat honeysuckle and how to scare them away

Getting a good harvest of honeysuckle is not an easy task. The difficulty lies in preserving already ripe berries from birds. Birds can become a real disaster for gardens and vegetable gardens. They fly into the bushes in flocks and...

Decorative variety of Thälmann honeysuckle

Ornamental plants will help owners of private territories emphasize the advantages of their plots or hide their shortcomings. Popular plants for landscape design include Thälmann's honeysuckle. This is an unpretentious shrub that, with the right selection...

An unpretentious frost-resistant variety of honeysuckle Morena

Honeysuckle is an excellent tasting and healthy crop. The content of magnesium and other useful substances exceeds all other berries and fruits. One of the main advantages is early maturation, which...

Sweet unpretentious variety of honeysuckle Lenita

The honeysuckle variety Lenita has a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness, high yield, and resistance to diseases and pests. The fruits of the plant are consumed raw and used for processing into food. Read more...

Decorative variety of Alpine honeysuckle

Interest in shrubs with original decor is explained by the ability to create beautiful compositions with their help in a personal garden or summer cottage. Among the list of picturesque garden plants, Alpine honeysuckle stands out. In the wild...

Popular mid-season honeysuckle variety Velvet

Recently, honeysuckle bushes can be found more and more often in garden plots.The Velvet variety is especially popular among gardeners - it is resistant to frost and disease. His bushes may not...

High-yielding honeysuckle variety Sibiryachka

Sibiryachka honeysuckle is an early edible variety. It has gained popularity due to its ease of care and high taste of the fruit. Siberian is also used to decorate the site, as it has good decorative properties. From ...

What are the benefits of black currant for women?

Black currants are grown by most summer residents. Berries contain many useful substances and microelements. Delicious jams and smoothies are prepared from the fruits, as well as tinctures and decoctions that are useful in medicinal and cosmetic ...

How to deal with scale insects on honeysuckle easily and effectively

Scale insects are a dangerous pest that quickly attacks honeysuckle. It damages foliage, trunks, shoots and branches by sticking to them. To prevent a decrease in yield and death of the bush from related problems, ...

Mid-late hybrid honeysuckle Giant's Daughter

The Giant's Daughter is one of the most promising honeysuckle hybrids obtained recently. The culture was bred by domestic breeders and is characterized by frost resistance, good immunity and ease of care. We will talk about...

