What are onion pests and methods for dealing with them?
Onions are present in the diet of almost every Russian. Even the smallest summer cottage must have a place for an onion bed.
However, this is the simplest crop in terms of agricultural technology. When growing onions, gardeners often encounter diseases and pest infestations. Insects cause damage to the crop or completely destroy it. In this article we will talk about pests onions and ways to combat them.
Symptoms of pest damage
Pests attack onions both during the growing season and during storage.
- change in color of green feathers;
- the appearance of spots and stripes on the leaves;
- drying of feathers;
- softness of the bulbs;
- the appearance of plaque on the plant.
Yellowing and drying of feathers are also caused by other reasons. For example, acidified soil, lack of nitrogen, copper or potassium, excess moisture in the soil. If you are sure that the soil is fine and the onions are not sick, then the problem is a pest invasion.
Need to know. Onion pests pose a danger not only to onion beds, but also to related plants: garlic, tulips, daffodils, lilies.
What pests attack onions?
Do turnips have many enemies? Yes many. Let's list the most dangerous of them.
Onion fly
onion fly also called onion flower girl. She hits the onion, leek, shallots, and, to a lesser extent, garlic and chives. It is also dangerous for bulbous flower crops, especially tulips.
Adult flies are ash-gray in color, 6-8 mm long. The legs are black, the wings are slightly yellowish.The eggs are white, elongated, about 1.2 mm. The larvae are worm-shaped, off-white, up to 10 mm long. They eat plants, leading to their death.
The flies emerge from their pupae in the spring, when the cherry blossoms begin. Females lay eggs on the soil in onion beds or directly on dry scales. After 6-7 days, the larvae hatch from the eggs and begin to eat the crops.
The larvae cause the greatest damage to plantings during the period of their growth and the beginning of development. Onion plantings sown with seeds to obtain sets suffer greatly from the pest, since the sprouts are located close to each other and the larvae crawl from dead plants to neighboring healthy ones.
Attention. Onions affected by neck rot and stem nematodes are especially damaged by onion fly larvae.
The parasite is recognized by the passages of the larvae inside the heads. The larvae themselves are visible at the bases of the cotyledons and leaves. Damage leads to yellowing and wilting of the leaves, subsequently the bulb rots, and the plant itself dies.
Onion stem nematode
This is a worm only 1-1.5 mm long. Damages all bulbous crops. Adults live in the soil and from there penetrate into the heads. Nematode lays eggs in the bulb and the young individuals that emerge from them begin to eat the tissue inside the bulb.
Need to know. The pest lives in the soil for several years in a state of suspended animation, so it is extremely difficult to fight the nematode.
Signs of damage are lightened, curled feathers, and swelling appears on the lower part of the leaves. It is almost impossible to see the nematodes themselves due to their small size.
Reproduction of the parasite leads to rotting of onion heads and drying out of the above-ground parts of plants. The worm overwinters in the soil, on plant debris of onion crops.Nematodes that have settled inside the bulbs overwinter in storage.
The weevil, or onion secretive proboscis, is a dark gray or black beetle with a proboscis. The length of the pest is only 2.5-2.7 mm. Crops are damaged both by the beetles themselves and their larvae. They are light-colored caterpillars with brown heads 6-6.5 mm long.
They feed on the pulp of onion feathers. The weevil is not dangerous for bulbs, but damage to the green part of the plant leads to a decrease in yield.
The secretive proboscis wakes up in mid-April. First it feeds on unharvested remains, then moves on to young shoots. Females lay eggs inside tubular onion leaves. The hatched larvae actively eat the flesh of the feathers.
Along with the onion fly, the hoverfly causes damage to onions, garlic and ornamental bulbous crops. An adult reaches a length of 10 mm. Hoverfly larvae are worm-shaped, greenish-gray in color, and their entire body is covered with short spines.
The pest overwinters in plant debris in the soil and stored bulbs. The larvae pupate in the spring, and at the beginning of summer the mass flight of adult hoverflies begins. Females lay eggs between the dry scales of the bulbs and larvae appear after 7-8 days.
Affected bulbs rot and quickly decompose from fungal and bacterial diseases.
Onion thrips
Another small pest, only 1 mm long. It affects plantings both indoors and outdoors. The parasite is dangerous because it sucks the juices out of onion greens, preventing the bulbs from growing fully.
An insect infestation can be recognized by whitish spots on the feathers and twisted, yellowed leaves. If the damage is severe, the plant dies.
Females lay eggs under the skin of the leaf.After a week, the larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to feed on the juices of the plant.
Important. Over the summer, up to 3-6 generations of thrips develop, and in greenhouses - up to 6-8. The parasite harms not only onion plantings, but also garlic, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, and eggplants.
It overwinters in soil and plant debris at a depth of 5-7 cm, in greenhouses, hotbeds and onion storage facilities under dry scales, where it reproduces throughout the winter.
Onion moth
The onion moth is a small butterfly with a wingspan of about 1.5 cm. The color is brown with white specks.
Onion moth larvae damage onion and garlic plantings, as well as ornamental bulbous crops. They gnaw through leaf tissue and eat them from the inside, while the skin remains intact.
Damaged foliage withers and then dries out. Over the summer, onion moths produce 3-4 generations. The first begins to harm plantings in May-June.
The larvae overwinter mainly under plant debris.
Root mite
The mite damages the bulbs of onions, garlic, tulips, daffodils and other bulbous crops.
