Fruit trees

This section is dedicated to fruit trees. Such as an apple tree or a pear tree.

We grow Manchurian nuts from seeds at home

Manchurian walnut is often planted in the northern regions. Outwardly, it is very similar to walnut. The differences are visible only in the shape of the nuts and greatly elongated leaves. In order for the harvest to be of high quality, you need to know how...

We grow a strange fruit at home: how to plant an avocado and care for it correctly

Avocado (alligator pear, American persea) is an evergreen fruit crop native to South America. A heat-loving tropical plant will not survive in our climate. However, if you wish, you can grow it at home...

Are cherries allowed during breastfeeding? What are the benefits for mother and baby?

Cherries contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Many of them are necessary for a woman to recover after childbirth, so it is recommended to introduce berries into the diet during breastfeeding. Can a nursing mother eat...

Is it possible to eat cherries during pregnancy and how are they beneficial for the expectant mother and baby?

In the summer, when the body needs to stock up on vitamins, people try to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. This is especially important during pregnancy, since a woman provides useful substances not only to her body, but also...

Description of types and varieties of lemons

The benefits of lemon have been known since ancient times. This culture is exotic both in taste and appearance. We are used to the fact that all lemon fruits look the same, but there are many varieties. ...

What to do if the cherry is wormy

Cherry is a very tasty berry.It is not cheap on the market, so many people grow the crop on their plots. But cherries are capricious; insect pests love them. The most common problem gardeners have is worms in...

Is it possible to eat apricots when losing weight and how to use them in diets

Tasty and aromatic berries and fruits contain many vitamins, but not all gifts of nature are suitable for consumption by those who are trying to lose weight. About whether it is allowed to eat apricots while losing weight...

Composition and calorie content of Chinese pears depending on the variety, why they are useful

The ancestors of the Chinese pear (Taiwanese, Japanese, shortbread) are neshi (yamanesh) trees. Once upon a time, Chinese agronomists crossed a pear and an apple to produce a juicy, not sour and not cloyingly sweet fruit. From the article you will learn...

The benefits and harms of peaches for women

The elixir of youth and beauty is the name given to the fruits of peach trees in China. And it’s not surprising, because these fruits, thanks to their rich composition, help cope with various diseases of the female body. Their juicy pulp...

Timing, instructions and diagrams for pruning an apple tree in the fall for beginners

Proper care of the apple tree and the creation of optimal conditions will ensure its normal development and good fruiting. At the same time, pruning is one of the important and main points when growing crops. Let's look at how to trim...