It primarily affects damaged or diseased plants. Loves warmth and moisture (temperature +26...+28°C and humidity more than 50%). Under favorable conditions it develops quickly, a new generation appears within 10 days. One female lays from 350 to 800 eggs.
The pest enters the bulb through the bottom. Damages the primordia of peduncles and leaves, thereby reducing the quality of planting material. Planting infected seedlings contributes to the further spread of the mite.
Root mites spread through the remains of damaged plants, soil and garden tools.
shallot aphid
A small pest of brown or red-brown color. The main food plant is shallots, but it also damages other species.Aphids transmit viral diseases.
It ends up in beds with planting material. In greenhouses, the greatest damage is caused to forced onions in the autumn-winter and early spring.
The shallot aphid overwinters in greenhouses, on weeds and in bulbs between scales, and in vegetable stores. After planting onions in greenhouses, aphids move to succulent scales and the bases of leaves.
Settles on scaly leaves under the outer shell of the bulb and on young leaves. Affected plants are stunted, leaves become distorted and wither. The feather becomes contaminated with honeydew and molt skins.
Leaf beetle
The leaf beetle is a beetle 6-7 mm long. The elytra are orange-red, the abdomen is black, the legs are red. The larva is gray, its head and legs are black. It is dangerous for onions, garlic, lilies, lilies of the valley and other lily crops.
The leaf beetle emerges from its wintering grounds at the end of April. They first feed on wild plants from the lily family, then move on to onion and garlic beds.
The female lays eggs on the leaves, from which larvae emerge. They cause harm to crops by eating holes in the leaves. Severe damage to the feathers slows down the growth of the bulbs and leads to the death of the plant.
Onion sharpener
Another pest of onions and garlic, widespread in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region.
The onion grinder is a moth with a wingspan of about 2.5 cm. The body of the moth is covered with dense hairs. The color of the wings is light brown, the front wings have a brown pattern, the hind wings have a variegated fringe. The caterpillar is flat, reddish above, yellowish below, up to 2.5 cm long.
Caterpillars overwinter in the soil. They pupate in the spring. Emerging butterflies lay eggs, from which larvae emerge.The caterpillars bite into the bulbs and eat away large cavities in them. Together with the heads, the caterpillars end up in storage facilities, where they continue to feed and pupate.
Fighting methods
Among the methods of controlling onion pests are folk remedies, chemical, mechanical, and agrotechnical methods. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies are good because they are harmless to humans. It is with them that the fight against onion pests begins.
- Soak the sets before planting in a strong salt solution for two hours. Then the onions are thoroughly washed in clean water, changing it several times.
- Adding insect repellents to the rows. Tobacco dust and fluff lime are suitable; naphthalene mixed with sand. The soil around the garden bed is sprinkled with these products once a week.
- Treat the soil around the bulbs with a mixture of wood ash, tobacco dust and ground pepper (in a ratio of 4:1:1). For one square meter of 1 m², about 200 g of this mixture is used.
- Spraying plants with an infusion of 200 g of tobacco dust, soap and ground pepper. To prepare the solution, take 10 liters of hot water, mix with tobacco and leave for 2-3 days. Before spraying, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. liquid soap and 1 tsp. ground pepper. Both plants and soil are treated with the strained solution.
- Marigolds planted next to onions repel the onion fly and inhibit the proliferation of nematodes.
- When a thrips infestation is first detected, spraying with yarrow infusion is effective.
If folk remedies turn out to be ineffective or there are too many pests, they switch to using chemicals.
When using chemicals, consider:
- When growing onions for green feathers, they are not used.
- When processing, follow the product manufacturer's instructions.
- Pests develop immunity to drugs, so change them from time to time.
Among the chemicals used to control onion pests are “Medvetox”, “Zemlin”, “Mukhoed”. These products are applied to the surface of the soil and then loosened. Plants are also sprayed with Sochva, Iskra DE, and Fitoverm preparations.
Mechanical methods
Mechanical methods of controlling onion pests:
- protection of young crops with covering material - preventing onion flies and hoverflies from laying eggs on plants;
- mulching plantings with peat crumbs - all flies avoid peaty soils;
- covering onion plantings for the winter with spruce branches - in the spring, fallen needles will repel the onion fly;
- timely removal and burning of affected plants, weeding;
- drying and sorting onions before storing.
Agrotechnical methods
Among the agrotechnical control measures, the following are distinguished:
- removal of all plant residues from the site after harvesting;
- autumn digging of the soil, which destroys the wintering sites of pests;
- compliance with the rules of crop rotation - the place for growing onions is changed after 1-2 years;
- early planting of bulbous crops - young plants have time to get stronger by the time pests appear;
- loosening of row spacing followed by watering and feeding;
- removal and burning of damaged plants;
- careful selection of seed material.
Prevention measures
Prevention consists of observing the following rules:
- before storing vegetables, the storage area is thoroughly cleaned of plant debris;
- carry out disinfection of the premises by burning sulfur bombs “Climate” or “FAS” at the rate of 30 g per 1 m³ or gassing with sulfur dioxide for 24-36 days;
- the cleaned and disinfected storage is ventilated and whitened with lime - it is destructive for many pests;
- The harvest is harvested in dry weather; before storing, the onions are dried at a temperature of +35...+37°C for a week;
- Before planting, the sets are carefully inspected and damaged specimens are removed.
Onion pest control is a pressing issue for everyone who grows this crop. To prevent harmful insects, it is important to observe crop rotation, water properly, cultivate the area before sowing, and avoid thickening the plantings. The quality of the seed is important, since pests often overwinter inside the bulbs.